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Lesson 200--Congratulations Review            【字体:
Lesson 200--Congratulations Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

YJ: It’s been a fun week here on Chinese Studio.  Welcome to the show everyone, wo shi Yajie.
CM: And wo shi Cam.  We are talking about celebrations this week Yajie, which is very timely.
YJ: Why is that?
CM: Because this is our 200th show together!

Sentences in the week

Congratulations! 祝贺你!. I’m so happy for you. 我真为你高兴! Here’s to everyone’s health. 为了大家的健康干杯。Have a good time! 祝你玩儿得开心。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam: Yajie, What’s the Chinese for Congratulations?
YJ: it’s “祝贺你! ”
Cam: zhu4 he4 ni3.
YJ: zhu4 he4 means congratulate.
CM: zhu4 he4.
YJ: ni3 means you,
CM: ni3.
YJ: zhu4 he4 ni3.
CM: zhu4 he4 ni3. Congratulations.
YJ: Remember we can also say “gong1 xi3 ni3”
CM: gong1 xi3 ni3
YJ: gong1 xi3 also means congratulate. 
CM: gong1 xi3.
YJ:  gong1 xi3 ni3
CM:  gong1 xi3 ni3 Congratulations. 


(1)A: 我通过测试了!
B: 祝贺你!
(2)A: 我终于拿到驾照了。
B: 恭喜你。

YJ: Cam, you know one of my best friends just got engaged.
CM: Right. How did you respond to this great news in Chinese?
YJ: I said to her “我真为你高兴!”, which means I’m so happy for you.
CM: wo3 zhen1 wei4 ni3 gao1 xing4.
YJ: wo3 means I,
CM: wo3,
YJ: zhen1 means so,
CM: zhen1.
YJ: wei4 ni3, for you,
CM: wei4 ni3.
YJ: gao1 xing4, happy.
CM: gao1 xing4.
YJ: wo3 zhen1 wei4 ni3 gao1 xing4.
CM: wo3 zhen1 wei4 ni3 gao1 xing4. I’m so happy for you.


(1)A: 我马上就要结婚了。
B: 是吗?我真为你高兴。

Cam:  Yajie, we also learned how to propose a toast. Such as, here’s to everyone’s health, what’s the Chinese for that again?
YJ: 为了大家的健康,干杯。
Cam: wei4le da4jia1 de jian4kang1, gan1 bei1.  
YJ: wei4le, for,
CM: wei4le,
YJ: da4 jia1 means everyone,
CM: da4 jia1.
YJ: jian4kang1, health
CM: jian4kang1
YJ: gan1 bei1, bottoms up
CM: I heard it quite a lot. Gan1 bei1.
YJ: 为了大家的健康,干杯。
CM: wei4le da4jia1 de jian4kang1, gan1 bei1. Here’s to everyone’s health.

A: 为了大家的健康,干杯。
B: 好主意,干杯!

CM: Yajie, let’s review how to say “Have a good time” in Chinese.
YJ: Okay. It’s 祝你玩儿得开心.
CM:  zhu4 ni3 wan2er de kai1 xin1
YJ: zhu4 ni3 means wish you,
CM:  zhu4 ni3.
YJ: wan2erde, play,
CM: wan2erde, 
YJ: kai1 xin1 means happy,
CM:  kai1 xin1,
YJ:  zhu4 ni3 wan2er de kai1 xin1
CM:  zhu4 ni3 wan2er de kai1 xin1 Have a good time!

Conversation 4:
A: 咱们一起去海边度假把。
B:  我去不了了,你去把。祝你玩儿得开心.

Sentences in the week

Congratulations! 祝贺你!. I’m so happy for you. 我真为你高兴! Here’s to everyone’s health. 为了大家的健康干杯。Have a good time! 祝你玩儿得开心。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam: We’ve run out of time for another week.  Yajie, give our listeners the question of the day.
YJ: Sure.  How do you say “have a good time” in Chinese?  Send your answer to and you might win a prize.  See you next week!
Cam: Mingtianjian!

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