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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国进出口关税条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


1. no limits on the disposal or use of the goods by the buyer, except restrictions specified by the law and administrative regulations, restrictions on the areas where the goods mentioned could be resold, and restrictions having no material influence on the price of goods;


2. transaction value of the goods not identifiable due to bundle sales or other factors;


3. seller is not allowed to obtain any benefits generated from the resale after importation, disposal or use of the goods directly or indirectly, or in cases where there are benefits, the benefits have been undergoing adjustment in line with the provisions of articles 19 and 20 of this set of regulations;


4. there is no special relationship between the seller and buyer, or the existing special relationship between the two parties exercises no influence on the transaction price;

第十九条 进口货物的下列费用应当计入完税价格:

Article 19. The following fees shall be included in the customs value of imported goods:


1. commission and brokerage fee except purchase commission to be borne by the buyer;


2. fees for containers borne by the seller that are considered to be an integral part of the goods sold in the course of examining and identifying customs value of the goods;


3. expenses of packaging materials and packaging labour fees borne by the seller;


4. money for parts, tools, moulds, consuming materials and similar goods provided by the seller free of charge or below the cost and capable of being amortized with appropriate percentages, which are related to the production of the goods and to the sales of the goods within the People's Republic of China, as well as expenditure incurred for the related services of overseas development and design;


5. royalties related to the goods and to be borne by the seller, which serves as a condition for the sale of the goods within the People's Republic of China;


6. benefits obtained by the seller from the buyer directly or indirectly from the resale, disposal., or use of goods after importation.

第二十条 进口时在货物的价款中列明的下列税收、费用,不计入该货物的完税价格:

Article 20. The following taxes and fees clearly specified in the price of goods for importation are not included in the customs value of the goods:


1. fees with regard to the construction, installation, assembling, servicing and technical services provided to goods, such as workshops, machinery, equipment etc., after importation;


2. transportation fees and related fees and insurance of imported goods that have arrived at the destination within China and have been unloaded;


3. import duties and domestic taxes.

第二十一条 进口货物的成交价格不符合本条例第十八条第三款规定条件的,或者成交价格不能确定的,海关经了解有关情况,并与纳税义务人进行价格磋商后,依次以下列价格估定该货物的完税价格:

Article 21. In cases where the transaction value of the imported goods does not conform to the terms and conditions specified in paragraph 3 of article 18 of this set of regulations, or the transaction value is not able to be identified, the customs shall, after acquiring the relevant information and consulting with the taxpayer on the value, evaluate the customs value of the goods in line with the follow sequencing:


1. transaction value of the same goods that are sold into the People's Republic of China at the same time or at approximately the same time;


2. transaction value of similar goods that are sold into the People's Republic of China at the same time or at approximately the same time.


3. unit price of the said imported goods, same goods or similar goods that are sold to buyers without a special relationship with the seller in the maximum quantity at the first level of sales links, which occurred at the same time or approximately at the same time as the importation of the goods; however, items stipulated in article 22 of this set of regulations shall be deducted;


4. calculating the price according to the summation of the following items: cost of materials used to produce the goods and processing fee, profits and normal expenses of selling the same grade or same type of goods into the People's Republic of China, transportation, related fees and insurance fees of the goods after arriving at the destination within China but before unloading;


5. price valuated using reasonable methods.


Taxpayers, after providing related materials to the customs, may apply to reverse the order of application of items 3 and 4 of this article.


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