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中英对照法律资源--国务院关于促进节约集约用地的通知          【字体:


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国务院关于促进节约集约用地的通知 Circular of the State Council on Promoting the Economical and Intensive Utilization of Land
国发[2008]第3号 Guo Fa [2008] No. 3
各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and all the ministries and commissions and directly affiliated institutions under the State Council:
我国人多地少,耕地资源稀缺,当前又正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展时期,建设用地供需矛盾十分突出。 Under the condition of a large population in little land and the shortage of cultivated land resource in our country, nowadays, the industrialization and urbanization are experiencing a period of fast development. The conflict between supply and demand of construction land stands out.
切实保护耕地,大力促进节约集约用地,走出一条建设占地少、利用效率高的符合我国国情的土地利用新路子,是关系民族生存根基和国家长远利益的大计,是全面贯彻落实科学发展观的具体要求,是我国必须长期坚持的一条根本方针。 It is necessary to ensure a real protection to cultivated land and promote economical and intensive utilization of land. It is necessary to open up a new way of utilization of land which is suitable for the specific conditions of our country. The new way has the advantages of occupying less land than before and achieving higher efficiency than before. It is the long-term strategy relating to the national groundwork and the long-term national interests. It shall be done to implement scientific viewpoint of development in an all-round way. It is the basic principle that must be adhered to for a long time in our country.
现就有关问题通知如下:  Therefore, the relevant issues shall be notified as follows:
一、 按照节约集约用地原则,审查调整各类相关规划和用地标准 1. All kinds of plans and land use standards shall be examined and adjusted in accordance with the principle of economical and intensive utilization of land.
(一) 强化土地利用总体规划的整体控制作用。 (1) The effect of the general plans for land use shall be intensified.
各类与土地利用相关的规划要与土地利用总体规划相衔接,所确定的建设用地规模必须符合土地利用总体规划的安排,年度用地安排也必须控制在土地利用年度计划之内。 All kinds of plans relevant to land use should be in line with the general plans for land use. The construction land used shall conform to general plans for land use. The total amount of land in the annual arrangement of land use shall not exceed the controlled targets set in the annual plans for land use.
不符合土地利用总体规划和年度计划安排的,必须及时调整和修改,核减用地规模。 Where the annual arrangement of land use doesn't conform to general plans for land use and the annual plans for land use, it shall be adjusted and modified in time, and the amount of land shall be checked and reduced.
(二) 切实加强重大基础设施和基础产业的科学规划。 (2) Scientific planning of major infrastructure projects and basic industries shall be conscientiously strengthened.
要按照合理布局、经济可行、控制时序的原则,统筹协调各类交通、能源、水利等基础设施和基础产业建设规划,避免盲目投资、过度超前和低水平重复建设浪费土地资源。 In accordance with the principle of reasonable positioning, economically available and sequence control, construction plan of all kinds of transportation, energy, water conservancy and other infrastructure projects and basic industries shall be coordinated overall to avoid indiscriminately investing, overstepping the present level of economy, low-level repeating building as well as wasting resources of land.
(三) 从严控制城市用地规模。 (3) The size of urban land shall be controlled strictly.
城市规划要按照循序渐进、节约土地、集约发展、合理布局的原则,科学确定城市定位、功能目标和发展规模,增强城市综合承载能力。 City planning shall adhere to the principle of gradual and orderly progress, land saving, intensive development and reasonable positioning in order to determine the orientation, functional target and development size of cities and enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of cities.
要按照节约集约用地的要求,加快城市规划相关技术标准的制定和修订。 Relevant technical standards on city planning shall be formulated and revised according to the principle of economical and intensive utilization of land.
尽快出台新修订的人均用地、用地结构等城市规划控制标准,合理确定各项建设建筑密度、容积率、绿地率,严格按国家标准进行各项市政基础设施和生态绿化建设。 Revised city planning standard including area per capita and structure of land shall be promulgated as soon as possible to determine building density, floor area ratio of building and green space ratio of each construction rationally. Construction of municipal infrastructure and ecological greening shall be carried on according to national standard strictly.
严禁规划建设脱离实际需要的宽马路、大广场和绿化带。 The planning and construction of wide street, big square and green belt without taking into account the practical need shall be prohibited.
(四) 严格土地使用标准。要健全各类建设用地标准体系,抓紧编制公共设施和公益事业建设用地标准。 (4) The standards of land-use shall be controlled strictly. All kinds of standards system of construction land shall be perfected. Standards of construction land of public facilities and public welfare shall be compiled timely.
要按照节约集约用地的原则,在满足功能和安全要求的前提下,重新审改现有各类工程项目建设用地标准。 On the premise of ensuring safety and meeting the requirement of function, various kinds of present standards of land used for construction purposes of engineering projects shall be examined and revised according to the principle of economical and intensive utilization of land.
凡与土地使用标准不一致的建设标准和设计规范,要及时修订。 Should the standards of construction and design criterion fail to conform to the standards of land use, the standards of construction and design criterion shall be revised timely.
要采取先进节地技术、降低路基高度、提高桥隧比例等措施,降低公路、铁路等基础设施工程用地和取弃土用地标准。 Several measures like adopting advanced land-saving techniques, reducing the height of sub-grade and increasing bridge and tunnel ratio are required to take to reduce the land-use standards of highway, railroad, other infrastructure facilities and soil excavating and disusing project.
建设项目设计、施工和建设用地审批必须严格执行用地标准,对超标准用地的,要核减用地面积。 Land-use standards shall be implemented strictly in the design of the construction projects, construction, examination and approval of the construction land. Land use area shall be checked and reduced when the land is used in excess of standards.
今后,各地区、各部门不得开展涉及用地标准并有悖于节约集约用地原则的达标评比活动,已经部署开展的相关活动要坚决停下来。 All regions and all departments shall not launch activities of reaching standard and appraising through comparison which go against the principle of economical and intensive utilization of land in future. Relevant activities which have been launched and developed shall be stopped resolutely.
二、 充分利用现有建设用地,大力提高建设用地利用效率 2. Making full use of the existing construction land to improve the efficiency of construction land.
(五) 开展建设用地普查评价。 (5) General survey and evaluation of the construction land shall be launched.
各地要在第二次土地调查的基础上,认真组织开展建设用地普查评价,对现有建设用地的开发利用和投入产出情况做出评估,并按照法律法规和政策规定,处理好建设用地开发利用中存在的问题。 All regions shall organize and develop the general survey and evaluation of the construction land in earnest on the basis of the second national land survey to evaluate the situation of the development, utilization and input-output of the existing construction land. All regions shall deal with the problems emerging in the process of developing and using the construction land properly according to the laws and policies.
今后各项建设要优先开发利用空闲、废弃、闲置和低效利用的土地,努力提高建设用地利用效率。 The exploitation and utilization of open spaces, discarded land, idle land plots and inefficient utilization land shall be given priority during various construction projects to strive to improve the utilization efficiency of land used for construction purposes.
(六) 严格执行闲置土地处置政策。 (6) Measures on handling idle land plots shall be implemented strictly.
土地闲置满两年、依法应当无偿收回的,坚决无偿收回,重新安排使用; When the land keeps idle more than two years resulting in that the right to use the land shall be taken back without any compensation according to law, the right shall be taken back without any compensation resolutely in order to be reallocated and used.
不符合法定收回条件的,也应采取改变用途、等价置换、安排临时使用、纳入政府储备等途径及时处置、充分利用。 Should the land doesn't conform to the legal condition of taking back, measures like changing use, equivalent replacement, arranging temporarily use and bringing into governmental reserve and so on shall be taken to handle the idle land plots and make full use of it.
土地闲置满一年不满两年的,按出让或划拨土地价款的20%征收土地闲置费。 When the land keeps idle more than one year and less than two years, 20 percent of the lease fees for land use may be collected as an idle land fee.
对闲置土地特别是闲置房地产用地要征缴增值地价,国土资源部要会同有关部门抓紧研究制订具体办法。 A duty shall be imposed on value increment of idle land plots especially idle real estate. Ministry of Land and Resources and concerned departments shall study and formulate concrete measures timely.
2008年6月底前,各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府要将闲置土地清理处置情况向国务院做出专题报告。 By the end of June 2008, the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall submit the special report on clearing up and handling idle land plots to the State Council.
(七) 积极引导使用未利用地和废弃地。 (7) Utilization of the unutilized land and discarded land shall be actively guided.
国土资源部门要对适宜开发的未利用地做出规划,引导和鼓励将适宜建设的未利用地开发成建设用地。 Departments of Land and Resources shall make planning of the unutilized land which is suitable for exploitation as well as guide and encourage developing the unutilized land which is suitable for exploitation from unutilized land into land for construction purposes.
积极复垦利用废弃地,对因单位撤销、迁移等原因停止使用,以及经核准报废的公路、铁路、机场、矿场等使用的原划拨土地,应依法及时收回,重新安排使用; Discarded land reclamation and utilization shall be pushed forward actively. In one of the following cases, land use right of state-owned land shall be recovered timely according to law in order to be reallocated and used: the use of land originally allocated has been stopped due to cancellation or removal of units; roads, railways, airports and mining sites that have been approved to be abandoned.
除可以继续划拨使用的以外,经依法批准由原土地使用者自行开发的,按市场价补缴土地价款。 Should the original land users have been approved, according to law, to develop the land on their owns, the lease fees for land use may be collected according to market price, except for the land allo

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