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Lesson 349- Golfing I            【字体:
Lesson 349- Golfing I
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo Shi Raymond.
Y: And wo Shi Yajie! Today is the day!
R: What day?
Y: today we’re gonna go golfing!
R: Fore! I want a caddy and everything.
Y: Here are the key words of the day.
Key Words of the Day
golf 高尔夫golf clubs 高尔夫球杆 it’s time to tee off. 该开球了。All in today’s Chinese studio.  
R: Cool! I believe security for this country is most important! Now watch me make this shot!
Y: What are you doing?
R: hitting the ball.
Y: You mean trying to hit the ball.
R: Let me try one more time. btw, how do you say golf in Chinese?
Y: 高尔夫gao1 er3 fu1.
R: I can tell it’s similar pronunciation.
Y: Exactly. Let’s say it again.
R: How about golf clubs? You know the clubs used for golfing.
It’s 高尔夫球杆 gao1 er3 fu1 qiu2 gan1. 
gao1 er3 fu1:golf
qiu2 gan1: club 
Y: Hey Everyone. I totally nailed the last hole!
R: Good Job Yaj, You're a natural. Well everyone knows that golf is a game of elegance, you definitely have enough of that.
Y: What can I say, I was born to golf. I will call myself Tiger Yaj!
R: Ya, and then you'll get your own $30 million dollar endorsements from Nike.
Y: I can see it already.
R: Well Tiger Yaj, time to start. How do you say "It's time to tee off". 
该开球了 gai1 kai1 qiu2 le
gai1: it’s time to do sth, 
kai1: to start
qiu2: ball
kai1 qiu2: tee off 
R: Whoa! You almost hit that bird over there.
Y: I was aiming for you.
R: Well its a good thing you're not Tiger Yaj just yet.
Y: Yep long way to go, so how do you say "It's time to tee off" in Chinese?
R: Send your answer to and you could win either one of our Fore-tastic idioms or free tuition to the fabulous bridge school.
Y: Don't forget to check out our website at and click on learn Chinese.
we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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