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Lesson 280 Review Lesson            【字体:
Lesson 280 Review Lesson
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: It’s been another feeding frenzy this week in the Chinese Studio, welcome in everyone. Wo shi Y.
B: Da jia hao, wo shi B. No touching or tasting today, I’m just gonna look as my stomach is still full from yesterday. Nothing like a little review though of what we’ve eaten throughout the week.

Sentences of the week
What’s the local specialty? 当地有什么特色小吃?steamed dumpling 蒸饺Mutton kebab 羊肉串 Not too spicy please. 别太辣了. I’m full我已经吃饱了。All in today’s Chinese Studio

B: First let’s review this sentence: What’s the local specialty?
Y: Okay, dang1 di4 you3 shen2me te4 se4 xiao3 chi1? 
B: Let me try that: dang1 di4 you3 shen2me te4 se4 xiao3 chi1?
Y: dang1 di4 means the local, 
B: dang1 di4,
Y: you3 literally means have,
B: you3,
Y: shen2me means what,
B: shen2me,
Y: te4 se4 means specialty,
B: te4 se4,
Y: xiao3 chi1 means snack,
B: xiao3 chi1,
Y: dang1 di4 you3 shen2me te4 se4 xiao3 chi1?
B: dang1 di4 you3 shen2me te4 se4 xiao3 chi1? What’s the local specialty?

Conversation 1
A: 当地有什么特色小吃?
B: 尝尝臭豆腐吧,很有名的。

B: Ok Y, time to come clean, my favorite snack food here is the steamed dumpling, and they seem to come with all sorts of different fillings. What’s the Chinese word for these?
Y: zheng1 jiao3.
B:  zheng1 jiao3.
Y: zheng1 means steamed,  
B: zheng1,
Y: jiao3 is dumpling,
B: jiao3,
Y: zheng1 jiao3.
B:  zheng1 jiao3. Steamed dumpling
Y: and they usually have pork inside, or other meat, or veggies.
B: Let’s start the day with a pork zheng1 jiao3 or two, or three.

Conversation 2
A: 来一笼蒸饺。
B: 好的,马上就来。

B: We can’t walk past those kebabs Y
Y: these are yang2 rou2 chuan4.
B: yang2 rou2 chuan4.  
Y: yang2 rou2 means mutton,
B:  yang2 rou2,
Y: chuan4 means shish kebabs,
B: chuan4,
Y: yang2 rou2 chuan4.
B: yang2 rou2 chuan4. , mutton kebabs. Now, they look a little spicy, how can I say, not too spicy please.
Y: Like this:  bie2 tai4 la4 le.
B: bie2 tai4 la4 le.
Y: bie2 means don’t do something,
B: bie2,
Y: tai4 means too much,
B: tai4,
Y: la4 means spicy,
B: la4,
Y: bie2 tai4 la4 le.
B: bie2 tai4 la4 le, not too spicy please.

Conversation 3
A: 三个羊肉串。别太辣了。
B: 好的,稍等一下。

Y: I think I’m full now. wo2 yi3 jing1 chi1 bao3 le.
B: wo2 yi3 jing1 chi1 bao3 le.
Y: yi3 jing1 means already, 
B:  yi3 jing1,
Y: chi1 means eat.
B: chi1,
Y: bao3 means full,
B: bao3, 
Y: wo2 yi3 jing1 chi1 bao3 le.
B: wo2 yi3 jing1 chi1 bao3 le.  I’m full.

Conversation 4
A: 再点点儿什么?
B: 不用了。我已经吃饱了。

B: Food glorious food, no matter the language it’s a universal pleasure, and one we’ve enjoyed tasting this week. I need a little exercise after this eating marathon. How about a walk in the park Y?
Y: Hao zhuyi, good idea, and before we disappear, here’s an easy weekend question. Remind us how to say “ What’s the local specialty?” in Chinese.
B: Send us your answer to Remember, the correct answer and you could win yourself a prize. Zhoumo yukuai.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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