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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国环境保护法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 29. If an enterprise or institution has caused severe environmental pollution, it shall be required to eliminate and control the pollution within a certain period of time.


For enterprises and institutions directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government or the people's government of a province, an autonomous region, or a municipality directly under the Central Government, the decision on a deadline for the elimination or control of pollution shall be made by the people's government of the province, autonomous region and the municipality directly under the Central Government.


For enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of a people's government at or below the city or county level, such decision shall be made by the people's government of the city or county. Such enterprises and institutions shall accomplish the elimination or control of pollution within the specified period of time.

    第三十条  禁止引进不符合我国环境保护规定要求的技术和设备。

Article 30. A ban shall be imposed on the importation of any technology or facility that fails to meet the requirements specified in the regulations of our country concerning environmental protection.

    第三十一条  因发生事故或者其他突然性事件,造成或者可能造成污染事故的单位,必须立即采取措施处理,及时通报可能受到污染危害的单位和居民,并向当地环境保护行政主管部门和有关部门报告,接受调查处理。

Article 31. Any unit that, as a result of an accident or any other exigency, has caused or threatens to cause an accident of pollution, must promptly take measures to prevent and control the pollution hazards, make the situation known to such units and inhabitants as are likely to be endangered by such hazards, report the cases to the competent department of environmental protection administration of the locality and the departments concerned and accept their investigation and decision.


Enterprises and institutions that are likely to cause severe pollution accidents shall adopt measures for effective prevention.

    第三十二条  县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门,在环境受到严重污染威胁居民生命财产安全时,必须立即向当地人民政府报告,由人民政府采取有效措施,解除或者减轻危害。

Article 32. If the safety of the lives and property of inhabitants is endangered by severe environmental pollution, the competent department of environmental protection administration of the local people's government at or above the county level must promptly report to the local people's government. The people's government concerned shall take effective measures to remove or alleviate the hazard.

    第三十三条  生产、储存、运输、销售、使用有毒化学物品和含有放射性物质的物品,必须遵守国家有关规定,防止污染环境。

Article 33. The production, storage, transportation, sale and use of toxic chemicals and materials containing radioactive substances must comply with the relevant state provisions so as to prevent environmental pollution.

    第三十四条  任何单位不得将产生严重污染的生产设备转移给没有污染防治能力的单位使用。

Article 34. No unit shall be permitted to transfer a production facility that causes severe pollution for use by a unit that is unable to prevent and control pollution.

第五章  法律责任


    第三十五条  违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,环境保护行政主管部门或者其他依照法律规定行使环境监督管理权的部门可以根据不同情节,给予警告或者处以罚款:

Article 35. Any violator of this Law shall, according to the circumstances of the case, be warned or fined by the competent department of environmental protection administration or another department invested by law with power to conduct environmental supervision and management for any of the following acts:


(1) refusing an on-site inspection by the competent department of environmental protection administration or another department invested by law with power to conduct environmental supervision and management, or resorting to trickery and fraud while undergoing inspection;


(2) refusing to report or submitting a false report on items for which declaration is required by the competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council;


(3) failing to pay, as provided for by the state, the fee for the excessive discharge of pollutants;


(4) importing technology or a facility that fails to meet the requirements specified in the state provisions concerning environmental protection; or


(5) transferring a production facility that causes severe pollution for use by a unit that is unable to prevent and control pollution.

    第三十六条  建设项目的防治污染设施没有建成或者没有达到国家规定的要求,投入生产或者使用的,由批准该建设项目的环境影响报告书的环境保护行政主管部门责令停止生产或者使用,可以并处罚款。

Article 36. When a construction project is commissioned or put to use in circumstances where facilities for the prevention and control of pollution either have not been completed or fail to meet the requirements specified in state provisions, the competent department of environmental protection administration responsible for the approval of the environmental impact statement on the construction project shall order the suspension of its operations or use and may concurrently impose a fine.

    第三十七条  未经环境保护行政主管部门同意,擅自拆除或者闲置防治污染的设施,污染物排放超过规定的排放标准的,由环境保护行政主管部门责令重新安装使用,并处罚款。

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