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Lesson 373 Heater/Air-Con I            【字体:
Lesson 373 Heater/Air-Con I
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo Shi Raymond.
Y: Wo shi Yajie. Oh my gosh its so hot in here.
R: Really? But its in the middle of Winter.
Y: Must be these hot chili peppers. Bleh anyways we better get on to the key words of the day.
Key Words of the Day

Not working 坏了The Heater isn't working. 暖气坏了。My Air Conditioner isn't working either. 空调也坏了。All in today’ Chinese studio.

R: Cold Cold Cold.
Y: Eat one of these Chili Peppers.
R: No way, I don't want my stomach to commit suicide.
Y: They're not bad. Yum Yum Yum.
R: Well something isn't working. Oh wait, its the heater no wonder my buns are frozen.
Y: This is how you say "The Heater isn't working". 暖气坏了。

Nuan2 qi4 huai4 le
Nuan2 qi4: literally warm gas, in this case---heater
Huai4 le: broken, not working

Y: Well I'm thankful we got that heater fixed.
R: Yea now its just too hot in here.
Y: Woo, hey Raymond stop taking off your clothes.
R: Well, then Fix the problem!
Y: the air conditioner isn't working either.
R: Why can't we all just get along.
Y: This is how you say "My Air Conditioner isn't working either."

Kong1 tiao2 ye3 huai4 le
Kong1 tiao2: air-conditioner
Ye3: also, either
Huai4 le: broken, not working 
Y: Well that's the end of this Chinese Studio.
R: That's right, and keep warm, or cool or whatever isnt' broken, make sure its fixed.
Y: Dont' forget our quiz of the day.
R: How do you say "The Heater isn't working" since we're going to need it this weekend.
Y: Send it to

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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