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加强对外合作出版管理的暂行规定<山西县新绛县>INTERIM PROVISIONS FOR STRENGTHENING THE ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLI-CATION IN CO-OPERATION WITH FOREIGN COUNTRIES为了加强对外合作出版工作的领导和管理,特制订本规定。<山西县新绛县>These Provisions are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the leadership over, and administration of, the work of publication in co- operation with foreign countries.一、对外合作出版,必须符合我国的外交政策和对外方针,有利于加强对外宣传和文化交流;不得有损于我主权和国家利益;并严格遵守国家有关保密的规定。<山西县新绛县>1. Publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall conform to China’s foreign policy and principle and facilitate the strengthening of China’s publicity in and cultural exchanges with, foreign countries, shall do no harm to China’s sovereignty and national interests and shall be strictly governed by the State provisions concerning the maintenance of secrets.二、对外合作出版,应注意了解国际图书市场的情况,维护我国作者和出版者的权益,在平等互利的基础上,在经济上有所收益。<山西县新绛县>2. In co-operation with foreign countries in publication, it is imperative to study the situation of the international book market, safeguard the rights and interests of China’s authors and publishers and, on the basis of equality  and mutual benefits, achieve reasonable economic returns.三、确定对外合作项目,要根据自己的条件与特点,符合本社的出书方针和出书范围。<山西县新绛县>3. A publishing house shall determine its projects of co-operation with foreign countries in the light of its own conditions and characteristics and in conformity with its own publishing principle and scope of publication.四、对外合作出版项目,应经双方充分协商确定。<山西县新绛县>4. Projects of publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall be determined through full consultation between the two parties thereto. 合作书刊的编辑方针、书稿内容以及最后定稿,均须经我方同意。<山西县新绛县>The editing principle, the contents of the manuscript and the finalized version thereof with respect to a book or journal to be jointly published shall all be subject to the consent of the Chinese party. 凡经我方审定的书稿,未经我方同意,对方不得擅自增删或作其他改动。<山西县新绛县>Without the consent of the Chinese party, no part of the contents of a manuscript that has been examined and finalized by the Chinese party may be supplemented, deleted or otherwise altered  by the other party. 合作出版介绍我国情况的摄影画册或其他书刊中选用的照片,一般应由我方提供,不宜采取由对方派人拍摄或双方合拍的方式。<山西县新绛县>Pictures selected for use in picture-albums or other books or journals to be jointly published for the purpose of giving information about China shall in general be provided by the Chinese party and it is unadvisable to  have them taken by the other party or jointly taken by both parties.五、合作出版供我国读者使用的外国编辑的书稿,应是我国所急需的,必要时应根据我国的情况对其内容进行增删或改编,在经济上尽量做到不用外汇支付对方应得的收益。<山西县新绛县>5. Manuscripts edited by a foreign country to be jointly published for use by Chinese readers shall be those of which China is in urgent need and shall, when necessary, be duly supplemented, deleted or re-edited in accordance with the actual situation in China. Financially, every possible means shall be tried to avoid making payment in foreign exchange for the economic returns that the other  party shall be entitled to.六、对外合作出版,只能由国家正式批准的出版社进行。<山西县新绛县>6. Publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall only be undertaken by the publishing houses that have been officially authorized by the State. 任何非出版单位和个人,均不得同国外进行合作出版。<山西县新绛县>No non-publishing units or individuals may undertake publication in co-operation with foreign countries.未经原出版社同意,任何出版社不得同国外合作出版其他出版社出版的书刊。<山西县新绛县> Without the permission of the original publishing houses, no publishing houses may co-operate with foreign parties in publishing books or journals published by other publishing houses. 出版社拟同国外合作出版的书稿,应事先征得原作者或原编辑单位的同意。<山西县新绛县>A publishing house that intends to co-operate with a foreign party in publishing a manuscript shall solicit in advance the permission of the author or the original editing unit.七、出版社可以直接对外洽谈合作出版业务,也可以委托国家 批准的经营对外合作出版业务的专业公司或国外可靠的代理商进行。<山西县新绛县>7. A publishing house may negotiate co-operative publication business directly with a foreign party or may entrust a specialized company that has been authorized by the State to handle co-operative publication business with foreign  countries or entrust a reliable foreign agency with the negotiation.八、同我进行合作出版的单位,应是对我友好并有可靠的信誉和资金,不要同情况不明的外商签订合同。<山西县新绛县>8. Foreign units that are to co-operate with China in publication business shall  be those which are friendly to China and have reliable credit and financial resources. It is imperative not to sign contracts with foreign businessmen whose  standing is not clear.九、为了明确双方的权利和义务,每个合作项目都应签订有一定时限的合同。<山西县新绛县>9. In order to specify the rights and obligations of both parties, a contract prescribing a time limit shall be signed. 对于版权所有,一方转让或准许另一方使用的出版发行权和其他权利,支付报酬的数量、方式和时间,均应在合同中逐项加以规定。<山西县新绛县>As to the ownership of the copyright, the transfer by one party to the other the right of publication and distribution  and other rights or the permission by one party to the other of the use of these  rights, as well as the amount of remuneration, the mode and time of payment thereof shall be stipulated item by item in the contract. 凡我方提供的书稿或图片,未经我方同意,对方不得转让版权,不得扩大使用权,不得扩大发行区域。<山西县新绛县>With respect to manuscripts and pictures that are provided by the Chinese party, without the consent of the Chinese party, the other party may not transfer the copyright, or  extend the use thereof, or extend the areas where they shall be distributed.十、确定对外合作出版项目,应分别不同情况履行审批手续:<山西县新绛县>10. In determining projects of co-operative publication with foreign countries, the following formalities of examination and approval shall, depending on the different circumstances, be carried out respectively:凡国内已公开出版的出版物,中央一级出版社由出版社自行决定,报上级主管部门备案,地方出版社报省、市、自治区出版局审批;<山西县新绛县>With respect to publications that have been published domestically, publishing houses at the central level may make their own decisions and report the projects  to the higher competent authority for the record, whereas publishing houses in the localities shall submit their project proposals to the publication bureaus of the provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government or autonomous regions for examination and approval.凡国内尚未出版的出版物,中央一级出版社报上级主管部门审批,地方出版社报省、市、自治区人民政府审批。<山西县新绛县>With respect to publications that have not come off the press domestically, publishing houses at the central level shall submit their project proposals to the higher competent authority for examination and approval, and publishing houses in the localities shall submit their project proposals to the people’s governments of the provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government or autonomous regions for examination and approval. 内容涉及到全国的大型丛书,应事先征得国家出版局的同意;<山西县新绛县>With respect to a project of co-operative publication of full-length book series whose contents have a nation-wide bearing, consent of the State Bureau of Publication shall have to be solicited in advance.凡涉及党和国家重大方针和外交政策的书稿,党和国家领导人的著作或传记,须经国家出版局会签后,报国务院或中央审批;<山西县新绛县>With respect to manuscripts whose contents involve the major principles of the Party and the State and China’s foreign policy and to works by, or biographies of, the leaders of the Party and the State, the project proposals shall, after being counter-signed by the State Bureau of Publication, be submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.

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中英对照法律资源--加强对外合作出版管理的暂行规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

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