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Lesson 361 Household Talk I            【字体:
Lesson 361 Household Talk I
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese studio, Wo Shi Raymond.
Y: And wo Shi Yajie. We're having a great time. 
R: Yes and today we're going to teach you what to say to your loved ones.
Y: That's right. We're going to know how to do more about household talk.
R: Ok here are the key words of the day.
Key Words of the Day
dinner 晚饭Honey, I’m home. 亲爱的,我回来了。What's for dinner tonight? 晚饭吃什么?All in today’s Chinese Studio.
Y: Well if you have loved ones you have to know how to greet them.
R: Cool, I have lots of loved ones as it is still the holidays.
Y: Ok Raymond, you should greet your loved ones. Like this: honey, I’m home.
R: Ya, how do you say that in Chinese? 亲爱的,我回来了。

Qin1 ai4 de, wo3 hui2 lai le.

Qin1 ai4 de: is how you call darling or honey in Chinese,
Wo3: I
Hui2 lai: get back
Le: the completion of an action

R: Ok Yajie, you've got to learn a few things about how we should be talking sweeter with our loved ones.
Y: How would you know Raymond. You're a robot.
R: Thanks. Might as well call me a cylon. Ho ho hoho.
Y: OK well lets say you're about to come home for dinner. What do you think you'll ask?
R: What's for dinner tonight!
Y: Right, you men think with your stomach. That's how it is. This is how you say
"What's for dinner tonight". 晚饭吃什么?

wan3 fan4 chi1 shen2me?
Wan3 fan4: dinner
Chi1: eat
Shen2me: what

Literally:  dinner eat what. 

Y: Well that wraps up this edition of Chinese studio.
R: That's right, so go home and tell your loved ones these messages.
Y: Which one?
R: The ones we mentioned.
Y: Ok well we might as well ask them how to say “what’s for dinner tonight?" in Chinese.
R: Send your answer to and you could win one of our prizes.
Y: Check out website. Crienglish, learn Chinese.

we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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