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Lesson 198 – Congratulations II            【字体:
Lesson 198 – Congratulations II
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Cam: You are with Cam and Yajie… welcome to the show everyone.  And we are talking about congratulatory and celebratory phrases this week.
YJ: Yes we are.  And today we are going to learn how to offer congratulations on certain special occasions.
Cam: Let’s check Key Words of the Day.

Key words of the day

Wish you live together to a ripe old age.祝你们白头到老。Happy anniversary! 结婚纪念日快乐。 Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Good luck to you! 祝你好运! All in today’s Chinese studio.

Cam:  Okay, so I have a few friends who just got married.  How would I congratulate them on their weddings?
YJ: There are lots of choices. One of the great options is “祝你们白头到老。”, which literally means wish you live together to a ripe old age. 
Cam: zhu4 ni3men bai2 tou2 dao4 lao3.
YJ: zhu4 means wish,
CM: zhu4.
YJ: ni3men means you,
CM: ni3men,
YJ: bai2tou2, literally means grey hairs,
CM: bai2 tou2.
YJ: dao4 lao3, to a ripe old age,
CM: dao4 lao3.
YJ:  zhu4 ni3men bai2 tou2 dao4 lao3.
CM:  zhu4 ni3men bai2 tou2 dao4 lao3. Wish you live together to a ripe old age.

A: 祝你们白头到老,永结同心。
B: 谢谢。

Cam: And Yajie, after they’ve been married for a while, I can then offer them congratulations on their anniversary!
YJ: Right. You can say 结婚纪念日快乐.
CM: jie2 hun1 ji4nian4ri4 kuai4le4.
YJ: jie2 hun1 means marriage,
CM: jie2 hun1.
YJ: ji4nian4ri4, anniversary, 
CM: ji4nian4ri4
YJ: kuai4 le4 means happy,
CM: kuai4 le4.
YJ:  jie2 hun1 ji4nian4ri4 kuai4le4.
CM:  jie2 hun1 ji4nian4ri4 kuai4le4. Happy Anniversary! 

A: 结婚纪念日快乐!
B: 非常感谢!

Cam: And what about Happy Birthday?
YJ:  it’s 生日快乐!
CM: sheng1ri4 kuai4le4!
YJ: sheng1 ri4 birthday,
CM: sheng1 ri4.
YJ: kuai4 le4 means happy,
CM: kuia4 le4.
YJ:  sheng1ri4 kuai4le4!
CM:  sheng1ri4 kuai4le4! Happy Birthday!

A: 生日快乐!

CM: My friend is going to study in France, what kind of good words I should say to him?
YJ: you can say zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4.
CM:  zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4.
YJ:  zhu4 ni3 means wish you,
CM: zhu4 ni3.
YJ: hao3 yun4, good luck,
CM: hao3 yun4,
YJ:  zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4.
CM: zhu4 ni3 hao3 yun4.  Wish you good luck. 

A: 我就要去法国读书了。
B: 是吗?祝你好运。

Key words Reminder
Wish you live together to a ripe old age.祝你们白头到老。Happy anniversary! 结婚纪念日快乐。 Happy birthday! 生日快乐! Good luck to you! 祝你好运! All in today’s Chinese studio.

Cam: Very, very informative Yajie.  These are all happy words and phrases that are used in joyous times.
YJ:  Let’s get to our question of the day. How do you say “happy birthday” in Chinese? 
CM: Send your answer to and you might win a prize.
YJ:  Mingtian jian!

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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