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Lesson 293 --- Dancing            【字体:
Lesson 293 --- Dancing
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

B: Got ya dance shoes on Y, we’re turning the Chinese Studio into a dance studio this week. Dajia hao, Hi everyone, wo shi Raymond.
Y: And, wo shi Y. You’re in luck R, I do have my dancing shoes on. In the words of David Bowie, Let’s Dance.
B: Great idea, and here are some toe-tapping key words of the day.

Key words of the day
dancing跳舞, Rock and roll 摇滚Waltz 华尔兹Let’s go dancing. 咱们跳舞去吧。I don’t know how to dance. 我不会跳。I can show you the steps.我来教你。 All in today’s Chinese Studio.

B: It’s not only fun, but a great way to meet people, I’m talking about dancing.
Y: Couldn’t agree more. Of course you mean tiao4 wu3, dancing,
B: tiao4 wu3. so, Y, let’s go dancing.
Y: I’d love to, zan2men tiao4 wu3 qu4 ba.
B: zan2men tiao4 wu3 qu4 ba.
Y: zan2men is a colloquial way of saying we,
B: zan2men  
Y: tiao4 wu3 means to dance,
B: taio4 wu3,
Y: qu4 is used to indicate an intention of doing something,
B: qu4,
Y: zan2men tiao4 wu3 qu4 ba.
B: zan2men tiao4 wu3 qu4 ba.  Let’s go dancing.

Conversation 1
A: 咱们跳舞去吧。
B: 好主意。

B: Here we are, in the disco club, and they’re playing some rock and roll.
Y: That’s what we call yao2 gun3, rock n roll.
B: yao2 gun3,
Y: yao2 is to rock,
B: yao2,
Y: gun3 simply means to roll,
B: gun3, 
Y: yao2 gun3,
B: yao2 gun3, rock and roll. I love it. Shall we go dancing, Y?
Y: Oh, I’d love to.

Conversation 2
A: 这种音乐你喜欢吗?
B: 摇滚?当然喜欢了!

B: I love this party atmosphere, and the music’s slowed down, it’s a three-step I think, yi1 er4 san1 yi1 er4 san1.yeah, it’s a waltz.
Y: That’s a hua2 er3 zi1.
B: hua2 er3 zi1. but I don’t know how to dance.
Y: It’s alright, I can show you the steps..
B: first, how do I say “I don’t know how to dance”?
Y: you can say: wo3 bu2 hui4 tiao4,
B: wo3 bu2 hui4 tiao4,
Y: wo3 means I,
B: wo3,
Y: bu4 means not,
B: bu4,
Y: hui4, be able to do sth,
B: hui4,
Y:  tiao4, to dance,
B: tiao4,
Y: wo3 bu4 hui4 tiao4,
B:  wo3 bu4 hui4 tiao4, I don’t know how to dance.

Conversation 3
A: 咱们去跳华尔兹吧。

Y: No worries, I can show you the steps. It’s easy.
B: it's really embarrassing… I don’t how to dance in front of a girl…
Y: come on, you can use the sentence once you learned how to dance, you know, you may teach other girls.
B: okay, tell me how to say “I can show you the steps”
Y: it’s as easy as the steps… wo3 lai2 jiao1 ni3,
B: wo3 lai2 jiao1 ni3,
Y: wo3 means I,
B: wo3,
Y: lai2 is used to indicate an intended action,
B: lai2,
Y: jiao1 ni3, literally translated into teach you,
B: jiao1 ni3,
Y: wo3 lai2 jiao1 ni3,
B: wo3 lai2 jiao1 ni3, I can show you the steps. 

Conversation 4
A: 对不起,我不会跳。
B: 没关系,我来教你。

B: Wow, this is fun, hey, they’re playing our song, quick Y, what’s our question of the day?
Y: Here we are, it’s a very useful expression too, how do you say, “let’s go dancing” in Chinese?
B: Tell us in an email to Don’t forget, there’s always a prize at stake. Mingtian jian.
Y: Mingtian jian.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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