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Lesson 215 Easter III            【字体:
Lesson 215 Easter III
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

  Y: It’s Easter week on Chinese Studio, da jia hao. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. Those Easter eggs we painted look great. Can we learn some more about Easter Y?
Y: Dang ran le, of course we can. Let’s go.

Key words of the day
Easter bunny 复活节兔子Hide them. 把彩蛋藏起来。Easter egg hunts 找复活节彩蛋活动,egg rolling races 复活节滚彩蛋比赛 All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Yajie. Easter wouldn’t be Easter without mention of the Easter bunny. Who’s he in Chinese?
Y: Brendan, do you still remember the Chinese for Easter?
B: sure. It’s fu4 huo2 jie2.
Y: Good… then Easter Bunny is fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi.
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi.
Y: tu4zi means bunny,
B: tu4zi
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi Easter bunny. 

Conversation 1
A: 今晚的化妆舞会,你会打扮成什么样?
B: 我会打扮成一只复活节兔子

What are you doing yajie?
Y: I’m hiding Easter eggs… you know, for the Easter egg hunts…
B: I see. How do you say “Hide them”?
Y: You can say “ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2”
B: ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2
Y: ba3 is often put before the object,
B: ba3,
Y: cai3 dan4 Easter eggs,
B: cai3 dan4. 
Y: cang2 qi3 lai2 means hide,
B: cang2 qi3 lai2. 
Y: ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2
B:  ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2 Hide them.

Conversation 2

B: 为什么?

B: Yajie, you know Easter egg hunts are the best part about Easter.
Y: Right. since we just mentioned it. Let’s learn how to say it in Chinese, hao ma?
B: hao3 de.
Y: it’s 找复活节彩蛋活动
B: zhao3 fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4 huo2 dong4.
Y: zhao3 means hunt or search for,
B: zhao3,
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4 Easter eggs,
Y: huo2 dong4 means activity,
B: huo2 dong4
Y: zhao3 fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4 huo2 dong4.
B: zhao3 fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4 huo2 dong4. Easter egg hunts

A: 什么活动,这么热闹!
B: 找复活节彩蛋活动。

B: yajie, Time for the egg rolling races
Y: Sounds like fun…
B: it does. Especially for kids. How do you say it in Chinese?
Y: it’s 复活节滚彩蛋比赛
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 gun2 cai3 dan4 bi3 sai4.
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2, Easter,
B: fu4 huo2 jie2
Y: roll in Chinese is gun3,
B: gun3, and cai3 dan4 is Easter eggs,
Y: right. bi3 sai4 means race,
B: bi3 sai4
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2 gun2 cai3 dan4 bi3 sai4
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 gun2 cai3 dan4 bi3 sai4 egg rolling races

Conversation 4
A: 复活节滚彩蛋比赛听上去不错。
B: 是的,小孩子们很喜欢。

Key words reminder
Easter bunny 复活节兔子Hide them. 把彩蛋藏起来。Easter egg hunts 找复活节彩蛋活动,egg rolling races 复活节滚彩蛋比赛 All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: Not too many more sleeps till Easter Y. And it’s also time for us to disappear. Question time though.
Y: Yes, how do you say, “Easter bunny” in Chinese?
B: Send us an answer to Remember, the correct answer and you could win yourself a prize. Mingtian jian.
Y: Mingtian jian.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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