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Lesson 379 Outside Appearances III            【字体:
Lesson 379 Outside Appearances III
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

R: Welcome to .. oh wait we don't need to introduce ourselves.
Y: Why not?
R: Cause they already know who we are, lets head to the beach.
Y: The beach? but its mid winter.
R: That's ok, you look like you saw a ghost, lets get you some color.
Key Words of the Day
You look pale,你脸色不太好 “I got a suntan”我晒黑了All in today’ s Chinese Studio.

Y: What are we doing here?
R: Cause you look like a ghost remember. Did you see one btw?
Y: No.. .. well... not that I know of.
R: Well anyways you look pale.
Y: Thanks,
R: No that's a bad thing, cause if you have bright light behind you, you disappear.
you look pale,你脸色不太好
ni2 lian3 se4 bu2 tai4 hao3
ni3: your
lian3 se4: face color
bu4: not
tai4 hao3: very good
bu2 tai4 hao3: pale

R: hey you do look a bit darker.
Y: Oh yea, I went to the beach and I got a suntan. 
R: okay, I guess that’s exactly what you want… how do you say “I got a suntan” in Chinese?
Y: 我晒黑了

Wo3 shai4 hei1 le
Wo3: i
Shai4: expose to the sun
Hei1: dark
Suntan: shai4 hei1

 Y: That concludes this version of Chinese Studio.
R: Stay by the beach and everything will be a cooool breeze.
Y:  Quiz of the day is, how do you say "I got a suntan" in Chinese.

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article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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