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Lesson 216 Easter Review            【字体:
Lesson 216 Easter Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: It’s Easter week on Chinese Studio, and welcome in everyone. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. It’s an Easter weekend and time for us to review what we’ve learned during the week.

Sentences of the week

Happy Easter复活节快乐Easter eggs 复活节彩蛋Easter bunny 复活节兔子Hide them把彩蛋藏起来Let’s begin咱们开始吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Today is Easter, Yajie. Let’s say review how to say Happy Easter in Chinese?
Y: Good times. it’s fu4 huo2 jie2 kuai4 le4.
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 kuai4 le4
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2 is Easter,
B: fu4 huo2 jie2
Y: kuai4 le4 means happy,
B: kuai4 le4.
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2 kuai4 le4
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 kuai4 le4 Happy Easter.

Conversation 1
A: 祝你复活节快乐!
B: 谢谢,也祝你复活节快乐!

B: Yajie, I have some Easter eggs for you!
Y: That’s so nice… Thanks. Brendan, do you still remember how to say Easter eggs in Chinese?
B: Sure: it’s fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4
Y: Good, 复活节彩蛋
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 means Easter.
Y: yes… cai3 means colorful,
B: cai3…
Y: and eggs in Chinese is dan4,
B: dan4.
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 cai3 dan4 Eater eggs.

Conversation 2
A: 好漂亮的复活节彩蛋!
B: 谢谢,这是我亲手做的。

Y:B, Easter wouldn’t be Easter without mention of the Easter bunny.
B: right. let’s review his Chinese name. 
Y: okay, it’s fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi.
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi.
Y: tu4zi means bunny,
B: tu4zi
Y: fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi
B: fu4 huo2 jie2 tu4zi Easter bunny. 

Conversation 3
A: 今晚的化妆舞会,你会打扮成什么样?
B: 我会打扮成一只复活节兔子

Y: Let’s hide these Easter eggs… for the Easter egg hunts…
B: Okay. How do you say “Hide them” in Chinese again?
Y: it’s  “ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2”
B: ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2
Y: ba3 is often put before the object,
B: ba3,
Y: cai3 dan4 Easter eggs,
B: cai3 dan4. 
Y: cang2 qi3 lai2 means hide,
B: cang2 qi3 lai2. 
Y: ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2
B: ba3 cai3 dan4 cang2 qi3 lai2 Hide them.

Conversation 4
B: 为什么?

B: Yajie, are you ready for the egg rolling race?
Y: of course. Let’s begin. zan2men kai1 shi3 ba.
B: zan2men kai1 shi3 ba.
Y: zan2men means we,
B: zan2men,
Y: kai1 shi3 means start,
B: kai1 shi3,
Y: ba is used at the end of a sentence, indicating suggestion.
B: Ba.
Y: zan2men kai1 shi3 ba
B:zan2men kai1 shi3 ba Let’s begin.

Conversation 5
A: 所有的材料都准备好了。

Sentences of the week

Happy Easter复活节快乐Easter eggs 复活节彩蛋Easter bunny 复活节兔子Hide them把彩蛋藏起来Let’s begin咱们开始吧。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: Time for our question of the day.
Y: How do you say “Let’s begin.” In Chinese.
B: send your email answer to and you could win yourself a prize. Zhou1 mo4 yu2 kuai4
Y: Have a nice weekend.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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