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Lesson 360 - Airplane Etiquette Review            【字体:
Lesson 360 - Airplane Etiquette Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to the review of Chinese studio, wo Shi Raymond.
Y: And wo Shi Yajie.
R: Hey Yajie, let's go over some of these words again so that I can get more points on my Frequent Flyer miles.
Y: Ok Raymond. By the way what are you saving up for.
R: Its a secret.
Y: Oh come on tell me.
R; No NO NO. Secret.
Y: Is it that stuffed unicorn.
R: Gosh Darn it, to the bad places of the netherworld. How did you know?
Y: anyways, let’s go over the sentences of the week. 
Sentences of the week
Please take me to the airport 请送我去机场。 bon voyage 一路平安. Where is the emergency exit?  紧急出口在哪儿? All in today’s Chinese Studio. 

Y: R, you know you can’t hop on a cab and say nothing.
R: I did… but I don’t think the taxi driver understand English… or my Chinese.
Y: you can try it again.  What do you want to say?
R: I just want to tell him: please take me to the airport.
Y: easy. you can say: qing3 song4 wo3 qu4 ji1 chang3.

Y: Since I’m the only person to see you off at the airport, I guess all I can say is: bon voyage.
R:  no… tell me how to say that in Chinese.
Y: yi2 lu4 ping2 an1.
R: yi2 lu4 ping2 an1.

R: just in case… let’s review this sentence: where’s the emergency exit?
Y: in Chinese you can say:

Y: Ok well take care everyone, and keep going for those stuffed unicorn gifts when you reimburse your frequent flyer miles.
R: Ok that sounds great. but before we go, how do you say “Where is the emergency exit? "
Y: don't forget to send your answer to and you could win one of our fabulous idiom books.
R: Don't forget to check out our coooooooool website at and click on learn chinese.

we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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