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Lesson 333 --- Compliments            【字体:
Lesson 333 --- Compliments
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio and the studio is looking great, Wo Shi Raymond.
Y: And Wo Shi Yajie. That's right you look so nice Chinese Studio.
R: As you can see we're having a great time learning to compliment each other, because that's what this episode is all about.
Y: So stayed tuned you wonderful listeners, because the key words of the days are coming right up.
Key Words of the Day
Sweater 毛衣 Your sweater is really beautiful! 你的毛衣真漂亮! You know how to dress really well. 你很会穿衣服. All in today’s Chinese Studio

Y: Hey Raymond, you look really good today.
R: Why thank you Yajie. You look good too. I wonder what it is?
Y: Its my new sweater, I bought it just recently and it is so wonderful.
R: Really I didn't notice.
Y: You are a nice person.... Let me teach you how to say "Your sweater is really beautiful!”

Ni3 de mao2 yi1 zhen1 piao4 liang

Ni3 de: your
Mao2 yi1: literally furry clothes; sweater
Zhen1: really,
Piao4 liang: good-looking; pretty; beautiful

R: Well Yajie its time you tell me the truth.
Y: What? That you're an ugly monster?
R: No that I dress really well.
Y: Since when?
R: Just tell em the truth and lay it out. "You know how to dress really well.”


ni2 hen3 hui4 chuan1 yi1 fu

ni3: you
hen3: really
hui4: be able to do sth,
chuan1: put on, to wear
yi1 fu: clothes
hui4 chuan1 yi1 fu: literally: be able to put on clothes,
but in this case: know how to dress well

R: Now you're all going to be armed with more ways to chase girls and boys.
Y: That's right the sweeping off the feet  start right now.
R: Great but before you start cleaning out the datable population, make sure you do our quiz of the day.
Y: How do you say, "You know how to dress well" in Chinese. Send it to
R: You could win our great book of idioms or free tuition at the wonderful bridge school!
Y: Don't forget to check out and click on learn Chinese.
R: Mingtian Jian.

we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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