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中英对照法律资源--企业会计准则第31号--现金流量表          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

注中披露将净利润调节为经营活动现金流量的信息。至少应当单独披露对净利润进行调节的下列项目: <westbank> Article 16 An enterprise shall, in its notes, disclose the information about the reconciliation of net profits to cash flows arising from operating activities. It shall at least disclose the following items separately for the reconciliation of net profits to cash flows arising from operating activities:
(一) 资产减值准备; <westbank> (1) The provision for impairment losses of assets;
(二) 固定资产折旧; <westbank> (2) The depreciation of fixed assets;
(三) 无形资产摊销; <westbank> (3) The amortization of intangible assets;
(四) 长期待摊费用摊销; <westbank> (4) The amortization of long-term deferred expenses;
(五) 待摊费用; <westbank> (5) The deferred expenses;
(六) 预提费用; <westbank> (6) The accrued expenses;
(七) 处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产的损益; <westbank> (7) The profit or losses on the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets;
(八) 固定资产报废损失; <westbank> (8) The losses on the discard of fixed assets;
(九) 公允价值变动损益; <westbank> (9) The profit and losses on the changes in fair value;
(十) 财务费用; <westbank> (10) The financial expenses;
(十一) 投资损益; <westbank> (11) The profit or losses arising from investments;
(十二) 递延所得税资产和递延所得税负债; <westbank> (12) The deferred income tax assets and the deferred income tax liabilities;
(十三) 存货; <westbank> (13) The inventories;
(十四) 经营性应收项目; <westbank> (14) The item of operating receivables; and
(十五) 经营性应付项目。 <westbank> (15) The item of operating payables;
第十七条 企业应当在附注中以总额披露当期取得或处置子公司及其他营业单位的下列信息: <westbank> Article 17 An enterprise shall, in its notes, disclose the following information about the total amounts of acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities in the current period:
(一) 取得或处置价格; <westbank> (1) The price for acquisition or disposal;
(二) 取得或处置价格中以现金支付的部分; <westbank> (2) The portion of cash paid for the acquisition or disposal;
(三) 取得或处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金; <westbank> (3) The portion of cash received for the acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities; and
(四) 取得或处置子公司及其他营业单位按照主要类别分类的非现金资产和负债。 <westbank> (4) The non-cash assets and liabilities classified according to the major categories arising from the acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities.
第十八条 企业应当在附注中披露不涉及当期现金收支、但影响企业财务状况或在未来可能影响企业现金流量的重大投资和筹资活动。 <westbank> Article 18 An enterprise shall, in its notes, disclose the significant activities on investment and financing, which do not concern the cash receipts and payments of the current period but affect its financial status or will possibly affect its future cash flows.
第十九条 企业应当在附注中披露与现金和现金等价物有关的下列信息: <westbank> Article 19 An enterprise shall, in its notes, disclose the following information related to cash and cash equivalents:
(一) 现金和现金等价物的构成及其在资产负债表中的相应金额。 <westbank> (1) The composition of cash and cash equivalents and the corresponding amounts thereof in the balance sheets; and
(二) 企业持有但不能由母公司或集团内其他子公司使用的大额现金和现金等价物金额。 <westbank> (2) The large sums of cash and cash equivalents held by an enterprise that are not available for use by the parent company or by any other subsidiary within the group.

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