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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于促进节约集约用地的通知          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ll be compiled under the guidance and supervision to determine the scope of the development and merging of towns and villages and the scope of land reclamation.
利用农民集体所有土地进行非农建设,必须符合规划,纳入年度计划,并依法审批。 Before the rural collectivity-owned lands are used for non-farming construction, the construction shall conform to the planning, be incorporated in annual plans and submit for approval according to law.
严格禁止擅自将农用地转为建设用地,严格禁止“以租代征”将农用地转为非农业用地。 A strict prohibition is to place on the turning of land for farm use to that for construction use without authorization. A strict prohibition is to place on the turning of land for farm use to that for non farm use by means of "expropriation replaced by leasing".
(十七) 鼓励提高农村建设用地的利用效率。要在坚持尊重农民意愿、保障农民权益的原则下,依法盘活利用农村集体建设用地。 (17) The improvement of the utilization efficiency of rural land used for construction shall be encouraged. Adhering to the principle of respecting farmers' will and protecting farmers' rights and interests, the utilization of rural collective Construction Land shall be activated legally.
按规划稳妥开展农村集体建设用地整理,改善农民生产生活条件。 Consolidation of the rural collective Construction land shall be launched steadily according to the planning in order to improve production conditions and living conditions of farmers.
农民住宅建设要符合镇规划、乡规划和村庄规划,住宅建设用地要先行安排利用村内空闲地、闲置宅基地。 The construction of farmers' houses shall conform to the planning of town, planning of township and planning of village. During the process of the housing construction, the idle land plot and idle house sites shall be gave priority to utilize.
对村民自愿腾退宅基地或符合宅基地申请条件购买空闲住宅的,当地政府可给予奖励或补助。 Local government may give reward or compensation to the villagers who return house sites voluntarily or purchase idle house when they have met the requirements of application for house sites.
(十八) 严格执行农村一户一宅政策。 (18) The policy that one rural household can own one piece of land for building house shall be implemented strictly.
各地要结合本地实际完善人均住宅面积等相关标准,控制农民超用地标准建房,逐步清理历史遗留的一户多宅问题,坚决防止产生超面积占用宅基地和新的一户多宅现象。 All regions shall take the local situation into account and perfect the standard of living area per person and other relevant standards in order to prevent farmers from building houses in excess of standards, solve the problem, which is left over by history, that one household occupies several houses gradually. The phenomenon that one household occupies house sites of extra area and occupies several houses again shall be prevented resolutely.
五、 加强监督检查,全面落实节约集约用地责任 5. Strengthening supervision and inspection and fulfilling responsibility of economical and intensive land use completely
(十九) 建立健全土地市场动态监测制度。 (19) Dynamic monitoring system of the market of land shall be established.
要对土地出让合同、划拨决定书的执行实施全程监管,及时向社会公开供地计划、结果及实际开发利用情况等动态信息。 The whole course of implementation of the contract of assignment of land and the form of decision for allocating land shall be supervised. Land supply plan, results, actual situation of development and utilization and other dynamic information shall be opened to the public timely.
国土资源部门要对土地供应和开发利用情况进行定期评价分析,研究完善加强土地调控、促进节约集约用地的政策措施。 Department of Land and Resources shall evaluate and analyze the situation of development, utilization and supply of land regularly. Department of Land and Resources shall study and perfect the policies and measures which can strengthen land regulation and promote economical and intensive land use.
(二十) 完善建设项目竣工验收制度。 (20) The system of completion-based checking and acceptance of construction project shall be perfected.
要将建设项目依法用地和履行土地出让合同、划拨决定书的情况,作为建设项目竣工验收的一项内容。 The situation of land utilization and performance of contract of assignment and the form of decision for al[] shall be checked as part of completion-based checking and acceptance of construction project.
没有国土资源部门的检查核验意见,或者检查核验不合格的,不得通过竣工验收。 A construction project, without inspection opinions issued by department of land and resources or being disqualified, shall not pass the acceptance check.
(二十一) 加强各类土地变化状况的监测。 (21) The Monitoring of all kinds of land change shall be strengthened.
运用遥感等现代技术手段,做好年度土地变更调查,建立土地利用现状数据库,全面掌握各类土地变化状况。 Annual land change survey shall be done well by means of remote sensing and other modem technology. Current land use database shall be established to completely master all kinds of land change.
国家每年选择若干个省级行政区,进行全行政区域的土地利用状况监测。 The state may monitor the situation of land utilization in the whole administrative territory of certain provinces which are chosen.
重点监测各地新增建设用地、耕地减少和违法用地等情况,监测结果要向社会公开。 Newly-increased construction land, reduction of cultivated land and illegal land use shall be the focal monitoring item. The result of the monitoring shall be opened to the public.
(二十二) 加强对节约集约用地工作的监管。 (22) Supervision of economical and intensive land use shall be strengthened.
国土资源部要会同监察部等有关部门持续开展用地情况的执法检查,重点查处严重破坏、浪费、闲置土地资源的违法违规案件,依法依纪追究有关人员的责任。 Ministry of Land and Resources shall collaborate with Ministry of Supervision to evolve law enforcement and inspection on land use, with the stress on investigating and dealing with cases violating the law and regulation which severely damage land sources, waste land sources and idle land sources, request relevant personnel to undertake responsibilities according to the law and regulation.
要将企业违法用地、闲置土地等信息纳入有关部门信用信息基础数据库。 Such information as about the illegal utilization of land by enterprises, idle land and other information shall be incorporated into the basic information database of relevant departments.
金融机构对房地产项目超过土地出让合同约定的动工开发日期满一年,完成土地开发面积不足1/3或投资不足1/4的企业,应审慎贷款和核准融资,从严控制展期贷款或滚动授信; When the development area has not exceeded one-third of the whole or the investment has not exceeded one-fourth of the whole one year later than the date for starting the development as prescribed by the contract, banking institutions shall grant loans and sanction financing prudently and control renewal loan and credit business strictly.
对违法用地项目不得提供贷款和上市融资,违规提供贷款和核准融资的,要追究相关责任人的责任。 Illegal land use project shall not get finance from the stock market and bank. Otherwise, relevant personnel shall be requested to undertake responsibilities.
(二十三) 建立节约集约用地考核制度。制定单位GDP和固定资产投资规模增长的新增建设用地消耗考核办法。 (23) It is necessary to establish a test system of economical and intensive land use. It is necessary to establish examination measures on newly-increased construction land per capita unit increase of GDP and the scale of investment in fixed assets.
实行上一级人民政府对下一级人民政府分级考核,考核结果由国土资源部门定期公布,作为下达土地利用年度计划的依据。 The people's government shall be evaluated and examined by the people's government at the next higher level. The result of the evaluation and examination, as the basis of making annual plans for land use, shall be opened by the departments of land and resources regularly.
各地区、各部门要充分认识节约集约用地的重要性和紧迫性,增强节约集约用地的责任感,切实转变用地观念,转变经济发展方式,调整优化经济结构,将节约集约用地的要求落实在政府决策中,落实到各项建设中,科学规划用地,着力内涵挖潜,以节约集约用地的实际行动全面落实科学发展观,实现经济社会的可持续发展。 All regions and all departments shall fully see the importance and urgency of economical and intensive land use and enhance the responsibility of economical and intensive land use. It is necessary to change the idea on land use assuredly, change the mode of economic growth, adjust and optimize the economic structure, realize economical and intensive land use in the process of government's decision-making and all kinds of construction. It is necessary to ensure scientific planning of land use and promote potentialities exploitation in order to fully implement the concept of scientific development and guarantee the sustainable development of economy and society by practical action of economical and intensive land use.
国务院 The State Council
二○○八年一月三日 3-Jan-08

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