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Lesson 375 Heater/ Air-Con III            【字体:
Lesson 375 Heater/ Air-Con III
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo Shi Raymond
Y: Wo Shi Yajie. Here we're back and we're doing some more.
R: Stay warm and stay smart everyone. Here we have some more hot hot hot, stuff.
Y: That's right, even though some of us are cold cold cold, lets go on with some of our key words of the day.
Key Words of the day

It's getting so hot in here. 我快热死了。 How much did you pay for the heat? 暖气费多少钱? All in today’s Chinese Studio.

 R: What's it's time to turn on the heat.
Y: are you kidding me? It's getting so hot in here----我快热死了。
R: what did you say?
Y: I just said:

Wo3 kuai4 re4 si3 le
Wo3: I
kuai4: be about to 
re4: hot
si3: die
re4 si3: die from the heat

it’s getting so cold in here. 我快冻死了
dong4/leng3: cold
Y: it’s so hot in here… seems like you don’t need to pay for the heat.
R: Actually I need to pay way too much. And I’m gonna ask you this: How much did you pay for the heat?
Y: In Chinese it’s  暖气费多少钱?

nuan3 qi4 fei4   duo1 shao3 qian2.  how much did you pay for the heat?

Nuan3 qi4 fei4: the charge for heat
Nuan3 qi4: the heat
Fei4: fee or charge

Duo1 shao3 qian2: how much money

R: Well that wraps up this version of Chinese Studio.
Y: Fix your heater or fix your air conditioner. You're going to need one or the other no matter where you live.
R: Anyways take care and don't forget to do the quiz of the day.
Y: How do you say "how much did you pay for the heat?"
R: Send your answer to
Y: Check our website at

we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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