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Lesson 316 --- Review Lesson            【字体:
Lesson 316 --- Review Lesson
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Well after a whole week of going out I think we’re pooped.
Y: Ya we had loads of fun, and I hope all of you listeners did too.
R: Remember if you want to see more about our lessons, you can log onto and click on learn Chinese, and then look for Chinese Studio.
Y: Stay tuned and you could win a handy Chinese book full of idioms.
R: Well lets review some of the words that we’ve learned so far.

Sentences of the week
What show would you like to see? 你想看什么演出?Which bar is the cheapest? 哪间酒吧比较便宜? Let’s go see the raising of the flag.去看升旗吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Ok first of all, how do you say “What show would you like to see?”
Y: ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?
R:  ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?
Y: ni3 is you,
R: ni3,
Y: xiang3 would like to do sth,
R: xiang3, 
Y: kan4 to see,
R: kan4, 
Y: shen2 me is what,
R: shen2 me,
Y: yan3 chu1, the show,
R: yan3 chu1, 
Y: ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?
R: ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?  What show would you like to see?

Conversation 1
A: 你想看什么演出?
B: 我想看京剧《赵氏孤儿》。

R: That was a great show. Next, lets go to a cheap bar. How do you say “Which bar is the cheapest” in Chinese?
Y: nei3 jian1 jiu3 ba1 bi3 jiao4 pian2 yi4?
R: nei3 jian1 jiu3 ba1 bi3 jiao4 pian2 yi4?
Y: Remember last time, we learned that nei3, is the colloquial pronunciation for na3, and it means which or what,
R: nei3, 
Y: jian1 is the measure word for bar,
R:  jian1,
Y: bar in Chinese is jiu3 ba1,
R:  jiu3 ba1,
Y: bi3 jiao4, relatively or comparatively,  
R:  bi3 jiao4, 
Y: pian2 yi4, is cheap,
R:  pian2 yi4,
Y: nei3 jian1 jiu3 ba1 bi3 jiao4 pian2 yi4?
R: nei3 jian1 jiu3 ba1 bi3 jiao4 pian2 yi4?  Which bar is the cheapest?

Conversation 2
A: 哪间酒吧比较便宜?
B: 这间酒吧好像比较便宜。

R: Y, I’d like to. Let’s go see the raising of the flag. interesting… let’s see it again.
Y: Great. Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba.
R:   Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba.
Y: qu4 kan4, we mentioned it, it’s go and see,
R:  qu4 kan4, 
Y: sheng1 qi2, raise a flag,
R:  sheng1 qi2,
Y: ba is used to indicate suggestion,
R:  ba,
Y: Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba.
R: Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba. Let’s go see the raising of the flag.

Conversation 3
A: 快天亮了。
B: 去看升旗吧。
A: 好主意。

Sentences of the week
What show would you like to see? 你想看什么演出?Which bar is the cheapest? 哪间酒吧比较便宜? Let’s go see the raising of the flag. 去看升旗吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Y: Well that pretty much illustrates our great week. From seeing shows to going to cheap bars, to see raising a flag. We’ve had a great time.
R: That’s right and the quiz of the day is: Let’s go see the raising of the flag.
Y: Stay tuned with us next time for more Chinese studio.
R: Remember you can see in depth text about our lessons at www., click on learn Chinese, and then Chinese studio. You can find everything on the website.
Y: Well take it easy and zhoumoyukai
R: Zhoumoyukai

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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