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Lesson 291 -- DIY Painting            【字体:
Lesson 291 -- DIY Painting
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

 Y: Our masterpiece is almost ready to be unveiled. Wo shi Y, and we’re putting the finishing touches to the freshly painted Chinese Studio kitchen.
B: It’s no Sistine Chapel, and there’s not a sunflower to be seen either, wo shi R, and that’s just the way we like it.
Y: Dangran le, that’s right, and what’s more, we even have a few more keywords to splash about.

Key words of the day
It’s time to paint the ceiling. 该刷天花板了。Cover it with newspaper 铺上报纸,It needs a second coat of paint.再刷一层油漆。Wet paint, don’t touch  油漆未干,请勿触摸。All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Hey Y, it’s time to paint the ceiling. Would you like to do it?
Y: That surely is a rhetorical question, right R?
B: Arh, actually, well, teach me to say it in Chinese, hao ba?
Y: Hao de, here we go,   该刷天花板了。 It’s time to paint the ceiling.
B: gai1 shua1 tian1 hua1 ban3 le.
Y:  gai1 means ought to or should do sth,
B:  gai1,
Y: shua1, to paint,
B:  shua1,
Y: tian1 hua1 ban3, the ceiling,
B:  tian1 hua1 ban3,
Y: gai1 shua1 tian1 hua1 ban3 le.
B: gai1 shua1 tian1 hua1 ban3 le. It’s time to paint the ceiling.
Conversation 1
A: 下一步该干什么?
B: 该刷天花板了。

B: While painting the ceiling, I think we need to cover the floor
Y: That will be useful to catch any drips. Let’s cover it with newspaper… 铺上报纸
B: pu1 shang4 bao4 zhi3,
Y: pu1 shang4 means to cover,
B:  pu1 shang4, 
Y: bao4 zhi3, it means newspaper,
B:  bao4 zhi3,
Y: pu1 shang4 bao4 zhi3,
B:  pu1 shang4 bao4 zhi3. Let’s cover the floor with newspaper

Conversation 2
A: 油漆会滴到地板上的。
B: 那就铺上报纸。

B: The paint is flowing on like a charm. I wonder, will one coat of paint be enough?
Y: Actually, I think it needs a second coat of paint. 再刷一层油漆。
B: zai4 shua1 yi4 ceng2 you2 qi1.
Y: zai4, again,
B:  zai4,
Y: shua1 means to paint,
B:  shua1,
Y: yi1 is one, and ceng2 is the measure word, which means layer or coat, 
B: yi4 ceng2,
Y: you2 qi1, the paint,
B:  you2 qi1,
Y: zai4 shua1 yi4 ceng2 you2 qi1.
B:  zai4 shua1 yi4 ceng2 you2 qi1. it needs a second coat of paint.

Conversation 3
A: 一层够吗?
B: 不够,得再刷一层油漆。

B: All done and it’s looking good.  I’ll put a little sign up saying, wet paint, don’t touch. How do you write it in Chinese?
Y: here it is: 油漆未干﹐ 请勿触摸.
B: you2 qi1 wei4 gan1, qing3 wu4 chu4 mo1.
Y: you2 qi1 is the paint,
B: you2 qi1,
Y: wei4 gan1 means still wet, as wei4 means not yet, gan1 means dry,
B:  wei4 gan1,
Y: qing3 wu4 means please don’t do sth,
B:  qing3 wu4,
Y: chu4 mo1, to touch,
B:  chu4 mo1,
Y: you2 qi1 wei4 gan1, qing3 wu4 chu4 mo1
B:  you2 qi1 wei4 gan1, qing3 wu4 chu4 mo1 Wet paint, don’t touch,. Well, we’ve done it, our freshly painted kitchen. Let’s head to the Learning Pub to celebrate.
Y. Before we go anywhere, here’s our question of the day, how do you say, “ceiling” in Chinese?
B: Send us your correct answer in an email to Remember, you could win yourself a prize. Mingtian jian.
Y: Mingtian jian.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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