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Lesson 350 Golfing II            【字体:
Lesson 350 Golfing II
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo Shi Raymond
Y: And Wo Shi Yajie. Today's excellent show is we're going back onto the green to golf!
R: That's right those of you who don't know, but golf is a game where the person drives hard to the green and into the hole.
Y: We've gotta get some golf clubs and let’s see the key words of the day.

Key Words of the Day
bunker 沙坑, a hole in one, 一杆进洞! I hit the ball into a bunker. 我把球打到沙坑里了! All in today’s Chinese Studio 

R: Have you ever noticed what golf spells backwards?
Y: Oh, that's interesting. But it doesn't matter cause I'm going to outscore all of you! I am Tiger Yaj.
R: Ok go for the shot.
Y: Hey not bad!
R: Cept you're in that bunker over there. Actually how do you say “I hit the ball into a bunker.” 我把球打到沙坑里了! 
Wo2 ba3 qiu2 da3 dao4 sha1 keng1 li3 le
Wo3: I
ba3: is often put before the object,
qiu2: golf ball
da3: hit
dao4: to somewhere,
sha1 keng1: literally means sand pit, in this case it means bunker,
li3: inside the bunker
-------- ----------------------
Y: Well we've got a long way to go.
R: How by chance did my ball end up right next to yours?
Y: Hey maybe our balls just need to be with each other.
R: Yaj, look, “a hole in one!” How do you say that in Chinese?
一杆进洞! Yi4 gan1 jin4 dong4. 
Yi4 gan1: one hit
Jin4: enter into or come into
dong4: hole 
Y: Tiger Yaj wins again! I have used the Tiger power.
R: I think the goal was to get a lower score.
Y: Who cares, I killed you . hahahahaha.(evil laugh here)
R: ok, whatever how do you say "a hole in one." in Chinese.
Y: Send it to and you could win one of our prizes.
R: Don't forget to check out website.

we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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