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中英对照法律资源--国务院办公厅转发民政部关于进一步加强公墓管理意见的通知          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

cemeteries shall strengthen the collection and administration of fees for maintenance of cemeteries and fees for planting trees in cemeteries, set up a special account, use the fees for specified purposes and subject themselves to supervision of the department of civil affairs at the next higher level.  在公墓内,严禁构建封建迷信设施和从事封建迷信活动; <山西省新绛县> Within cemeteries constructing facilities for feudal superstition and engaging in activities of feudal superstition shall be strictly prohibited. 严禁修建宗族墓地和修建活人墓。 <山西省新绛县> Constructing cemeteries for clansmen and cemeteries for persons alive shall be strictly prohibited. (四)各公墓单位原则上不得跨省设立销售机构。 <山西省新绛县> (4) In principle all units operating cemeteries shall not establish trans-provincial sales agencies.  有特殊情况需设立的,要经公墓单位所在地和设立销售机构所在地省级民政部门批准。 <山西省新绛县> If it is necessary to establish such agencies due to special circumstances, approval shall be obtained from departments of civil affairs at the provincial level in two places where the unit operating a cemetery is located and where the sales agency is to be located.  工商行政管理部门依据有关规定和两地省级民政部门批准文件予以登记注册。 <山西省新绛县> The department for administration of industry and commerce shall handle the registration procedure according to relevant provisions and documents of approval from departments of civil affairs at the provincial levels in two places. (五)严禁传销和炒买炒卖墓穴和骨灰存放格位。 <山西省新绛县> (5) Pyramid sales of and speculation in graves and cells for the storage of ashes shall be strictly prohibited.  要合理确定墓穴和骨灰存放格位的价格,明码标价; <山西省新绛县> Prices of graves and cells for the storage of ashes shall be fixed reasonably and marked clearly.  要凭用户出具的火化证明(火葬区)或死亡证明(土葬改革区),提供或出售墓穴和骨灰存放格位,使用规范的安葬、安放凭证,建立严格的销售、登记制度,严禁传销和炒买炒卖;要保护群众的正当权益。 <山西省新绛县> For supply or sale of graves and cells for the storage of ashes, subscribers shall be required to present the certification of cremation (in areas practicing cremation) or the certification of death (in reformed areas practicing burials in the ground) and measures shall be taken, such as using standardized burial and arrangement certificates and establishing a strict system for sales and registration, in order to prohibit pyramid sales and speculation and protect the legitimate interests of the masses. (六)各省、自治区、直辖市民政部门要加强对辖区内公墓的管理。 <山西省新绛县> (6) Departments of civil affairs in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall strengthen the management of cemeteries within their respective administrative regions.  要建立健全公墓年度检查制度,要会同有关部门认真开展公墓(含吸收外资合资合作的公墓)年度检查工作。 <山西省新绛县> An annual inspection system for cemeteries shall be established and perfected, by which annual inspections of cemeteries (including ones constructed in cooperation with overseas investors) shall be conducted seriously in conjunction with other relevant departments.  对年检合格的公墓准予继续开展业务;对年检不合格的公墓要限期改正,对逾期不改的,要会同有关部门责令其停业整顿。 <山西省新绛县> Cemeteries having passed annual inspections may be allowed to continue their business, and those who fail in annual inspections shall be ordered to make corrections within a fixed time limit and, if they refuse to do so within the time limit, shall be ordered jointly by other relevant departments to suspend the business for rectifications.  要将年检的结果公告社会,以便于监督。 <山西省新绛县> The results of annual inspections shall be made public for supervision. 三、地方各级人民政府要加强领导,有关部门要相互支持、密切配合 <山西省新绛县> 3. Local People’s Governments at All Levels Should Strengthen Leadership and Relevant Departments Should Support and Closely Cooperate with Each Other. 地方各级人民政府和各有关部门要从国家的整体利益出发,提高对加强公墓管理工作重要性的认识,切实加强领导,把清理整顿公墓工作摆上重要的议事日程。 <山西省新绛县> Local people’s governments at all levels and all relevant departments should proceed from the considerations of the whole country’s interests, deepen their understanding of the significance of strengthening the management of cemeteries, conscientiously strengthen leadership and place the rectifications program in cemeteries on the top of their agenda.  这项工作涉及面广,难度较大。 <山西省新绛县> The rectifications program involves a wide range of subjects and is difficult to develop.  因此,各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府要结合当地实际,根据《殡葬管理条例》及有关规定,制订清理整顿公墓的具体办法;要做好协调工作,采取切实可行的措施加以落实。 <山西省新绛县> Therefore, people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should, in the light of actual situations of localities and in accordance with the Regulations on the Administration of Funeral Activities and other relevant provisions, work out detailed measures for the rectifications program in cemeteries and should coordinate their actions well and take actual and effective steps of implementation.  同时,要注重宣传教育,争取广大群众的理解和支持,积极而又稳妥地开展清理整顿工作,切实解决工作中遇到的阻力和问题,保证清理整顿工作的顺利开展。 <山西省新绛县> Meanwhile, attention should be paid to publicity and education in order to gain the understanding and support from the broad masses of the people, develop the rectifications program vigorously and steadily, really remove obstacles and resolve problems in the work and ensure the smooth progress in rectifications.  各级民政部门作为主管部门,要切实履行职责,积极向当地人民政府反映清理整顿中存在的问题,提出解决问题的意见和建议,当好参谋助手。 <山西省新绛县> Departments of civil affairs at all levels should play their roles as competent authorities, perform their functions in real earnest, report problems emerging in the rectifications in time to the local people’s government, offer suggestions for resolving these problems and act as capable advisers and assistants.  要充分发挥基层民政部门和殡葬管理所的作用,促进清理整顿工作的顺利进行。 <山西省新绛县> Considerations shall be given to departments of civil affairs at the grass-roots level and agencies for the administration of funeral activities by bringing into full plan their roles to promote the smooth progress in rectifications.  公安、工商、土地管理等各有关部门要积极支持、密切配合,在当地政府的统一领导下,开展清理整顿公墓工作。 <山西省新绛县> Departments for public security, industry and commerce administration and land administration and other relevant departments should firmly support and closely cooperate with each other and, under the unified leadership of the local government, develop the program for rectifications in cemeteries.  以前越权批建公墓的基层人民政府或有关部门要积极主动地协助民政部门做好所批建公墓的清理工作。 <山西省新绛县> People’s governments at the grass-roots level or relevant departments that have approved the construction of cemeteries beyond their respective terms of reference should take vigorous actions to assist departments of civil affairs in making rectifications in cemeteries to which they granted approval. 各省、自治区、直辖市民政厅(局)要及时将清理整顿公墓的情况,报告当地人民政府和民政部。 <山西省新绛县> Departments (or bureaus) of civil affairs in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should report in time the progress in making rectifications in cemeteries to local people’s governments and the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
该贴于2005-11-12 12:24:18被老 西编辑过

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