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高考英语难点讲解[32]-需要摆平的平行结构[短文改错]          【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-17     

难点32  需要摆平的平行结构

1.(★★★★)As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.
80. ________(NMET 2002)
2.(★★★★)I remembered her words and calm down.
93. ________ (NMET 2000)
3.(★★★★★)I will spend the whole weekend reading and prepare for it.
86. ________ (2000春季)
4.(★★★★★) Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.          
 90. ________
5.(★★★★★) Modern people know more about health, have better find and to live in cleaner surroundings.             

1.It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.
(NMET I996)
解析:此题为五星级题。drove改成drive。 因为to meet…and to drive 是平行结构,同时在句中作主语。drive 可以视为省略了to。
e.g. It is difficult for him to speak English and communicate with others in English.
2.To answer correctly is more important than finish quickly.
解析:此题为五星级题。在finish 前加to。to finish quickly 与to answer quickly 是不定式的平行结构。
e.g. To say is easier than to do.
3.In many ways, riding a bicycle is a similar to drive a car.
解析:此题为四星级题。drive 改为driving,riding 与driving 为动名词的平行结构。
4.Psychology today is interesting; informative and easily to read.
解析:此题为五星级题。easily 改为easy.interesting ,informative and easy 为形容词的平行结构。
e.g. We must solve this problem in a correct and friendly way.
5.Not only do readers find the book useful, it also helped Jiang to learn more.
解析:此题为五星级题。do 改为did。 因为not only…but also… 连接两个平行结构find 和help ,都为过去时态。not only 置与句首,应该倒装,借助于助动词did。

2.平行结构经常借助于并列连词and, but, or或连词词组not only…but also…, not…but…, either…or…,neither…nor…, as well as 等。

1.(★★★★)The Indians of the Southwestern United States are famous for their beautiful art work, especially hand made jewelry cast in silver, carved out of stones, or decorate with beads and feathers.
2.(★★★★)Go down to the shop and to buy a mouse-trap , but don’t tell anyone what it is for!
3.(★★★)She’s famous not only in the United States but also on abroad.
4.(★★★★)The full preparations if you make, the surer of success you’ll certainly be.
5.(★★★)A seeing-eye dog is a special dog that helps blind people walk along the streets and doing many other things.
6.(★★★★)Day after day we see its light and feel its warm.
7.(★★★★★)He said it was best to stay until help arrived rather than to go into the forest and get lost.
8.(★★★★)Charles and Linda Mason do all of these things as well as climbed building.
9.(★★★★)Michael and Jack went to the same school and then the same university.
10.(★★★★★)In many countries people put notices in newspapers if they are trying to get information or finding a house and the rooms that they can live in …

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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:soosun 

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