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Lesson 108 - Review            【字体:
Lesson 108 - Review
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

Cam:  Welcome to Chinese Studio.  Wo shi Cam.
YJ:  Wo shi Yajie. This week we mainly focused on sightseeing.
Cam: And I benefit a lot from those lessons. Thank you very much.
YJ: My pleasure. Now comes to our Sentences in the Week:

Sentences in the Week 
What are the sights to see in Beijing? 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1  jing3dian3?) This is my first visit to Beijing. 这是我第一次来北京。(zhe4 shi4 wo3 di4yi1ci4 lai2 beijing.) How much is the admission? 门票多少钱?(men2piao4 duo1shao qian2?) Where can I purchase some souvenirs? 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?) All in today’s Chinese Studio.

Yajie: First, a useful sentence for asking sights: 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)
Cam:  北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)I know it means “What are the sights to see in Beijing?”
YJ: 北京(Bei3jing1)is the mandarin for Beijing.
Cam: 北京(Bei3jing1), the third tone and the first tone.
YJ: 有 (you3), the third tone, means there is something .
Cam: 有 (you3)
YJ: 哪些 (na3xie1), which ones.
Cam: 哪些 (na3xie1)
YJ: 景点 (jing3dian3) , scenic spot.
Cam: 景点 (jing3dian3)
YJ: 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)
Cam: 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1 jing3dian3?)What are the sights to see in Beijing?


Cam:  这是我第一次来北京。(zhe4 shi4 wo3 di4yi1ci4 lai2 beijing.) This is my first visit to Beijing.
YJ: 这(zhe4), this.
Cam: 这(zhe4)
YJ: 是 (shi4), is.
Cam: 是 (shi4)
YJ: 我 (wo3), I.
Cam: 我 (wo3)
YJ: 第一次 (di4yi1ci4), the first time.
Cam: 第一次 (di4yi1ci4)
YJ: 来 (lai2), to come.
Cam: 来 (lai2)
YJ: 这是我第一次来北京。(zhe4 shi4 wo3 di4yi1ci4 lai2 beijing.)
Cam: 这是我第一次来北京。(zhe4 shi4 wo3 di4yi1ci4 lai2 beijing.). This is my first visit to Bejing.


YJ: Cam, do you know what’s Chinese for “How much is admission”?
Cam: Well, I do 'cause we've learned it this week. 门票多少钱?(men2piao4 duo1shao qian2?)
YJ: Right. 门(men2) means entrance.
Cam: 门(men2)
YJ: 票(piao4), ticket.
Cam: 票(piao4)
YJ: 门票(men2piao4), entrance ticket.
Cam: 门票(men2piao4)
YJ: 多少 (duo1shao), how much.
Cam: 多少 (duo1shao)
YJ: 钱 (qian2), money.
Cam: 钱 (qian2).
YJ: 多少钱(duo1shao qian2), how much.
Cam: 多少钱(duo1shao qian2)
YJ: 门票多少钱?(men2piao4 duo1shao qian2?)
Cam: 门票多少钱?(men2piao4 duo1shao qian2?) How much is admission?


Cam: Yajie, I want to buy some souvenirs when I'm in the site attraction. Where can I purchase them? Of course the first thing I need to know is the souvenir in Chinese.
YJ: 纪念品 means souvenir. (ji4 nian4 pin3).
Cam: 纪念品. (ji4 nian4 pin3).
YJ: Then you can ask 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?)
Cam: 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?) I know 哪儿 (Na3er) is where.
YJ: Right. You know 卖 (mai4) means to sell.
Cam: Yes. 卖 (mai4), to sell. And 买(mai3), the third tone, is to buy.
YJ: Right. 卖 (mai4), to sell.
YJ: 纪念品(ji4nian4pin3), souvenirs
Cam: 纪念品(ji4nian4pin3)
YJ: 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?)
Cam: 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?) where do they sell souvenirs?


Sentences in the Week
What are the sights to see in Beijing? 北京有哪些景点?(Bei3jing1 you3 na3xie1  jing3dian3?) This is my first visit to Beijing. 这是我第一次来北京。(zhe4 shi4 wo3 di4yi1ci4 lai2 beijing.) How much is the admission? 门票多少钱?(men2piao4 duo1shao qian2?) Where can I purchase some souvenirs? 哪儿卖纪念品?(Na3er mai4 ji4nian4pin3?)

YJ: With that we come to the end of this week’s Chinese Studio. Now comes to question of the week: How do you say “How much is the admission?” in Chinese?
Cam: You can send us the answer to, that’s Have a great weekend. And see you next week.
YJ: Xia zhou jian.

(Written by Zhao Pingping)

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