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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国海关对进出上海外高桥保税区货物、运输工具和个人携带物品的          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Chapter IV Administration of Commodities Impor ted and Exported by Foreign Trade Enterprises

第十七条 经国家主管部门批准经营进出口业务的保税区外贸企业可从事转口贸易和为保税区内企业代理进口生产用原材料、零部件和出口产品,

Article 17 A foreign trade enterprise in the bonded area, which is approved by the State competent authorities to conduct import and export business, may transact transit trade and act as an agent for other enterprises in the bonded area to import raw and processed materials and spare and component parts for production, or to export products.


However, it may not purchase goods manufactured by enterprises in the non-bonded area; nor may it act as an agent for enterprises in the non-bonded area to import goods.

第十八条 保税区外贸企业进出口货物时,海关凭外贸和生产企业签订的代理进出口合同及其他有关单证验放。

Article 18 When a foreign trade enterprise in the bonded area conducts import and export of goods, the Customs shall give clearance after verifying the import and export agency contract signed between the foreign trade enterprise and the interested production enterprise, and other relevant documents.

第十九条 保税区外贸企业进口的货物应存入保税区内海关指定的仓库、场所,并建立专门帐册,定期列表报送海关核查。

Article 19 Goods imported by a foreign trade enterprise in the bonded area shall be stored in the warehouses and sites designated by the Customs within the bonded area, and the aforesaid enterprise shall keep specialized account books, and submit periodical statements to the Customs for verification.

第二十条 外贸企业代理进口的货物运交保税区内生产企业进行生产加工和代理生产企业出口产品时,买卖双方应持凭代理进出口合同向海关办理报关、结转和核销手续。

Article 20 When a foreign trade enterprise delivers goods, imported by it as an agent, to a production enterprise for processing, or exports goods as an agent for the production enterprise, both buying and selling parties shall, by presenting the import and export agency contract to the Customs, go through the procedures for Customs declaration, carrying-over of accounts, and verification and cancellation.


With respect to the aforesaid goods carried over by the production enterprise, the Customs shall handle the matter in accordance with the provisions in Chapter III of these Measures.

第二十一条 外贸企业代理进口的货物不得擅自转让、销售到非保税区。

Article 21 Goods imported through the agency of a foreign trade enterprise shall not be transferred or sold to the non-bonded areas without authorization.

第五章 对仓储企业转口货物的管理

Chapter V Administration of Warehousing a nd Storing Enterprises for Transit Goods

第二十二条 从中国境外运入保税区的转口货物应存入保税区内海关指定的仓库、场所。

Article 22 Transit goods imported from abroad into the bonded area shall be stored in warehouses and sites, designated by the Customs, in the bonded area.


Without the approval of the Customs, the aforesaid goods shall not be transferred or sold.

第二十三条 转口货物经海关同意,可在仓库内进行分级、挑选、刷贴标志、改换包装等简单加工。

Article 23 Transit goods, with the approval of the Customs, may undergo simple processing in warehouses, such as grading, selecting, pasting trademark tags, and changing the packing.


The warehousing and storing enterprises shall keep specialized account books for import, storage, transit, and marketing, and submit periodical statements to the Customs for verification.

第二十四条 转口货物在保税区内储存期限为一年。

Article 24 The time limit for the storage of transit goods in the bonded area shall be one year.


If, under special circumstances, there is a need to extend the time limit, an application shall be filed with the Customs for an extension, which shall in no way exceed one year.


In the event that the transit goods are not transported out of the bonded area within the time limit, the Customs shall handle the case in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of The Customs Law of the People's Republic of China.

第六章 对运输工具和个人携带物品的管理

Chapter VI Administration of Means of Trans port and Articles Carried Along by Individuals

第二十五条 进出保税区的运输工具应由其负责人、所有人或者他们的代理人持上海市人民政府或者其指定的主管部门批准的证件办理登记备案手续。

Article 25 The persons in charge or the owners of the means of transport entering or leaving the bonded area, or their agents, shall present the certification, approved by the Shanghai People's Government or the competent organs designated by it, for going through the procedures of registration for the record.

第二十六条 运输工具进出保税区时应向海关申报,接受海关检查。

Article 26 Means of transport, on entering or leaving the bonded area, shall declare at the Customs, and accept the inspection by the Customs.

第二十七条 从保税区前往非保税区的运输工具和人员不得擅自载运、携带保税区内保税货物和用保税料、件生产的产品。

Article 27 Means of transport and personnel, while going from the bonded area to a non-bonded area, shall not, without approval, transport or carry out of the bonded area bonded goods or products made from bonded raw and processed materials and spare and component parts.

第七章 附则

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

第二十八条 保税区进口的减免税货物、保税货物的监管手续费,应当按照《中华人民共和国海关对进口减税、免税和保税货物征收海关监管手续费的办法》办理。

Article 28 Cases concerning the supervision charges for goods with Customs duties reduced or exempted, or for bonded goods imported into the bonded area, shall be handled in accordance with Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Collection of Customs Supervision Charges for Goods Imported with Reduction of Exemption from Customs Duty, and for Bonded Goods.

第二十九条 严禁利用国家给予保税区的优惠和便利条件进行走私违法活动。

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