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Lesson 324 --- Review            【字体:
Lesson 324 --- Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Well here we go end of the week and we’re going to start a new one.
Y: you know what that means. We gotta eat again.
R: Well we gotta eat to be happy. Cause a happy stomach is a happy primate.
Y: Well lets go over some of the words and phrases we learned this week.

Sentences of the week
Do you have a menu in English? 有英文的菜单吗?What is this? 这是什么?  Check please. 买单  All in today’s Chinese Studio

Y: R, would you like to take a look at the Chinese menu?
R: no thanks, I’ll ask for a menu in English. Let’s review the sentence again.
Y: Then let’s first review the noun: menu

Tones: menu, cai4 dan1, dish list,
Re ask question.

Y: Then you should know: a menu in English

Tones:  a menu in English--- ying1 wen2 de cai4 dan1. 
Re ask question.
de is used after an attribute, when the attribute modifies the noun:
ying1 wen2 de cai4 dan1.  an English menu or a menu in English

Y: Then have in Chinese is you3,
Y: how do you say “a menu in English” again?
Y: the syllable ma is used to form a question,  

Together: Do you have a menu in English? 有英文的菜单吗?you3 ying1 wen2 de cai4 dan1 ma?

Conversation 1
A: 有英文的菜单吗?

R: Ya I’m reading the English menu, but still what is this? How do you say What is this? In Chinese?
Y: zhe4 shi4 shen1 me.
R: Zhe4 shi4 shen1 me.
Y: And this translates directly to this is what?
R: What tones is that?
Y: Zhe4 or this is the fourth tone.
R: Zhe4
Y: Shi4 means is. Shi4 is the fourth tone.
R: Shi4
Y: Together Zhe4 Shi4 means this is.
R: Zhe4 Shi4. both of them are fourth tones.
Y: How do you say This is in Chinese?
R: Zhe4 shi4.
Y: What is shen2 me. Shen2 is the second tone, and me is the neutral tone or the light tone,
R: Shen2 me
Y: So how do you say “what” in Chinese?
R: Shen2 me.
Y: How do you say This is?
R: Zhe4 shi4
Y: How do you say what?
R: shen2 me.
Y: Okay, let’s put it all together, What is this, or  this is what.
R: Zhe4 shi4 shen2 me. What is this?

Conversation 2
A: 这是什么?

R: That was a good meal. Thanks yajie.
Y: No problem. Mai3 dan1. 
R: I guess you just said:  Check please! …  how do you say that again in Chinese? 
Y:  mai3 dan1. buy the bill,  check please. 

Conversation 3
A: 买单。

Y: Well that wraps up another yummy segment of Chinese Studio.
R: That’s right and we’re about to go over and hit the sack. The food has made my stomach full and my eyes sleepy.
Y: Ok time to go home eating machine. Lets do the quiz of the day.
R: How do you say Check please!
Y: Get the answer, and send it to us at and you could win our prizes.
R: One lucky listener will receive our book of idioms, and maybe even free tuition at the bridge school.
Y: Take care, bye bye

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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