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高三英语教案 Unit 4 Green World (语法练习)-人教版高三英语教案          【字体:

高三英语教案 Unit 4 Green World (语法练习)-人教版高三英语教案

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-26     

Unit 4 Green World

I. Reading comprehension of The Birth of Science
1. Before Linnaeus botany was ________.
A. studied by doctors B. unknown to anyone
C. fully developed D. a branch of medicine
2. It was ________ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.
A. Joseph Banks B. Captain Cook
C. Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander
3. Paragraph one of the text "The birth of a science" mainly tells us ________.
A. the importance of botany
B. how to classify plant species into groups
C. Linnaeus'contribution to botany
D. Linnaeus'discoveries about different species
4. Captain Cook made ____ voyages altogether around the world.
A. one B. two
C. three D. four
Keys: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C

II. Language Points in the Main Reading Selection
1. classify vt.编排;分类
e.g. The books in the library are classified by subject.
classify sb. / sth. (as sth. ) 将某人/某物归类
e.g. Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?
a classified directory分类电话簿 classified advertisements 分类广告

2. procedure n.程序 (尤指工商、法律、政治等事务的)
e.g. Stop arguing about(questions of)procedure and lets get down to business.
procedure (for sth) 手续;步骤
e.g. What’s the procedure for opening a bank account?在银儿开个账户要办什么手续?

3. group v.集合,使成群;分类
e.g. The children grouped round the piano.孩子们集合在钢琴周围。
We can group animals into several types.我们可以把动物分成好几类。

4. promote vt.
a. 提升.晋升
e.g. My daughters just been promoted!我的女儿刚被提升了!
The football team was promoted to the first division.该足球队已晋升为甲级队。
b. 促进;鼓励,推动
The organization works to promote friendship between nations.

5. appoint
appoint sb. (to sth) appoint sb (as sth.0 挑选(某人)做某工作或任某职位;任命;
e.g. They have appointed a new manager.他们已经任用了一位新经理。
Who shall we appoint(as)chairperson?我们选派谁担任主席呢?
He was appointed to the vacant post.他被委派填补那空缺。
appoint sth. for sth 确定或决定某事物
e.g. They have appointed a date for the meeting. 他们已经约定了开会的日期。

6. calculate vt. 计算;推算; 估算
e.g. They use a computer to calculate the cost of a journey. 他们用电脑算出旅行的费用。
I calculate that we will reach London at about 3 p.m. 我估计我们大约在下午3点到达伦敦。
be calculated to do sth.旨在,打算或计划做某事
e.g. His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd.他讲的话是有意鼓励群众的。

7. expense n.花费,费用,经费
e.g. It’s too much of an expense to own a car.拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。
at one’s expense 由某人负担费用
e.g. He had his book printed at his own expense.他自己出钱印了书。
at the expense of sth 在损失或损坏某事物的情况下
He built up a successful business, but it was all done at the expense of his health.

8. accumulate
a. vt. 积累;聚集
e.g. By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。
My savings are accumulating interest.我的储蓄不断生息。
b. vi. 增加
Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.

9. involve vt.
a. 需要
The job involved me in London, 工作需要我住在伦敦。
b. 牵涉,牵连;包括
The strike involved many people. 许多人参加了罢工。
involve sb. /sth. in sth. /doing sth.使某人/某事物陷人或参与某活动
Don’t involve me in solving your problem. 叫你解决你的问题,不要把我拉进去。
He was involved in a heated argument.他参与了一场激烈的争论。

I. Write down the following phrases.
1. 把……分类
2. 按照
3. 以……为基础
4. 任命某人人为……
7. 一代一代传下去
8. 适应
9. 总而言之
11. 参与……;陷入……活动
12. 搜索;寻找

1. classify…into 2. according to 3. be based on 4. appoint sb as…
5. calculate the distance between… 6. look out for 7. pass from one generation to generation 8. adapt to 9. all in all 10. in detail 11. be involved in 12. search for

II. Fill in the blank with a proper preposition or adverb.
1. He went out ________ taxi this morning because he was attending a meeting ________great importance.
2. He was angry ________ his son’s words but pleased ________ his daughter s coming.
3. He is tall ________ a boy ________ ten.
4. The two balls fell ________ the same speed and landed ________ the ground at the same time.
5. Go ________ the gate and you'll see the entrance ________ the park on the other side.
6. This novel is based ________ historical facts.
7. There is a bell ________ the patient's reach, so he can ask _______ help when necessary.
8. There is an age difference ________ six years ________ them.
9. The ring was handed ________ ________generation ________ generation.
10 The work will he finished ________ a week or so.

1. by, of 2. at, with 3. for, of 4. at, on 5. through, to 6. on 7. within, for
8. of, between 9. down from, to 10. in

III. Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given verb.
1. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _______ (tell) the cloth ________ (wash) well.
2. The sun was shining brightly, _________(make) everything there____(look) more beautiful.
3. They looked forward with hope________(get)a chance to receive further education.
4. It was ________ ( play) computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to ________(spend) on his lessons.
5. ________ (see)the big snake, the little girl stood under the tree_____(frighten)to death.
6. ________ (wear out) after a long walk, Mary called and said she couldn't go to the party.
7. ________(hunt) by everyone, the wolves had nowhere (hide) themselves.
8. ---Would you like me ________(turn down) the radio a bit?
---No, it's all right. I'm used to________ (work) with the radio on.
9. ---You've agreed to go, but why aren't you getting ready?
But I ________ (not realize) that you ________(want) me to start at once.
10. ---Bob, you ________(want) on the phone.
---I ________(come).
1. have been told, washes 2. making, look 3. to getting 4. playing, have spent
5. Seeing, frightened 6. Worn out 7. Hunted, to hide 8. to turn down, working
9. didn’t realize, wanted 10. are wanted, am coming

I. Reading comprehension on WILDLIFE AND GARDEN ROSES
1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that _______.
A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants
B. genetics is less important than the environment toplants
C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants
D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants
2. Darwin observed that the birds with ________ would eat ________.
A. small beaks, hard seeds
B. broad beaks, hard seeds
C. hard beaks, hard seeds
D. broad beaks, soft seeds
3. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that ________.
A. the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment
B. the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand
C. the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment
D. the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species
4. At the age of 22, Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _________.
A. the Endeavour B. Tahiti
C. the Beagle D. space
5. Darwin studied physics, chemistry and botany because ________.
A. he was invited to join a scientific expedition
B. he was interested in them
C. he could do a lot of experiments
D. he wanted to finish his book "On the Origin Species"
Keys: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B

II. Language points in the exercises
1. supply
1)supply sb. with sth. / supply sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物
e.g. They supplied food aids to the people in the flood stricken area.
2) offer sb.sth. /offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供义物
e.g. He offered a cup of tea to me.
3) provide sb. with sth.=provide sth for sb 向某人提供义物,供应
e.g. The firm has provided me with a car.

2. pass away 去世,逝世
pass by 经过;经过;忽视
pass down 常用于被动活态)一代一代传下去
pass on to sth 从一阶段进入另一阶段
pass sth on to sb. 将某物传交给(某人)
pass through sth 经历(一段时间)

III. Grammatical Item
Object Complement
We made him our principle.
call, name, elect, make, think, appoint, choose, find, consider, keep, wish,
They elected John chairman of the committee.
You should keep your room clean.
believe, think, get, keep, make, find, set, like, wish, see, consider, prove, have, leave,
paint, drive, turn, cut
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.
At this moment she noticed the teacher coming in.
Would you like me to come along with you?
He believed the earth to be a globe.
Last year they had their house rebuilt.
6. 此外,副词和介词短评也可以充当宾语补足语,如:
We could hear the children at play outside.
1.只能用现在分词作宾词补足语的动词有:catch, keep, mind, prevent, stop, smell, excuse等。
2.只能用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有: wish, desire, expect, love, prefer, trust, encourage, let,allow, permit, mean, lead, bring, put, hurry, cause, remind, ask, invite, beg, request, worry, advise, persuade, call on, tell, order, command, require, make, force, drive, forbid, warn, help, teach, show, assist, report, bear, wait for // think, take, know, judge, consider, suppose, believe, allow, prove, declare 等。
3.既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾词补足语的动词有:: see, watch, notice, look at, observe, listen to, hear, feel, have, imagine, discover, like, want, understand, hate, get, set, leave 等。

1. (2004上海春季) It was only with the help of the local guide ________.
A. was the mountain climber rescued
B. that the mountain climber was rescued
C. when the t mountain climber was rescued
D. then the mountain climber was rescued
2. ( 上海2001 ) Information has been put forward ________more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.
A. while B. that
C. when D. as
3. ( 上海2000) Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ________ was very reasonable.
A. which price B. the price of which
C. its price D. the price of whose
Keys: 1. B 本句为强调句。2. B that引导同位语从句 3. B the price of which 指代花瓶的价格

I. Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning.
1. A. Many rich men like him led a comfortable life, but Banks had a good desire for knowledge.
B. Many rich men _______ _______ _______ led a _______life, but Banks had a good _______ for knowledge.
2. A. Marx and Engels became lifelong friends during their work.
B. Marx and Fngels _______a lifelong _______during their work.\
3. A. She came from a family with rights and advantages in the society, so she looked down upon him.
B. _______ _______ a life of _______, he looked down upon hi
4. A. He was brought into a difficult situation in the robbery.
B. He was _______ _______ the robbery.
5. A. The students in their school are put into groups according to ages.
B. The students in their school are ________ ________ ages.

in his position, cozy, appetite 2. developed, friendship 3. Born into, privilege
4. involved in 5. classified by

II. Pick out the mistake and correct it.
1. Stepped carelessly along the street, he was knocked down by a bike.
2. Being a sailor contains long periods away from home.
3. The science of medicine which progress has been rapid lately is perhaps the most
important of all the sciences.
4 If I had enough money. I 11 travel to the places that 1like.
5. No matter how hard the problem is, we'll work out.
6. The text is obviously bad because it leads in incorrect learning.
7. Was it in Greece where Olympic competitions started?
8. My parents as well as I am glad to see you.
9. This rope is three limes the long of that one.
10. There are a lot of things that we don’t know in the nature.

stepped改为stepping 2. contains改为includes 3. which 前加in 4. I’ll 改为I’d
5. work后加it 6. in改为to 7. where改为that 8. am改为are 9. long改为length
10. 去掉the

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