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煤炭生产许可证管理办法<山西县新绛县>Measures for Administration of Coal Production License国务院令第168号颁布日期:19941220实施日期:19941220颁布单位:国务院<山西县新绛县>(Promulgated by Decree No.168 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on December 20, 1994, and effective as of the date of promulgation)第一章总则<山西县新绛县>Chapter I General Provisions 第一条为了加强煤炭生产的行业管理,促进煤炭安全生产,制定本办法。<山西县新绛县>Article 1 The Measures are formulated for purpose of strengthening the administration of coal industry and ensuring safety in coal production.第二条在中华人民共和国境内开采煤炭资源的煤矿企业,必须依照本办法的规定,领取煤炭生产许可证。<山西县新绛县>Article 2 Coal production enterprises mining coal within the territory of the People’s Republic of China must obtain a coal production license in accordance with provisions of the Measures.未取得煤炭生产许可证的煤矿企业,不得从事煤炭生产。<山西县新绛县>Coal production enterprises having no coal production license shall not be permitted to engage in coal production.第三条国务院煤炭工业主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府煤炭工业主管部门,负责煤炭生产许可证的颁发管理工作。<山西县新绛县>Article 3 Departments in charge of coal industry of the State Council and of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the issue and administration of coal production license.第二章取得煤炭生产许可证的条件<山西县新绛县>Chapter II Requirements for Obtaining a Coal Production License 第四条国有煤矿企业、外商投资煤矿企业取得煤炭生产许可证,应当具备下列条件:<山西县新绛县>Article 4 State-owned coal enterprises and foreign investment coal enterprises applying for coal production licenses shall meet the following requirements: (一)有依法领取的采矿许可证;<山西县新绛县>(1) Have a coal mining license obtained in accordance with law;(二)有经过批准的采矿设计;<山西县新绛县>(2) Have an approved mining design or mining scheme;(三)矿井提升、运输、通风、排水、供电等生产系统符合国家规定的煤矿安全规程,并完善可靠,经依法验收合格;<山西县新绛县>(3) The production system including mine elevator, transport, ventilation, drainage and power supply, etc., is perfect and reliable, accords with rules of coal mine safety prescribed by the state, and has been checked and accepted in accordance with law;(四)矿长经依法培训合格,取得矿长资格证书;<山西县新绛县>(4) The director of the coal enterprise has received proper training and obtained a credential for directors of coal enterprises;(五)瓦斯检验工、采煤机司机等特种作业人员持有县级以上地方人民政府负责管理煤炭工业的部门按照国家有关规定颁发的操作资格证书;<山西县新绛县>(5) The gas inspector, coal miner driver and other special technical workers have operation credentials issued in accordance with relevant stipulations of the state by administrative department in charge of coal industry of the local people’s government at or above the county level;(六)井上、井下、矿内、矿外调度通讯畅通;<山西县新绛县>(6) The communication of production management up or down the pit, inside or outside the mine is unblocked;(七)有符合法律、法规要求的环境保护措施;<山西县新绛县>(7) Have environmental protection measures required by relevant laws and regulations;(八)有矿山建设工程安全设施竣工验收合格证明文件;<山西县新绛县>(8) Have a certification for the completion of safety equipment for mine engineering; and (九)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。<山西县新绛县>(9) Other requirements prescribed by laws and regulations.第五条国有煤矿企业、外商投资煤矿企业以外的其他煤矿企业取得煤炭生产许可证,应当具备下列条件:<山西县新绛县>Article 5 The coal enterprises other than state-owned and foreign investment ones applying for a coal production license shall meet the following requirements: (一)有依法领取的采矿许可证;<山西县新绛县>(1) Have a coal mining license obtained in accordance with law;(二)有经过批准的采矿设计或者开采方案;<山西县新绛县>(2) Have an approved mining design;(三)矿井生产系统符合国家规定的煤矿安全规程;<山西县新绛县>(3) The mine production system accords with rules of coal mine safety prescribed by the state;(四)矿长经依法培训合格,取得矿长资格证书;<山西县新绛县>(4) The director of the coal enterprise has received proper training and obtained a credential for directors of coal enterprises;(五)瓦斯检验工、采煤机司机等特种作业人员,持有县级以上地方人民政府负责管理煤炭工业的部门按照国家有关规定颁发的操作资格证书;<山西县新绛县>(5) The gas inspector, coal miner driver and other special technical workers have operation credentials issued in accordance with relevant stipulations of the state by administrative department in charge of coal industry of the local people’s government at or above the county level;(六)井上、井下、矿内、矿外调度通讯畅通;<山西县新绛县>(6) The communication of production management up or down the pit, inside or outside the mine is unblocked;(七)有井上下工程对照图、采掘工程平面图、通风系统图;<山西县新绛县>(7) Have up- against down-pit engineering drawings, plane figure for excavation and ventilation figure;(八)有必要的环境保护措施;<山西县新绛县>(8) Have necessary environmental protection measures;(九)有矿山建设工程安全设施竣工验收合格证明文件;<山西县新绛县>(9) Have a certification for the completion of safety equipment for mine engineering; and (十)法律、行政法规规定的其他条件。<山西县新绛县>(10) Other requirements prescribed by laws and regulations.第三章取得煤炭生产许可证的程序<山西县新绛县>Chapter III Procedures for Obtaining Coal Production License 第六条国务院煤炭工业主管部门负责下列煤矿企业的煤炭生产许可证颁发管理工作:<山西县新绛县>Article 6 The department in charge of coal industry of the State Council shall be responsible for the issue and management of coal production licenses with respect to coal enterprises coming under the following categories: (一)国务院和国务院有关主管部门批准开办的煤矿企业;<山西县新绛县>(1) Coal enterprises approved to establish by the State Council and competent departments concerned of the State Council;(二)跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域的煤矿企业;<山西县新绛县>(2) Coal enterprises involving more than one province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government; and (三)外商投资煤矿企业。<山西县新绛县>(3) Foreign investment coal enterprises.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府煤炭工业主管部门负责前款规定以外的其他煤矿企业的煤炭生产许可证颁发管理工作。<山西县新绛县>The department in charge of coal industry of the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for the issue and management of coal production licenses with respect to other coal enterprises than those listed in the preceding paragraph.第七条煤矿企业应当以矿(井)为单位,申请领取煤炭生产许可证。<山西县新绛县>Article 7 Coal enterprises shall apply for a coal production license for every mine(pit).第八条煤矿企业申请领取煤炭生产许可证,应当依照本办法第六条的规定,在煤矿(井)建成投产前向国务院煤炭工业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府煤炭工业主管部门(以下统称煤炭生产许可证的颁发管理机关)提交申请书和本办法第四条、第五条规定的有关文件、资料。<山西县新绛县>Article 8 Coal enter

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