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Lesson 290 --- DIY Painting            【字体:
Lesson 290 --- DIY Painting
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

 B: When it comes to painting there always seems to be another brick in the wall. Dajia hao, welcome in, this is Chinese Studio. Wo shi R.
Y: Dajia hao, wo shi Y, fighting fit, and ready to splash some paint around.
B:  let’s check our key words of the day.

Key words of the day
The paint, 油漆old clothes, 旧衣服What color would you like to paint? 你想刷成什么颜色?I’d like a bucket of blue paint. 我要一桶蓝色的油漆。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: . Hmm, if you’re going to paint the kitchen, what color would you like to paint?
Y: You mean: 你想刷成什么颜色?
B: ni2 xiang2 shua1 cheng2 shen2me yan2 se4?
Y: ni3 means you,
B: ni3,
Y: xiang3 means would like to do sth,
B: xiang3,
Y: shua1 means to brush or to paint, 
B: shua1,
Y: cheng2 means to become, to turn into something,
B: cheng2,
Y: shen2me means what,
B: shen2me,
Y: yan2 se4 is color,
B: yan2 se4,
Y: ni2 xiang2 shua1 cheng2 shen2me yan2 se4?
B: ni2 xiang2 shua1 cheng2 shen2me yan2 se4? What color would you like to paint?

Conversation 1
A: 你想刷成什么颜色?
B: 蓝色怎么样?
A: 不错,我挺喜欢的。

B: We’re almost set for action… I need to buy a bucket of blue paint. How do I tell the storekeeper in Chinese?
Y:  You can say:  wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1.
B: wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1.
Y:  wo3 means I,
B: wo3,
Y:  yao4 means want to buy something,
B: yao4,
Y:  yi4 tong3, one bucket of something, as yi1 means one, and tong3 is the measure word for paint, which means bucket,
B: yi4 tong3,
Y: lan2 se4 means the color of blue,
B: lan2 se4,
Y: you2 qi1 is the paint,
B: you2 qi1,
Y: wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1.
B: wo3 yao4 yi4 tong3 lan2 se4 de you2 qi1. I’d like a bucket of blue paint.

Conversation 2
A: 您要买什么?
B: 我要一桶蓝色的油漆。

B: Okay, let’s start painting… what’re you looking for Y?
Y: wo3 de jiu4 yi1 fu…  
B: What’s that Y?
Y:  Sorry, I mean my old clothes…I need to wear it when I’m painting.  wo3 de jiu4 yi1 fu
B: wo3 de jiu4 yi1 fu
Y:  wo3 de means my,
B: wo3 de,
Y:  jiu4 means used and old,
B: jiu4,
Y:  yi1 fu means clothes,
B: yi1 fu.
Y: wo3 de jiu4 yi1 fu
B: wo3 de jiu4 yi1 fu

Conversation 3
A: 你在找什么呢?
B:  我的旧衣服。
A: 干什么?
B: 刷漆的时候穿啊,免得把衣服弄脏了。

B: This paint smells like baijiu, white spirits, not that we’ll be drinking any. No drinking on the job, how about a question instead?
Y: Here’s one right here in my hand, what’s the Chinese for “the paint”?
B: Tell us the answer in an email to Hurry along and you could win yourself a prize. Mingtian jian.
Y: Zai jian.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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