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中英对照法律资源--国务院批转外贸部、商业部、文物局关于加强文物商业管理和贯彻执行文物保护          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

<山西省新绛县> The sales departments of antique shops, friendship stores and suppliers for foreign vessels shall only handle replicas of cultural relics and ordinary cultural relics that have undergone assessment and selection and are classified as being exportable. But they may only engage in retail business and not in wholesale.  文物商品售价应按外贸部门统一规定的价格出售。 <山西省新绛县> Cultural relic commodities shall be sold at prices unifiedly fixed by foreign trade departments. 银行、友谊商店、外轮供应公司、信托商店等都不得收购文物。 <山西省新绛县> No banks, friendship stores or suppliers for foreign vessels and commission shop, etc. shall be permitted to purchase cultural relics.  友谊商店、外轮供应公司门市部向外宾销售的文物商品,统一由外贸部门供应。 <山西省新绛县> Cultural relics commodities that are to be sold to foreign visitors by the sales departments of friendship stores and suppliers for foreign vessels shall be supplied by foreign trade departments. 三、文物、商业、外贸等部门,要互相配合,加强协作。 <山西省新绛县> 3. It is imperative for cultural relics, commercial and foreign trade departments to co-ordinate their work and strengthen their co-operation.  文物部门应防止只注意收藏、不注意出口的片面思想,要积极鉴选可供出口的文物,供应外贸部门出口。 <山西省新绛县> The cultural relics department shall guard against the one-sided mentality of caring only about collection while neglecting export and shall adopt a more active approach in assessing and selecting cultural relics that are exportable and supply them to foreign trade departments for export.  商业、外贸等部门遇有交售文物者,应即通知当地文物部门处理; <山西省新绛县> If anyone comes to hand over or sell cultural relics to commercial or foreign trade departments, these departments shall immediately notify the local cultural relics department so that the case shall be properly handled.  收购商品中夹杂收来的文物,要及时拨交文物部门。 <山西省新绛县> Cultural relics that are found mixed with commodities purchased shall be sorted out and handed over to the cultural relics department in good time. 四、炼铜、造纸和废品收购等部门,不要把文物当废品处理,应当配合文物部门进行拣选。 <山西省新绛县> 4. Copper refineries, paper mills and salvage stations shall see to it that the cultural relics found from among the recovered waste materials are not disposed of as waste materials, but shall co-ordinate with the cultural relics department, in sorting them out.  其中可以出口的由文物部门提供外贸部门出口。 <山西省新绛县> The exportable objects among them shall be handed over to the cultural relics department, which shall then provide them to foreign trade departments for export.  拣出的铜器,由国家给以同等数量的铜。 <山西省新绛县> An equivalent quantity of copper shall be offered by the State in return for the copperware sorted out and handed over. 五、文物商品应在指定的北京、上海、天津、广州四个口岸出口,须经文物部门鉴定、准许出口,海关始能放行。 <山西省新绛县> 5. Cultural relics commodities shall be exported via the four designated ports of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangzhou and the Customs shall grant clearance only on condition that the commodities have been assessed and approved as exportable by the cultural relics department.  凡没有经过鉴定和办理准予出口手续的,一律不准出口。 <山西省新绛县> No cultural relics that have not been assessed and approved as exportable may be exported.  未经指定的口岸,一律不准办理文物商品出口业务,各地海关要把好关。 <山西省新绛县> No ports that have not been duly designated shall be permitted to handle the export business of cultural relics commodities and the Customs in various localities shall do a good job of checking and make sure that this provision is complied with. 六、文化、外贸、商业等有关部门,要积极宣传文物保护政策,防止破坏古墓和古遗址等。 <山西省新绛县> 6. Cultural, foreign trade and commercial departments and other departments concerned shall actively publicize the policy for the protection of cultural relics and protect ancient tombs and historical cultural sites from damage or destruction.  要加强文物商业市场管理,坚决打击文物走私和投机倒把活动,防止外国人钻空子,防止有收藏价值的重要文物外流。 <山西省新绛县> It is imperative to strengthen the administration of the commercial market for cultural relics, resolutely crack down on the smuggling and profiteering in cultural relics, guard against foreigners who may take advantage of loopholes in our work and prevent important cultural relics of collection value from going out of China. 以上意见,如无不妥,请批转各省、自治区、直辖市参照执行。 <山西省新绛县> If there is nothing inappropriate about the aforesaid proposals, it is requested that they be approved and transmitted to the various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government for implementation with reference thereto.

该贴于2005-11-14 09:57:33被老 西编辑过

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