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Lesson 351 Golfing III            【字体:
Lesson 351 Golfing III
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: Hello and welcome to Chinese studio. Wo Shi Yajie.
R: And wo shi Raymond, we're here hitting a very small ball into an even smaller hole with weapons singularily ill-designed for this game.
Y: You sound like Winston Churchill.
R: That's cause Mr. Winston Churchill did say that.
Y: Ok anyways lets go over some key words of the day.
Key Words of the Day
Caddie球僮 golf bag 球包Where is my caddie? 球僮在哪儿? My golf bag is too heavy. 我的球包太重了 all in today’s Chinese.
R: Hey Tiger Yaj, you've got everything except that you're missing your worker.
Y: Oh ya. So are you!
R: What the hell, so they both left? What are they out watching a movie together or something.
Y: Ah! Where is my caddie?
R: Ah! teach me how to say that!
球僮在哪儿? Qiu2 tong2 zai4 na3er?
Qiu2 tong2: a caddie, someone who is hired to serve as an attendant to a golfer
Zai4 na3er: at where?
 Y: Ok now that we've finally got those bozos back into carrying our stuff we can continue on.
 R: Ya I can't imagine carrying my golf bag all over the course again. How do you say: My golf bag is too heavy. 我的球包太重了 
Wo3 de qiu2 bao1 tai4 zhong4 le
Wo3 de: my
Qiu2 bao1: golf bag
Tai4: very much
Zhong4: heavy
R: Wooosh. Did you see my ball. It was like Woosh woosh.
Y: Yea it was cutting the air in half, I could totally see it.
R: Hey. It was going pretty fast, even happy gilmore would be impressed.
Y: Anyways its all good lets do the quiz of the day. How do you say "Where is my caddie?"
R: Send your answer to and you could win one of our great prizes.
Y: Also check out our website.
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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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