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中英对照法律资源--全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于县级以下人民代表大会代表直接选举的若干规          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

f deputies to the people's congress of the county or autonomous county, and not in the election of deputies to the people's congress of a city or a municipal district. <0}

{0>    七、 驻在乡、民族乡、镇的不属于县级以下人民政府领导的企业事业组织的职工,可以只参加县级人民代表大会代表的选举,不参加乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会代表的选举。    <}0{>7. The workers and staff members of enterprises and institutions which are located in a township, a nationality township or a town but are not affiliated to a government below the county level may participate only in the election of deputies to the people's congress at the county level, and not in the election of deputies to the people's congress of the township, the nationality township or the town. <0}

{0>    八、 选区的大小,按照每一选区选一至三名代表划分。<}0{>8. The size of an electoral district shall be determined according to the principle that one to three deputies may be elected from each electoral district. <0}

{0>    九、 选民在选举期间临时在外地劳动、工作或者居住,不能回原选区参加选举的,经原居住地的选举委员会认可,可以书面委托有选举权的亲属或者其他选民在原选区代为投票。<}0{>9. With the permission of the election committee of their residential areas, voters who are temporarily doing manual or other work or are living in other places and who cannot go back to their electoral districts to vote may write a statement and entrust their relatives who have voting rights or other voters to vote on their behalf in their respective electoral districts. <0}

{0>选民实际上已经迁居外地但是没有转出户口的,在取得原选区选民资格的证明后,可以在现居住地的选区参加选举。<}0{>Voters who have actually moved out to live in other places but who have not changed their permanent residence registration accordingly may take part in the election in the electoral districts of their present places of residence after obtaining a certificate of their qualifications as voters in their original electoral districts. <0}

{0>    十、 每一选民(三人以上附议)推荐的代表候选人的名额,不得超过本选区应选代表的名额。<}0{>10. The number of candidates for deputies recommended by any voter (seconded by three or more voters) shall not exceed the number of deputies to be elected from the electoral district. <0}

{0>选民和各政党、各人民团体推荐的代表候选人都应当列入代表候选人名单,选举委员会不得调换或者增减。<}0{>All candidates for deputies as recommended by voters or political parties or people's organizations shall be included in the list of candidates for deputies, and the election committees may not replace or delete any of the names or add more names. <0}

{0>    正式代表候选人名单,经过预选确定的,按得票多少的顺序排列<}0{>Candidates for deputies determined through pre-elections shall be listed officially in order of the numbers of votes they have received. <0}

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