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Lesson 315 --- Night Activities            【字体:
Lesson 315 --- Night Activities
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: If you wanna know how to go clubbin, ride a taxi, fill an apartment we’re here at Chinese studio to help you out. Wo shi Yajie.
R: And wo shi Raymond. We’ve got a great segment for you today. We’re teaching you some night time activity vocabulary.
Y: Lets first go over some key words of the day before we get our night clothes on.

Key Words Of the Day
What show would you like to see? 你想看什么演出?Take a walk 散散步 Let’s go see the raising of the flag. 去看升旗吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Well I guess we should see some of the culture around here.
Y: Ya besides drinking, clubbing, and Karaoke what’s left?
R: How about some shows? Like peking opera.
Y: Well depends on like, how about you ask me again in Chinese.
R: Ok how do you say “What show would you like to see?”
Y: ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?
R:  ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?
Y: ni3 is you,
R: ni3,
Y: xiang3 would like to do sth,
R: xiang3, 
Y: kan4 to see,
R: kan4, 
Y: shen2 me is what,
R: shen2 me,
Y: yan3 chu1, the show,
R: yan3 chu1, 
Y: ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?
R: ni2 xiang3 kan4 shen2 me yan3 chu1?  What show would you like to see?

Conversation 1
A: 你想看什么演出?
B: 我想看京剧《赵氏孤儿》。

R: Hey we’re having fun walking around the town. Its still not that cold so we can be outside for the time being.
Y:  Yea, we’ve got to walk off all this alcohol. 
R: Well I guess we should walk off all these things before we get home. How do you say “Take a walk” in Chinese?
Y: san4 san4 bu4.
R: san4 san4 bu4.
Y: san4 bu4 is take a walk.
R: san4 bu4, then why there are two “san4” ?
Y: In the Chinese language, certain verbs may be reduplicated to denote the casualness of an act. San4 san4 bu4.
R: San4 san4 bu4.  take a walk,

Conversation 2
A: 要不要散散步?
B: 散散步也好。

Y: Hey we’ve been walking for a really long time now.
R: Yea and it’s almost the daybreak.
Y: Since we’re now at the Tian anmen square, I guess there’s one last thing we can do before we go home.
R: Yea how do you say “Let’s go see the raising of the flag” in Chinese?
Y: Great minds think alike…. Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba.
R:   Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba.
Y: qu4 kan4, we mentioned it, it’s go and see,
R:  qu4 kan4, 
Y: sheng1 qi2, raise a flag,
R:  sheng1 qi2,
Y: ba is used to indicate suggestion,
R:  ba,
Y: Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba.
R: Qu4 kan4 sheng1 qi2 ba. Let’s go see the raising of the flag.

Conversation 3
A: 快天亮了。
B: 去看升旗吧。
A: 好主意。

Key Words Reminder
What show would you like to see? 你想看什么演出?Take a walk 散散步 Let’s go see the raising of the flag. 去看升旗吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Well its getting pretty late and we should probably get home soon.
Y: My feet are beat, but before we go we have to do the quiz of the day.
R: The quiz is how do you say “Take a walk” in Chinese?
Y: If you know the answer, send it to us at and you could be the winner of our great idoms book.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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