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Lesson 364 Household Talk Review            【字体:
Lesson 364 Household Talk Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio, Wo Shi Raymond
Y: and Wo Shi Yajie. Well my husband says i need to do more chores.
R: Well thank god i'm not married. I hate chores.
Y: Ya well being the obedient house wife that I am, I'm going to cook for the rest of my life.
R: Well before you go off to do some chores, obedient housewife, you should mention the key words of the day.
Y: Ok, sentences of the week.

Sentences of the week
Honey, I’m home. 亲爱的,我回来了。Take out the Garbage. 把垃圾倒了。Did the kids behave themselves? 孩子们乖不乖?All in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: honey, I’m home.
Y: that’s really sweet… but are you sure this is your home?
R: yes?... anyways, how do you say “ honey, I’m home ” in Chinese?


Y: honey, since you’re home. Take out the garbage.
R: okay… how about we review the sentence the first….
R: honey, did the kids behave themselves?
Y: you don’t have any kids, all you have is a green chameleon.
R: whatever… did the kids behave themselves?

Y: Well that wraps up this Chinese Studio!
R: Don't forget to have a lot of fun while you're vacuuming the floor.
Y: Ok well I think trash is important to not eat. So its best to throw it away.
R: Well how do you say: Honey, I’m home.
 R: and click on learn chinese.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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