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Lesson 323 --- Restaurant Settings            【字体:
Lesson 323 --- Restaurant Settings
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Y: Oops, I dropped a chopstick on the ground.
R: 10 second rule. Wait is it 10 or 5.
Y: Too late, its time to get a new one. That’s what time it is.
R: Ok that sounds good Yaj, lets learn some more useful phrases in today’s Chinese studio.
Y: Here are the keywords of the day.

Keywords of the day
Chopstick筷子 Can I have one more chopstick? 请再拿双筷子。Check please. 买单 All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Hey Yaj, you can stop eating with your hands.
Y: My chopstick is on the floor (mouth full).
R: Here let me get you another chopstick. Wait how do you say that?
Y: (Spit) qing3 zai4 na2 shuang1 kuai4 zi. 
Qing3 please, 
zai4, one more,
na2  bring, 
shuang1 one pair of, the measure word for chopsticks
kuai4 zi, chopsticks

Can I have one more chopstick?
qing3 zai4 na2 shuang1 kuai4 zi

Conversation 1
A: 请再拿双筷子。

R: Well there we go, eating with our fingers and hunger has been quenched.
Y: Yummy yummy in my tummy.
R: I guess now it’s the time for me to pay, I  know you’re not going to pay for it… Waiter,  Check please! … Wait, how do you say that in Chinese? 
Y:  mai3 dan1. buy the bill,  check please. 

Conversation 2

Y: Well time for the quiz of the day before we pass to a food coma.
R: How do you say, Can I have another chopstick?
Y: Send your answer to and you could be one of our winners for a book of idioms, or one of the courses.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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