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国务院批转外贸部、商业部、文物局关于加强文物商业管理和贯彻执行文物保护政策的意见的通知<山西省新绛县>Circular of the State Council for Approving and Transmitting the Proposals Submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Protection of Cultural Relics on Strengthening the Commercial Administration and Implementing the Policy for the Protection of Cultural Relics颁布日期:19741216 实施日期:19741216 颁布单位:国务院<山西省新绛县>(December 16, 1974)现将外贸部、商业部、文物局《关于加强文物商业管理和贯彻执行文物保护政策的意见》转发给你们,请参照执行。<山西省新绛县>The Circular The Proposals on Strengthening the Commercial Administration of Cultural Relics and Implementing the Policy for the Protection of Cultural Relics, submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Protection of Cultural Relics, is hereby transmitted to you for you to act upon accordingly.外贸部、商业部、文物局关于加强文物商业管理和贯彻执行文物保护政策的意见<山西省新绛县>PROPOSALS SUBMITTED BY THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN TRADE, THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND THE STATE ADMINISTRATION FOR PROTECTION OF CULTURAL RELICS ON STRENGTHENING THE COMMERCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF CULTURAL RELICS AND IMPLEMENTING THE POLICY FOR THE PROTECTION OF CULTURAL RELICS 近几年来,各地文化、外贸、商业部门收购文物和组织一般文物出口工作,都取得了一定的成绩。<山西省新绛县>In recent years, the cultural, foreign trade and commercial departments in various localities have scored some achievements in purchasing cultural relics and organizing the export of ordinary cultural relics. 但是,目前文物商业市场的管理还存在着一些问题,主要是多头经营、价格不一、市场混乱。<山西省新绛县>At present, however, there still exist some problems with respect to the administration of the commercial market for cultural relics, which are mainly manifested in operations by too many departments, ununified pricing and confusion of market. 甚至有的收购出土文物,助长"挖坟取宝"之风。<山西省新绛县>Some departments even purchase unearthed cultural relics without authorization, thus encouraging the frenzy to "dig up tombs for buried treasures". 这对文物保护都是极为不利的。<山西省新绛县>All this has proved extremely detrimental to the protection of cultural relics.文物是我国的历史文化遗产,对珍贵的文物应一律禁止出口。<山西省新绛县>Chinese cultural relics are our historical cultural heritage. The export of rare, precious cultural relics shall, without exception, be prohibited. 对时代较晚、有大量复品、又无收藏价值的一般文物,可适当地组织出口。<山西省新绛县>With respect to ordinary cultural relics which are of relatively recent times, for which there are plenty of replicas and which are not valuable enough for collection, an appropriate amount may be exported in an organized way.但是,这些文物是过去遗留下来的,货源只会日益减少不会增多。<山西省新绛县>Nevertheless, as these cultural relics are passed down from the past, their sources of supply will only decrease with each passing day. 而且它是我们独有的特殊商品,不存在和其它国家竞争的问题。<山西省新绛县>Moreover, as they are special commodities uniquely possessed by us, there are no such questions as competition with other countries. 因而不宜采取"成批销售"的办法,必须密切注意国际市场的供求关系和价格变化的动向,采取"少出高汇、细水长流"的方针,有计划地组织出口。<山西省新绛县>It is therefore unadvisable to "sell them in batches". Rather, we must follow closely the propensity of changes in supply and demand relationship and prices in the international market, adopt the principle of "exporting a small quantity at a time to secure longer supply but striving to earn greater amount of foreign exchange", and organize the export in a planned way. 对文物商业市场,则应归口经营、统一收购、统一价格、加强管理。<山西省新绛县>Commercial market operations for cultural relics, shall be handled exclusively by an authorized department, with unified purchase and pricing and strengthened administration. 为了既有利于文物保护,又有利于组织一般文物商品出口,换取外汇,支援社会主义建设,特提出以下意见:<山西省新绛县>To facilitate the protection of cultural relics and the export of ordinary cultural relics in an organized way so as to bring in foreign exchange earnings and support socialist construction, we now submit our proposals as follows: 一、文物出口界限和鉴定标准。<山西省新绛县>1. On the limits of export and the standards for assessment with respect to cultural relics. 在未制定新的标准以前,仍应按原有规定执行。<山西省新绛县>Before new standards are formulated, the existing provisions shall continue to be implemented. 对于乾隆六十年(一七九五年)以后按标准可以出口的文物,如属价值较高,数量较少的(包括有代表性的现代艺术作品)要从严掌握。<山西省新绛县>Of those cultural relics in existence after the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of the Qian Long Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (i.e. 1795 A.D.) that may be exported in accordance with the existing standards, the more valuable and rare ones (including representative modern art works), shall be put under strict restrictions. 乾隆六十年以前的一般文物,经国家文物事业管理局特许批准者可以出口。<山西省新绛县>Ordinary cultural relics in existence before the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of the Qian Long Emperor of the Qing Dynasty may, with the special permission granted by the State Administrative Bureau of Museums and Archaeological Materials, be exported. 革命文物或反革命罪证,不限年代,一律不准出口。<山西省新绛县>The export of revolutionary cultural relics or objects that are evidence of counter-revolutionary crimes shall, without exception, be prohibited, irrespective of their times.二、文物商业的管理和经营分工。<山西省新绛县>2. On the division of work as to the administration and the business operations in the business of cultural relics. 文物商店应由文化部门领导,没有建立文物商店的省、自治区、直辖市应逐步建立。<山西省新绛县>Antique shops shall be placed under the leadership of the cultural departments. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government where there are no antique shops shall have them established gradually. 现由外贸部门领导的文物商店,应既移交文化部门领导;<山西省新绛县>Antique shops that are now under the leadership of foreign trade departments shall immediately be placed under the leadership of the cultural departments instead. 原有文物商店的业务人员和不动产(包括仓库)以及外贸部门和其它部门不准出口的库存文物一并移交文化部门。<山西省新绛县>The business personnel and real estate (including the warehouses) of the original antique shops, as well as the cultural relics in stock which the foreign trade departments and other departments have banned from being exported, shall be handed over to cultural departments. 移交的文物可按原来收进的价格作价。文物部门资金、仓库不足的,可适当增加。<山西省新绛县>The cultural relics taken over may be priced at the same level as when they were formerly purchased. Funds and warehouses of cultural relics departments may be appropriately increased if they are in shortage. 今后各地文物应由文物商店统一收购。<山西省新绛县>From now on, cultural relics in various localities shall be exclusively purchased by antique shops. 不属于文物性质的珠、宝、翠、钻由外贸部门统一收购(或委托文物商店等机构代购)。<山西省新绛县>Pearls, gems, jadeite and diamonds that do not fall within the scope of cultural relics shall be unifiedly purchased by foreign trade departments (or shall be purchased by anique shops and other agencies that are entrusted by foreign trade departments with such purchase on their behalf). 外贸部门出口的文物商品,货源一律由文物商店负责供应。<山西省新绛县>Antique shops shall be responsible for the supply of cultural relics commodities that the foreign trade departments need for export.文物商店门市部、友谊商店和外轮供应公司应只经营文物复制品和经过鉴定选择可以出口的一般文物,但只能零售,不得批发。

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中英对照法律资源--国务院批转外贸部、商业部、文物局关于加强文物商业管理和贯彻执行文物保护          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

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