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Lesson 208 work Review            【字体:
Lesson 208 work Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Cam: It’s time to perfect Chinese your way in only five minutes a day. Welcome to our weekly review show, wo shi Cam.
YJ: And wo shi Yajie.  If you need help on anything we covered this week, you’ve come to the right place!
Cam: Right.  We’ve been talking all about work, one of my least favorite things to do.  Let’s check Sentences in the Week.

Sentences in the week
What do you do?  你是做什么工作的?lawyer律师, teacher, 老师, policeman, 警察, journalist, 记者, Are you busy at work? 你工作忙吗?I am looking for a part-time job. 我在找一份兼职的工作 All in today’s Chinese Studio

Cam: Okay Yajie, let’s first review the common question--- what do you do?
YJ:  Okay, it’s ni3 shi4 zuo4 shen2me gong1 zuo4 de?
Cam: ni3 shi4 zuo4 shen2me gong1 zuo4 de?
YJ: ni3 means you,
Cam: ni3.
YJ: zuo4 means do,
Cam: zuo4,
YJ: shen2me means what,
Cam: shen2me,
YJ: gong1 zuo4 means job.
Cam: gong zuo,
YJ: ni3 shi4 zuo4 shen2me gong1 zuo4 de?
Cam: ni3 shi4 zuo4 shen2me gong1 zuo4 de? What do you do?

Conversation 1:
A: 你是做什么工作的?
B: 我在大学教书。你呢?你是做什么工作的?

Y: Then let’s review the professions we mentioned this week?
Cam: okay, the first one is teacher.
YJ: teacher is lao3 shi1,
Cam: lao3 shi1 and student is xue2 sheng1.
YJ: That’s right. Then the second one is lawyer, in Chinese lawyer is called lv4 shi1.
Cam: lv4 shi1.
YJ: then comes policeman, it’s jing3 cha2.
Cam: jing3 cha2. Then what’s the Chinese for journalist?
YJ: it’s ji4 zhe3.
Cam: ji4 zhe3. journalist.

Conversation 2:
A: teacher, 老师, lawyer律师,policeman, 警察, journalist, 记者,

Cam: Okay Yajie, let’s review the question you asked me about are you busy at work?
YJ:  Sure.  I said ni gong zuo mang ma?
C: ni gong zuo mang ma?
Y: ni3 means you,
C: ni3,
Y: gong1 zuo4 means work,
C: gong1 zuo4,
Y: mang2 means busy,
C: mang2.
Y: ni gong zuo mang ma?
C: ni gong zuo mang ma? Are you busy at work?

Conversation 3:
(1)A: 你工作忙吗?
B: 还行。
(2)A: 你工作忙吗?
B: 最近挺忙的。

A: 你工作忙吗?
B: 还行。你呢?你工作忙吗?
A: 我真羡慕你。我可忙了,经常加班。
B: 那你可要注意身体。
A: 谢谢关心,我会照顾好自己的。

C: Yaj, Now I’m looking for a part-time job… let’s review it again.
YJ: you can say我在找一份兼职的工作。
C: … wo zai4 zhao3 yi2fen4 jian1zhi2 de gong1zuo4.
YJ: zai4 is short for zheng zhai, which means is doing sth right now,
C: zai4.
YJ: zhao3 means look for,
C: zhao3,
YJ: yi2fen4 gong1zuo4, a job,
C: yi2fen4 gong1zuo4,
YJ: jian1zhi2, part-time,
C: jian1 zhi2,
YJ: jian1zhi2 de gong1zuo4 part-time job.
C: jian1zhi2 de gong1zuo4
YJ: wo zai4 zhao3 yi2fen4 jian1zhi2 de gong1zuo4
C: wo zai4 zhao3 yi2fen4 jian1zhi2 de gong1zuo4 I’m looking for a part-time job.

Conversation 4:

B: 我在找一份兼职的工作。

Cam: Well, that wraps up this edition to Chinese Studio.  Yajie, it has been a great time.
YJ: It sure has.  Would you like to read our question of the day?
Cam: Sure.  How do you say “Are you busy at work?” in Chinese?  It’s a tough one.  Send your answer to, and you might win a prize.
YJ: See you soon!
Cam: Zai jian!

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