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中英对照法律资源--同业拆借管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

中国人民银行令第3号  根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等法律规定,中国人民银行制定了《同业拆借管理办法》,经2007年6月8日第13次行长办公会议通过,现予公布,自2007年8月6日起施行。中国人民银行行长周小川 二○○七年七月三日 <WESTBANK> Decree of the People's Bank of China [2007] No.3   The Measures for the Administration of Interbank Borrowing, which were constituted by the People's Bank of China in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and other laws and were adopted at the 13th President's Executive Meeting on June 8, 2007, are hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of August 6, 2007.  President Zhou Xiaochuan July 3, 2007
同业拆借管理办法 <WESTBANK> Measures for the Administration of Interbank Borrowing
第一章 总则 <WESTBANK> Chapter I General Rules
第一条为进一步发展货币市场、规范同业拆借交易、防范同业拆借风险、维护同业拆借各方当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本办法。 <WESTBANK> Article 1 In order to further develop the currency market, regulate interbank borrowing trading, prevent interbank borrowing risks and maintain the legitimate rights and interests of all the parties involved in the interbank borrowing, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks and other laws and administrative regulations.
第二条本办法适用于在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的金融机构之间进行的人民币同业拆借交易。 <WESTBANK> Article 2 These Measures shall apply to RMB interbank borrowing trading between those financial institutions as legally established within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
第三条本办法所称同业拆借,是指经中国人民银行批准进入全国银行间同业拆借市场(以下简称同业拆借市场)的金融机构之间,通过全国统一的同业拆借网络进行的无担保资金融通行为。全国统一的同业拆借网络包括: <WESTBANK> Article 3 Interbank borrowing as referred to in these Measures means the unsecured financing as conducted between those financial institutions that have entered the national interbank borrowing market (hereinafter referred to as interbank borrowing market) upon the approval of the People's Bank of China (PBC) via national unified interbank borrowing networks. The national unified interbank borrowing networks include:
(一)全国银行间同业拆借中心的电子交易系统; <WESTBANK> (1) Electronic Trading System of the National Interbank Funding Center;
(二)中国人民银行分支机构的拆借备案系统; <WESTBANK> (2) borrowing filing systems of PBC branches; and
(三)中国人民银行认可的其他交易系统。 <WESTBANK> (3) other trading systems as authorized by the PBC.
第四条中国人民银行依法对同业拆借市场进行监督管理。 <WESTBANK> Article 4 The PBC will supervise and administrate the interbank borrowing market in accordance with relevant laws.
金融机构进入同业拆借市场必须经中国人民银行批准,从事同业拆借交易接受中国人民银行的监督和检查。 <WESTBANK> Any financial institutions may enter into the interbank borrowing market upon the approval of the PBC, and engage in the interbank borrowing trading under the supervision and inspection of the PBC.
第五条同业拆借交易应遵循公平自愿、诚信自律、风险自担的原则。 <WESTBANK> Article 5 The principle of fairness, free will, truthfulness, self discipline and being at one's own risks shall be observed in the interbank borrowing trading.
第二章 市场准入管理 <WESTBANK> Chapter II Market Access Management
第六条下列金融机构可以向中国人民银行申请进入同业拆借市场: <WESTBANK> Article 6 The financial institutions as follows may make an application to the PBC for entering the interbank borrowing market:
(一)政策性银行; <WESTBANK> (1) policy banks;
(二)中资商业银行; <WESTBANK> (2) Chinese-invested commercial banks;
(三)外商独资银行、中外合资银行; <WESTBANK> (3) solely foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign joint-venture banks;
(四)城市信用合作社; <WESTBANK> (4) urban credit cooperatives;
(五)农村信用合作社县级联合社; <WESTBANK> (5) rural credit cooperative unions at county level;
(六)企业集团财务公司; <WESTBANK> (6) corporate finance companies;
(七)信托公司; <WESTBANK> (7) trust companies;
(八)金融资产管理公司; <WESTBANK> (8) financial assets management companies;
(九)金融租赁公司; <WESTBANK> (9) financial leasing companies;
(十)汽车金融公司; <WESTBANK> (10) auto financing companies;
(十一)证券公司; <WESTBANK> (11) securities companies;
(十二)保险公司; <WESTBANK> (12) insurance companies;
(十三)保险资产管理公司; <WESTBANK> (13) insurance assets management companies;
(十四)中资商业银行(不包括城市商业银行、农村商业银行和农村合作银行)授权的一级分支机构; <WESTBANK> (14) first-class branches as authorized by Chinese-invested commercial banks (excluding urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks and rural cooperative banks);
(十五)外国银行分行; <WESTBANK> (15) branches of foreign banks; and
(十六)中国人民银行确定的其他机构。 <WESTBANK> (16) other institutions as affirmed by the PBC.
第七条申请进入同业拆借市场的金融机构应当具备以下条件: <WESTBANK> Article 7 The following requirements shall be satisfied by a financial institution that applies for entering the interbank borrowing market:
(一)在中华人民共和国境内依法设立; <WESTBANK> (1) It shall be lawfully established within the territory of the People's Republic of China;
(二)有健全的同业拆借交易组织机构、风险管理制度和内部控制制度; <WESTBANK> (2) It has a sound and perfect interbank borrowing organizational structure, risk management system and internal control system;
(三)有专门从事同业拆借交易的人员; <WESTBANK> (3) It has a special staff that conducts interbank borrowing trading;
(四)主要监管指标符合中国人民银行和有关监管部门的规定; <WESTBANK> (4) The main supervisory indicators thereof shall conform to the provisions as prescribed by the PBC and other competent regulatory authorities;
(五)最近二年未因违法、违规行为受到中国人民银行和有关监管部门处罚; <WESTBANK> (5) It has no record of punishment as imposed by the PBC or any competent regulatory authority because of any illegal or irregular act for the past two years;
(六)最近二年未出现资不抵债情况; <WESTBANK> (6) It has no circumstance as insolvency in the past two years; and
(七)中国人民银行规定的其他条件。 <WESTBANK> (7) Other requirements as prescribed by the PBC.
第八条下列金融机构申请进入同业拆借市场,除具备本办法第七条所规定的条件外,还应具备以下条件: <WESTBANK> Article 8 In addition to the requirements as prescribed in Article 7 of these Measures, the applicants for entering the interbank borrowing market shall also meet the following requirements:
(一)外商独资银行、中外合资银行、外国银行分行经国务院银行业监督管理机构批准获得经营人民币业务资格; <WESTBANK> (1) A solely foreign-funded bank, Chinese-foreign joint-venture bank or branch of a foreign bank shall obtain the qualification for RMB business upon approval of the banking regulatory authority under the State Council;
(二)企业集团财务公司、信托公司、金融资产管理公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、保险资产管理公司在申请进入同业拆借市场前最近两个年度连续盈利; <WESTBANK> (2) A corporate finance company, trust company, financial assets management company, financial leasing company, auto financing company or insurance assets management company shall have gained profits for two last successive years prior to making an application for entering the interbank borrowing market;
(三)证券公司应在申请进入同业拆借市场前最近两个年度连续盈利,同期未出现净资本低于2亿元的情况; <WESTBANK> (3) A securities company shall have gained profits for two last successive years prior to making an application for entering the interbank borrowing market,, and its net capital shall be no lower than RMB 200 million yuan in the same term; and
(四)保险公司应在申请进入同业拆借市场前最近四个季度连续的偿付能力充足率在120%以上。 <WESTBANK> (4) An insurance company shall have the adequacy ratio of its repayment capacity at or above 120 percent successively for the recent four quarters prior to making an application for entering the interbank borrowing market.
第九条金融机构申请进入同业拆借市场,应按照中国人民银行规定的程序向中国人民银行或其分支机构提交申请材料。 <WESTBANK> Article 9 A financial institution that applies for entering the interbank borrowing market shall file application materials to the PBC or its branch in light of the procedures as prescribed by the PBC.
第十条中国人民银行及其分支机构审核金融机构进入同业拆借市场申请的期限,适用《中国人民银行行政许可实施办法》第二十八条和第二十九条的规定。 <WESTBANK> Article 10 The term for the PBC or its branches to assess the applications of financial institutions for entering the interbank borrowing market shall be subject to the provisions as prescribed in Articles 28 and 29 of the Measures of the People's Bank of China for the Implementation of Administrative Licensing.
第十一条已进入同业拆借市场的金融机构决定退出同业拆借市场时,应至少提前30日报告中国人民银行或其分支机构,并说明退出同业拆借市场的原因,提交债权债务清理处置方案。 <WESTBANK> Article 11 Where any financial institution that has already entered the interbank borrowing market determines to withdraw from the interbank borrowing market, it shall report to the PBC or its branch no less than 30 days in advance, and specify the reasons for withdrawal from the interbank borrowing market at the same time, and shall submit a plan for liquidation and disposal of creditor's rights and debts as well.
金融机构退出同业拆借市场必须采取有效措施保证债权债务关系顺利清理,并针对可能出现的问题制定有效的风险处置预案。 <WESTBANK> Where a financial institution determines to withdraw from the interbank borrowing market, it shall take effective measures to ensure the smooth liquidation of creditor's rights and debts, and constitute an advance plan for effective risk disposal against any possible problem.
第十二条中国人民银行及其分支机构批准金融机构进入同业拆借市场或者接到金融机构退出同业拆借市场的报告后,应以适当方式向同业拆借市场发布公告。 <WESTBANK> Article 12 The PBC or its branch shall publicize in the interbank borrowing market in a proper manner when it approved the entering of a financial institution into the interbank borrowing market or received a report of a financial institution on its withdrawal from the interbank borrowing market.
在中国人民银行或其分支机构正式发布公告之前,任何机构不得擅自对市场发布相关信息。 <WESTBANK> No institution may illegally release any relevant information to the mar

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