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关于整治非法证券活动有关问题的通知          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

illegal securities activities. Whether the illegal securities activities involve a crime shall be determined by the public security or judicial authority., the competent administrative authority shall produce its opinions on determination if the public security or judicial authority deems it necessary for a relevant competent administrative authority to determine the nature.
对因案情复杂、意见分歧,需要进行协调的,协调小组应当根据办案部门的要求,组织有关单位进行研究解决。 The Coordination Panel shall organize the relevant units to study the solution at the request of the case-coping with authority if coordination is needed for a complicated case or dissenting opinions.
(五) 关于修订后的《证券法》与修订前的《证券法》中针对擅自发行股票和非法经营证券业务规定的衔接。 5. Connection of the provisions on issuance of stocks without approval and illegal operation of securities business of the Securities Law prior to and after revision.
修订后的《证券法》与修订前的《证券法》针对擅自发行股票和非法经营证券业务的规定是一致的,是相互衔接的,因此在修订后的《证券法》实施之前发生的擅自发行股票和非法经营证券业务行为,也应予以追究。 The provisions on issuance of stocks without approval and illegal operation of securities business of the Securities Law before and after revision are consistent and connected, and, therefore, the offenders issuing stocks without approval or illegally operating securities business prior to the revised Securities Law put into effect shall be pursued for relevant liability.
(六) 关于非法证券活动受害人的救济途径。 6. Remedies available to victims of illegal securities activities.
根据1998年3月25日《国务院办公厅转发证监会关于清理整顿场外非法股票交易方案的通知》(国办发[1998]10号)的规定,最高人民法院于1998年12月4日发布了《关于中止审理、中止执行涉及场外非法股票交易经济纠纷案件的通知》(法[1998]145号),目的是为配合国家当时解决STAQ、NET交易系统发生的问题,而非针对目前非法证券活动所产生的纠纷。 Pursuant to the provisions of the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Forwarding the Scheme of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the Clear-up of OTC Stock Trading (No. 10 [1998] of the General Office of the State Council) promulgated on March 25, 1998, the Supreme People's Court promulgated the Circular on Suspending the Trial and Execution of Cases Involving Economic Disputes over Illegal OTC Stock Trading on December 4, 1998, directed at helping the country in settling problems arising in the STAQ and Net trading systems and not planed for disputes arising from the current illegal securities activities.
如果非法证券活动构成犯罪,被害人应当通过公安、司法机关刑事追赃程序追偿; The victims shall recover losses through the criminal procedures for recovery of illegally acquired property at the public security and judicial authorities if the illegal securities activities constitute a crime;,
如果非法证券活动仅是一般违法行为而没有构成犯罪,当事人符合民事诉讼法规定的起诉条件的,可以通过民事诉讼程序请求赔偿。 The parties meeting the conditions for action as set out in the Civil Procedure Law may request compensations through the civil procedures if the illegal securities activities are only general legal violations and do not constitute a crime.
三、 加强协作配合,提高办案效率 III. Enhancing cooperation and assistance and advancing the case-handling efficiency
涉嫌犯罪的非法证券类案件从调查取证到审理终结,主要涉及证监、公安、检察、法院四个部门。 From investigation and taking of evidence to case closure, the illegal securities cases involving crimes mainly concern four authorities: the securities regulatory authority, public security authority, procuratorate and court.
从工作实践看,大部分地区的上述四个部门能够做到既有分工,也有协作,案件办理进展顺利,但也有部分地区的一些案件久拖不决,有的甚至出现“踢皮球”的现象,案件办理周期过长。 The above four authorities in most localities can accomplish both division of work and cooperation and cope with cases smoothly in view of working practice, but in some localities some cases are excessively delayed, passing bucket to each other exists, and the case-coping with circle is considerably long.
究其原因,有的是工作不扎实,有的是认识上存在差距,有的是协调沟通不畅。 On the reasons, some have a loose working attitude, some have an inadequate comprehending, and some are hindered in coordination and communication.
协调小组工作会议高度重视存在的问题,并对各相关部门的工作分工及协调配合做了总体部署。 The work meeting of the Coordination Panel thinks highly about the existing problems, and has made the general deployment in respect of division of work and cooperation among the relevant authorities.
证监系统要督促、协调、指导各地落实已出台的贯彻国办发99号文实施意见,将打击非法证券活动长效机制落到实处; The securities regulatory system shall be prompt, work together harmoniously and conduct all localities to carry out the promulgated opinions on the implementation of the Document No. 99 of the State Council, and tangibly implement the long effect mechanism for crackdown on unlawful securities activities;
根据司法机关需要,对非法证券类案件及时出具性质认定意见; in accordance with the requirements of the judicial authorities, shall timely bring forth the opinions on determination of the nature of illegal securities cases;
创新办案模式,在当地政府的领导下,密切与其他行政执法机关的联合执法,提高快速反应能力; shall innovate the case-coping with mode, emphasize the joint law enforcement with other administrative law enforcement authorities under the leadership of the local government, and elevate the rapid response capability;
根据工作需要,可组织当地公、检、法等部门相关人员进行业务培训或案情会商;加强对境外资本市场的跟踪研究。 in accordance with the work needs, may organize the related personnel of the local public security, procuratorial and judicial authorities to attend business training or consult about cases; and shall enhance the tracking and study of overseas capital markets.
公安机关对涉嫌犯罪的非法证券类案件要及时进行立案侦查,并做好与证监、工商等部门的工作衔接; The public security authorities shall timely file and investigate unlawful securities cases involving crimes in time, and well connect their work with that of the securities regulatory, industrial and commercial and other authorities;
上级公安机关要加强案件的协调、指导、督办工作,提高办案效率;密切与检察院、法院的协调配合,及时交流信息,通报情况,加大对大要案的侦办力度。 the superior public security authorities shall enhance the coordination, guidance and prompt of handing of cases, and elevate the case-coping with efficiency; intensify the cooperation with the procuratoratesand courts, timely exchange information and publish notices, and improve the momentum of investigation and coping with of major and severe cases.
检察机关要及时做好此类案件的批捕、起诉和诉讼监督工作;加强与相关部门的沟通联系,及时处理需要协调的事项。 The procuratorial authorities shall effectively run in the approval of arrest, prosecution and oversight of litigation in such cases; and enhance the communication and contact with the relevant authorities and effectively cope with the matters needing coordination.
人民法院要加强与相关部门的沟通协调,及时受理、审理各类涉及非法证券活动的民事、刑事案件,对性质恶劣、社会危害大的案件依法予以严惩。 The people's courts shall, with the relevant authorities, enhance the communication and coordination, effectively accept and try different civil and criminal cases involving unlawful securities activities, and impose punishment strictly in accordance with law against cases with severe nature and with great social dangers.
各相关部门在办理非法证券类案件过程中遇到重大问题的,可提请协调小组协助解决。 In the case of any major problems confronted in the course of coping with unlawful securities cases, any relevant authority may submit them to the Coordination Panel for assistance and resolution.
最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court
最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate
公安部 Ministry of Public Security
中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission
二○○八年一月二日 2-Jan-08

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