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Lesson 334 --- Compliments            【字体:
Lesson 334 --- Compliments
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio! And you're looking sexy today Chinese Studio! Wo Shi Raymond
Y: Wo Shi Yajie. Yes indeed, you look really hot and spicy today Chinese Studio.
R: We're still doing what we call the fun parts of life - Compliments.
Y: That's right, now you can impress that significant other of yours with your smooth Chinese.
R: Here we are with the key words of the day.
Key Words of the Day
Chinese language 中文really good 真不错 Your Chinese is really good. 你的中文真不错。I think he is cute 我觉得他很帅。All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Y: So you sound pretty good today Raymond.
R: Why thanks Yaj. You know what we should say is that my Chinese is pretty good today.
Y: Ok Well let me tell you how to say that. “Your Chinese is really good.”

Your Chinese is really good. 你的中文真不错。
Ni3 de zhong1 wen2 zhen1 bu2 cuo4

Ni3 de: your
zhong1 wen2: Chinese language
zhen1: really, indeed
bu2 cuo4: not bad, which means good,
zhen1 bu2 cuo4: really good

R: Hey what are you looking at Yajiie?
Y: That delicious piece of meat over there?
R: I don't see any food.
Y: I mean that cute guy.
R: Are you kidding me? You really like guys with facial hair?
Y: Why yea? Doesn't everyone?
R: Not guys who have the amazon growing on their face. I mean there's hair coming out of his nose!
Y: Hey to each one's own, this is how you say "I think he is cute".

Wo3 jue2 de ta1 hen3 shuai4.

Wo3: I
Jue2 de: feel or think,
Ta1: he
Hen3: very much
Shuai4: cute

R: That takes care of helping identify people.
Y: Ya totally. There's so many hot people walking around.
R: Well keep that drool from hitting the ground, cause I'm sure they won't be happy about what is going on.
Y: Anyways keep up learning Chinese and tell us how do you say "I think he is cute." and send it to us at
R: the website.

we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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