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Lesson 374 Heater /Air-Con II            【字体:
Lesson 374 Heater /Air-Con II
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo Shi Yajie.
R: And Wo shi Raymond, today we're continuing our work on the Heater and the Aircon.
Y: Why do you say air con. isn't it air conditioner.
R: Hey to each one's own.
Y: Stay warm and stay tuned.
Key Words of the Day

Heater 暖气,The heater isn't hot enough. 暖气不够热 the air conditioner isn't cold enough" 空调不够冷 all in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Well what's going on here.
Y: I'm soooo cold.
R: Ya my buns are freezing too.
Y: Hmm it must because the heater isn’t working. Nuan3 qi4 huai4 le.
R: We just fixed it too! That's crazy.
Y: Well its working but the heater isn't hot enough.
R: How do you say that in Chinese. The heater isn't hot enough.

Nuan3 qi4 bu2 gou4 re4.
Nuan3 qi4: heater
Bu4: not
Gou4: enough
Bu2 gou4: not enough
Re4: hot
The Heater not enough hot/ the heater isn’t hot enough.

Y: Wow wow, guess what?
R: What?
Y: Now its too hot.
R: Sheesh, you're too hot all the time. Time to cool you down.
Y: Ok
R: Oh no, something else is broken! I knew I shouldn't have bought fake brand air conditioners. "the air conditioner isn't cold enough" 空调不够冷

Kong1 tiao2 bu2 gou4 leng3
Kong1 tiao2: air-conditioner
Bu2 gou4: not enough
Leng3: cold, oppose to hot, re4
R: Well that wraps up our Chinese Studio.
Y: Take care everyone and make sure that either you have a heater working or find someone who can act like one.
R: Don’t' forget the quiz of the day, "The heater isn't hot enough"
Y: Send your answer to
R: Website at click on learn chinese.

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