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Lesson 107 - Travelling 3            【字体:
Lesson 107 - Travelling 3
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

YJ:  Welcome to Chinese Studio on China Radio International.  Wo shi Yajie.
Cam: Wo shi Cam.  Yajie, this week has been great.  I don’t often go to the tourist attractions in Beijing anymore because I live here.  But these words and phrases will sure help when I have visitors.
YJ: Now let’s check today’s Key Words of the Day

Key Words of the Day
I’d like to visit more places. 我想多去些地方。(wo3 xiang3 duo1 qu4 xie1 di4fang.) Where can I purchase some souvenirs? 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?) Do you have a map for Beijing? 你有北京地图吗?(Ni3 you3 Bei3jing1di4 tu2 ma1?) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam: Yajie, I’d like to visit more places in China, but how do I tell that to my friends in Chinese?
Yajie: It’s 我想多去些地方。(wo3 xiang3 duo1 qu4 xie1 di4fang.)
Cam: 我想多去些地方。(wo3 xiang3 duo1 qu4 xie1 di4fang.)
YJ: 我 (wo3), I.
Cam: 我 (wo3).
YJ: 想 (xiang3), want to.
Cam: 想 (xiang3)
YJ: 多 (duo1), more or many.
Cam: 多 (duo1).
YJ: 去(qu4), means to go to, here it means to visit.
Cam: 去(qu4).
YJ: 些 (xie1), a little bit.
Cam: 些 (xie1)
YJ: 地方 (di4fang), places.
Cam: 地方 (di4fang)
YJ: 我想多去些地方。(wo3 xiang3 duo1 qu4 xie1 di4fang.) I’d like to visit more places.
Cam: 我想多去些地方。(wo3 xiang3 duo1 qu4 xie1 di4fang.)


Cam: Yajie, I want to buy some souvenirs when I'm at these places. Where can I purchase them? Of course the first thing I need to know the way to say souvenirs in Chinese.
YJ: it’s 纪念品. (ji4 nian4 pin3).
Cam: 纪念品. (ji4 nian4 pin3).
YJ: Then you can ask  哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?)
Cam: 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?) I know 哪儿 (Na3er) is where. 
YJ: Right. You know 卖 (mai4) means to sell.
Cam: Yes. 卖 (mai4), to sell. And 买(mai3), the third tone, is to buy.
YJ: Right. 卖 (mai4), to sell.
YJ: 纪念品(ji4nian4pin3)is souvenirs, we've just mentioned that.
Cam: 纪念品(ji4nian4pin3)
YJ: 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?)
Cam: 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?) where can I buy souvenirs?


Cam: Yajie. you have a map or guidebook for Beijing?
YJ: Sorry. I don’t. How about asking someone else for that?
Cam: I know, I know. But I don’t know how to ask that in Chinese? 
YJ: You can say你有北京地图吗?(Ni3 you3 Bei3jing3 di4tu2 ma?))
Cam: 你有北京地图吗?(Ni3 you3 Bei3jing3 di4tu2 ma?)
YJ: 你 (ni3) is you.
Cam: 你 (ni3)
YJ: 有 (you3), to have.
Cam: 有 (you3)
YJ: 北京(Bei3jing1)
YJ: 地图 (di4 tu2) is map.
Cam: 地图 (di4 tu2)
YJ: As usual, 吗 (ma) is a question mark.
Cam: 吗 (ma).
YJ: 你有北京地图吗?(Ni3 you3 Bei3jing3 di4 tu2 ma?) Do you have a map of Beijing?
Cam: 你有北京地图吗?(Ni3 you3 Bei3jing3 di4 tu2 ma?)
YJ: And Cam, do you have a map of China would be…
Cam: 你有中国地图吗?(Ni3 you3 zhong1guo2 di4 tu2 ma?)


Key Words Reminder
I’d like to visit more places. 我想多去些地方。(wo3 xiang3 duo1 qu4 xie1 di4fang.) Where can I purchase some souvenirs? 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?) Do you have a map for Beijing? 你有北京地图吗?(Ni3 you3 Bei3jing1di4 tu2 ma1?) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Cam:  That was a busy show, now we come to the end of it. So let’s get to our question of the day, Yajie, go ahead.
YJ: How do you say “Do you have a map of Beijing?” in Chinese? 
Cam: Send your answer to See ya tomorrow!
Cam: Zai jian.

(Written by Zhao Pingping)

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