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仲裁委员会仲裁收费办法(1995728日国务院批准发布)<westbank>Arbitration Fee Collection Measures of Arbitration Commissions(Promulgated by the State Council on July 28,1995)第一条 为了规范仲裁委员会的仲裁收费,制定本办法。<westbank>Article 1 These Measures are formulated for the purpose of regulating the collection of arbitration fees by the arbitration commissions.第二条 当事人申请仲裁,应当按照本办法的规定向仲裁委员会交纳仲裁费用,仲裁费用包括案件受理费和案件处理费。<westbank>Article 2 When a party applies for arbitration, he shall pay arbitration fees to the arbitration commission in accordance with the provisions of these Measures. Arbitration fees shall include fees for accepting a case and for processing a case.第三条 案件受理费用于给付仲裁员报酬、维持仲裁委员会正常运转的必要开支。<westbank>Article 3 The fees for accepting a case shall be used to pay the arbitrators and maintain the necessary expenditures for normal operation of the arbitration commission.第四条 申请人应当自收到仲裁委员会受理通知书之日起15日内,按照仲裁案件受理费表的规定预交案件受理费。<westbank>Article 4 The applicant shall, within 15 days of receiving the acceptance notification from the arbitration commission, pay in advance the fees for accepting the case in accordance with the provisions of the Table of Fees for Accepting Arbitration Cases. 被申请人在提出反请求的同时,应当按照仲裁案件受理费表的规定预交案件受理费。<westbank>The respondent shall, while in the process of raising a counter-claim, pay in advance the fees for accepting the case in accordance with the provisions of the Table of Fees for Accepting Arbitration Cases.仲裁案件受理费的具体标准由仲裁委员会在仲裁案件受理费表规定的幅度内确定,并报仲裁委员会所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府物价管理部门核准。<westbank>A detailed fee standard for accepting cases shall be determined by the arbitration commission within the extent described in the Table of Fees for Accepting Arbitration Cases, and reported to the price administration department of the people’s governments of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government where the arbitration commission is located for examination and approval.第五条 仲裁案件受理费表中的争议金额,以申请人请求的数额为准;请求的数额与实际争议金额不一致的,以实际争议金额为准。<westbank>Article 5 The dispute amount mentioned in the Table of Fees for Accepting Arbitration Cases shall be the amount applied for by the applicant; if the amount applied for is inconsistent with the factual dispute amount, the factual dispute amount shall be used.申请仲裁时争议金额未确定的,由仲裁委员会根据争议所涉及权益的具体情况确定预先收取的案件受理费数额。<westbank>If the dispute amount has not yet been determined when an arbitration is requested, the arbitration commission shall, on the basis of the specific rights and interests involved in the dispute, determine the fee to be paid in advance for accepting the case.第六条 当事人预交案件受理费确有困难的,由当事人提出申请,经仲裁委员会批准,可以缓交。<westbank>Article 6 If a party has difficulties in paying the fee for accepting the case, the party may apply for delay of payment, which may be granted with the approval of the arbitration commission.当事人在本办法第四条第一款规定的期限内不预交案件受理费,又不提出缓交申请的,视为撤回仲裁申请。<westbank>If a party neither pays the fee for accepting the case within the period set forth in Paragraph 1 of Article 4, nor applies for a delay of payment, it shall be deemed that the application for arbitration is withdrawn.第七条 案件处理费包括:<westbank>Article 7 The fees for processing the case shall include: ()仲裁员因办理仲裁案件出差、开庭而支出的食宿费、交通费及其他合理费用;<westbank>(1) the living, transportation, and other reasonable expenses required for the arbitrators’ business trip or hearing for processing of the arbitration case; ()证人、鉴定人、翻译人员等因出庭而支出的食宿费、交通费、误工补贴;<westbank>(2) the living and transportation expenses and compensation for witnesses, identifiers, translators, and other persons whose presence is necessary in the hearing; ()咨询、鉴定、勘验、翻译等费用;<westbank>(3) fees for consultation, appraisal, examination, and translation; ()复制、送达案件材料、文书的费用;<westbank>(4) expenses for duplication or service of the materials or documents involved in the case; and()其他应当由当事人承担的合理费用。<westbank>(5) other reasonable expenses that should be borne by the parties.本条款第()()项规定的案件处理费,由提出申请的一方当事人预付。<westbank>The fees for processing the case described in Items (2) and (3) of this Article shall be paid in advance by the party who raises the application.第八条 案件处理费的收费标准按照国家有关规定执行;国家没有规定的,按照合同的实际支出收取。<westbank>Article 8 The fee standards for processing cases shall be carried out according to the relevant state provisions; in the absence of state provisions, fees shall be charged according to actual reasonable expenditures.第九条 仲裁费用原则上由败诉的当事人承担;当事人部分胜诉、部分败诉的,由仲裁庭根据当事人各方责任大小确定其各自应当承担的仲裁费用的比例。<westbank>Article 9 The arbitration expenses shall, in principle, be borne by the losing party; if a party partially wins and partially loses the case, the arbitration tribunal shall determine the proportion of arbitration fees to be borne by each party according to the degree of liability of each party. 当事人自行和解或者经仲裁庭调解结案的,当事人可以协商确定各自承担的仲裁费用的比例。<westbank>If the parties become reconciled or the case is settled through conciliation by the arbitration tribunal, the parties may make an agreement of the proportion of the arbitration expenses to be borne by each party.仲裁庭应当在调解书或者裁决书中写明双方当事人最终应当支付的仲裁费用金额。<westbank>The arbitration tribunal shall state clearly in the conciliation statement or award the final amount of arbitration expen

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中英对照法律资源--仲裁委员会仲裁收费办法(1995年7月28日国务院批准发布)          【字体:


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