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必修3 Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars单元练习          【字体:

必修3 Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars单元练习

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-17     

必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars
develop, prevent,  surface, disappoint, explode, float, force, publish, solid, spread, violent, astronomy
1. In the last five years the city has _______ out rapidly in all directions.
2. That he failed the college entrance examination _______ his parents very much.
3. They ____ the canoe out into the middle of the river.
4. The famous writer ________ a lot of popular novels in that _________ firm.
5. The ____________ of gravity makes things fall to the earth.
6. The robber kicked the door _______ and broke into the old man's house.
7. Nothing can separate the two, because they have a ______ friendship foundation.
8. During World War II, two atomic bombs _______ in Japan, killing a large number of people.
9. With the ______ of our country’s economy, people's living standard has been greatly raised.
10. More than 70% of the earth’s _____ is covered by water.
1.依靠;取决于                  2. think of … as
3.既然,由于                    4. study the subject scientifically
5.摔跤                          6. the beginning of life
7.向某人解释某事                8. make it possible for life to develop
9.随着时间的推移                10. prevent sb. from doing sth
11.盼望                         12. the only natural satellite of the earth
13.导致                        14. rise slowly into the air
15.屏住呼吸                    16. make notes
17.作一次太空之旅              18. know much about sth
19.爆发                        20. get the hang of it.

1. They lost their way in the forest and ___ made matters worst was ___ night began to fall.
2. __________has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
3. It is said __________Peter will have a chance to travel abroad next month.
4. __________Yang Liwei ate his food in space is _________ we want to know.
5. _________ he lost the bike worried him a lot.
6. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter _________it was.  
7. __________ of you answers the question correctly will be given a prize.
8. _________ he didn't come yesterday is unknown. 
9. _________we will go tomorrow hasn't been decided yet.
10. _________ will be sent to help them is very important.
2. 根据中文提示翻译下列句子:
1.________________________________________(太空旅行所需的)is careful preparations.
2. It will soon be announced _______________________________(谁获得第一名).    3.______________________________________________________(杨利伟从太空中安     
然着陆地球)made all Chinese exited and cheerful.
4. It is still unknown _________________________(他什么时候入党的). 5._________________________________________________(宇航员在太空中如何吃
饭、睡觉和行走)is very strange and interesting.
is what are most interested in.
7. It remains a secret  __________________________(他为什么突然变卦).
8.__________________________________________(何时战争才会从世上消失) is hard to say.
9. (最令人满意的是)______________________________was that they finished the work in time.
10.(怎样提高我们的学习成绩)______________________ is what we are most concerned about.

1. Once fighting _________ between the two villages and many people were killed.
A. broke out      B. was broken out   C. had broken out   D. had been broken out
2. The Olympics are to be held in Beijing in 2008, ______ has become a great encouragement to all Chinese.  
A. where      B. that     C. which     D. that
3. The moment the cat heard the mice _______ noises, it rushed out ________ the door.
A. make, from       B. making, behind  
C. make, from behind   D. making, from behind
4. ---How far apart do they live?
---_________ I know, they live in the same neighbourhood.
A. As long as    B. As far as     C. As well as        D. As soon as
5. It was a matter of _____ would take the position.
  A. who     B. whoever       C. whom      D. whomever
6. Why not seize it _______ you’ve got such a good chance?
  A. now that      B. that    C. where    D. which
7. His parents were ______at the ______ news that he failed the exam again.
  A. disappointed, disappointing      B. disappointed, disappointed
  C. disappointing, disappointing     D. disappointing, disappointed
8. ____ he grew older, he lost interest in everything except gardening.
  A. When      B. As     C. While     D. Until
9. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _____ I thought was a dangerous speed.     A. as      B. which     C. what     D. that
10. The result of the experiment was very good, _______ we hadn’t expected.
  A. when           B. what        C. which          D. as
11. _____ the books where they were ______.
  A. Lay, laying     B. Lie, lying      C. Lay, lying     D. Lie, laying
12. He ______ at once when I promised to help him.
  A. cheered up      B. gave up    C. lighted up      D. turned up
13. The audience clapped their hands _____ to the music.
  A. in time     B. on time     C. at time    D. behind time
14. There is a man _______ himself Mr Li waiting for you.
  A. called      B. calls     C. calling     D. call
15. He _____ his eyes from his desk and then ____ from his seat.
  A. rose, raised     B. rose, rose     C. raised, raised      D. raised, rose

There was in Washington a policeman who was known as the man who arrested the president. The_1_ took place when the man was a green officer_2_ at No. 1 Street.
    One evening, President Grant , who had been invited to a party of friends, was_3_ home to meet the engagement. The _4_ , with its four horses, was running down the street so fast that the new policeman __5_ the driver to stop . The driver _6__ him and asked what was the _7__. Don’t you know you are driving about nine times as fast as the law _8_?” said the officer.
    “Yes,” answered the president. “ I suppose I was , _9_ you speak of it.”
    “Well, then, you may _10_yourself under arrest and go with me to the station house.”
    There were some marks from the other _11_of the carriage _12_  whom was a foreign minister, but the president said, “The man is _13_ right.” and asked the policeman to _14_himself behind him.
    _15_ the policeman heard a soft voice, “ I only thought you _16_  know that it’s President .” The officer was very _17_ and begged them to let him go, _18_ the president would have none of it.
    When they reached the station, the captain turned _19_. Apologies were made, but the president _20_on paying the proper fine.
1. A. accident     B incident       C. account         D. affair
2. A stood        B stationed      C kept watch       D defending
3 .A walking      B wandering     C running          D hurrying
4. A. car         B bus           C carriage         D train
5. A begged      B hoped         C ordered         D suggested
6. A agreed       B accepted      C listened         D obeyed
7.A matter       B  thing        C affair           D business
8. A lets         B forbids        C tells            D allows
9. A though      B unless         C while           D since
10. A decide     B guess          C consider        D treat
11.A passengers  B drivers         C officers         D policemen
12.A with       B among         C in              D except
13.A. rather     B hardly         C rarely           D perfectly
14.A to seat     B to sit         C to stand         D to climb
15.A Fortunately  B Happily      C Suddenly      D Carefully
16.A could      B must         C ought to        D may
17 A excited    B interested      C moved         D astonished
18.A therefore   B but          C and            D otherwise
19.A. white     B green        C red            D yellow
20.A demanded   B asked       C required        D insisted

Damage to Ozone layer Gets Worse
    In the middle of winter, when snow is falling in many parts of the United States, scientists have sounded a warning to people who plan to spend many hours in the sun this summer. The warning is: The sun’s summertime rays are more dangerous than once thought.
    A team of scientists from 80 nations recently reported to the United Nations that a layer of ozone (臭氧层) in the atmosphere, which protects humans from harmful levels of ultraviolet(紫外线) radiation, will be thinner over the United States this summer. The thinner layer allows more ultraviolet rays from the sun to reach Earth. The extra amount of ultraviolet radiation could cause an increase in the number of cases of skin cancer.
    Scientists first became concerned about the ozone layer in the mid-1980s when a hole was discovered in the layer above Antarctica during the winter. The hole was caused by chemicals used in refrigerators and air conditioners. When these chemicals are sent out into the atmosphere, they produce gases that destroy the ozone.
    Concern about the protective ozone layer rose more recently when data(数据) from satellites and ground stations showed that ozone levels were dropping over areas other than Antarctica. Low ozone levels were recorded in the spring and summer over the United States and over other populated areas in the world.
    Although many countries have already begun stopping the use of ozone destroying chemicals, the new findings are expected to advance the timetable for a total ban(禁止) of the chemicals.
1. The scientists have observed the ozone layer_____.
A. since 1980             B. since last winter      
C for about 20 years    D. for about one year
2. The ozone layer in the atmosphere can _____.
A. do a lot of good to human beings in many ways.
B. protect humans from diseases caused by bad weather.
C. do a lot of harm to human beings in the summer-time.
D. protect humans from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation.
3. Scientists first found that there was a hole in the ozone layer_____.
A. above Arctic during the winter in the mid-1980s
B. above Antarctica during the winter in the mid-1980s
C. over somewhere in the north of the equator in 1980
D. over the U.S.A in the summertime in the mid-1980s
4. The damage to the ozone layer was caused by_____.
A. the changeable weather
B. ozone-destroying chemicals
C. chemicals from refrigerators
D. chemicals from air conditioners
    Early in the morning of June 29, 1991, Carrie and Morgenstern were watching the field. Although they could see nothing through the thick fog, they kept their camera running.
    By 6 a.m. the fog began to lift. A remarkable pair of circles had been flattened. Stalks (主茎) were bent but not broken. Outside the circles the wheat was untouched. Muddy though the field was, there were no footprints or other marks. The circles seemed to have come from nowhere. “ I can’t explain it at all ,” Mike Carrier said to himself with his eyes wide open.
    Carrier is not alone since the early 1980s, more than 2000 circles have appeared in farmer’s fields. Most circles form at night between May and August.
    Some believe the circles are caused by deer or some other animals. Others think of UFOs. “The circles are messages given by those who come from outer space,” says Michael Green. “Perhaps they are trying to get in touch with us.”
    Pat Delgado has done research on crop circles since 1981. He believes that they are caused by “ some form of earth energy.”
    Most scientists think that there’s no scientific basis to back up Green’s or Delgado’s theories. Some of them say, “ We think they’re nothing but hoax(骗局).”
    In September 1991, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley told newsmen that since 1979 they had made circles throughout southern England to fool people who believed in UFOs.
  Since the early 1980s, Dr. Terence Meaden has visited more than1000 circles. Now he thinks he may have the answer. He believes true crop circles are made by vortex(旋风) which can flatten the crop in circular patterns.
    Now crop circles are still found in southern England each summer. Are they really the traces of UFOs?
5. On the morning of June 29, 1991, Carrier and Morgensern hoped to________.
  A. record the important thing       B. draw a conclusion
  C. find a secret of nature           D. see something funny
6. When he saw the crop circle, Mike Carrie was________.
  A. satisfied     B. frightened     C. surprised      D interested
7. Most scientists consider that theories of Green and Delgado are_________.
  A meaningful         B. reasonable
  C instructive         D. against the laws of science
8. According to the article we may know that all the crop circles______.
  A. are made by those who come from outer space
  B. are nothing but hoaxes
  C. are not hoaxes        D can be explained by scientists

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