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Lesson 378 Outside Appearances II            【字体:
Lesson 378 Outside Appearances II
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to Chinese Studio. Wo Shi Raymond
Y: And Wo Shi Yajie. Hey lets check out how you look.
R: What?
Y: I said we're going to check you out?
R: I guess we're going to look at my so beautiful hand, you know at one time I was a hand model.
Y: Right and pigs also flew over continents every weekend.
Key Words of the Day

Your skin is so good. 你的皮肤真好 “I have freckles” 我有雀斑 all in today’s Chinese Studio.

R: Wow my hands are just so nice.
Y: Whatever, but you know what's weird?
R: What?
Y: My face reflects sunlight better than mirrors.
R: OH my gosh you're right. Your skin is so good. 你的皮肤真好

Ni3 de pi2 fu1 zhen2 hao3
Ni3 de: your
Pi2 fu1: skin
Zhen2 hao3: very good

Y: Woa, there's something wrong with your face.
R: Whatever, are you sure you're looking at me, and not your own reflection?
Y: Yea, in fact there's all these little, .. .things on you.
R: Oh ya? Like what?
Y: Oh gosh you have freckles.
R: Ya so what, they help me camouflage myself during sandstorms. Tell me how to say “I have freckles”
Y: I guess people can tell if they see you, anyways you can learn 我有雀斑
Wo2 you3 que4 ban1
Wo3: i
You3: have
Que4 ban1: freckles

R: Well that concludes Chinese Studio
Y: Take care and make sure your face is clear.
R: Well here's the quiz of the day, how do you say "Your face is so clear"
Y: Send your answer to
R: Website.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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