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高考英语难点讲解[31]-难以捉摸的冠词[短文改错]          【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-17     

难点31  难以捉摸的冠词

1.(★★★★) I’ll take this chance to wish you wonderful time on your birthday.
89. ________(2000春季高考)
2.(★★★★) Suddenly, I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.
91. ________ (NMET2000)
3.(★★★★★) When I was a child, the rain was a mystery.
90. ________ (2001 春季高考)
4.(★★★★) We may be on family and live under a same roof.
82. ________ (NMET2001)
5.(★★★★★)As everyone knows, it’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.             
76. ________(NMET 2002)

1.Each player must obey captain, who is the leader of the team.
解析:此题为五星级题。captain 前面加the。如chairman, captain, monitor ,manager这类表示职位的名词,前面一般为零冠词,但如果这类职务指的是某人,前面要用定冠词。
 e.g. We elected him monitor.
He is the monitor of our class.
2.I was about to rush out of the train station when a well-dressed old man took me by my arm.
解析:此题为四星级题。把my 改成the。take sb. by the hand \\arm 为固定搭配。在固定句型hit sb. in the face,strike sb. on the head ,take sb. by the arm等中,身体各部位前一定用定冠词the。
3.Good health is person’s most valuable possession.
解析:此题为四星级题。在person’s 前加a。person 是可数名词,又是第一次提到,单数前应加不定冠词。
A person 一个人;people为复数名词,但Chinese is a kind and hard-working people. man 作人类(mankind)讲时,不加冠词;但加冠词后,就变成具体的某个人了。
e.g. man’s knowledge of things is developing.
4.Modern people know more than about the health.
解析:此题为五星级题。去掉the。health 是抽象名词,又是不可数名词,故不可用定冠词。抽象名词和物质名词表示一般概念时,前面通常不用冠词,但特指时,则须用定冠词;如果表示一个具体情况或动作或某一物质时,前面可用不定冠词。
e.g. Sending another satellites is a bib success for China.
It’s a great joy to live with all my old classmates.
What a heavy rain!
5.Alexander Braborn Bell is considered to invented telephone in 1876.
解析:此题为五星级题。telephone 前加the。在讨论科技问题时,定冠词常和单数可数名词连用。在表示发明物的单数名词前加the。
e.g. The compass was invented in China four thousand years ago.

不可数名词泛指时前面多冠词;单数可数名词前少冠词;不定冠词a, an与定冠词的错误使用;固定搭配中的冠词错误等等为高考常见的考点。

1.(★★★★)…while sweeping the room, she saw little mouse running across her floor.
2.(★★★)We think it bridge to the friendship between us and the people throughout the outside the world.
3.(★★★★)After I finished the school this year ,I began to look for work.
4.(★★★★)Last summer I spent a two-week vacation at my aunt’s.
5.(★★★★★)With smile ,the teacher drew two circles.
6.(★★★★)Bob was very fond of the music when he was a child.
7.(★★★★★)Michale was walking along the street other day.
8.(★★★★★)Besides my work at the office, only thing that interests me is listening to music.
9.(★★★)One piece of cloth was black, and other piece was white.

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:soosun 

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