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高二英语同步测试练习题[11]          【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-17     

第二部分:  英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
第一节    单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
11.   On January 7th and 8ththe temperature _________ very low.
A. are stayed B. is stayed C. will stay D. is staying
12.   My computer doesn’t work very well; I’ll have it ________.
A. check B. to check C. checked D. checking
13.   ---Do you have anything ________ for yourself now?
A. said B. to say C. saying D. say
14.   If the hurricane hadn’t happened during the rush hour, there _______ fewer deaths.
A. would have B. would be C. would have had D. would have been
15.   The book you laid on the desk ________ there ever since.
A. has been laying B. has been lying C. has been lain D. has been laid
16.   Peter got up at seven this morning. That’s ______ he was late for class.
A. how B. why C. because D. what
17.   I couldn’t go to sleep last night; I lay ______ all night long.
A. wake B. woken C. awake D. awaken
18.   It _______ to me that she enjoyed the music played just now very much.
A. seemed B. was said C. looked D. was happened
19. I can't do well in maths; I have some trouble ________ what the maths teacher says in class.
   A. understanding         B. understand          C. to understand          D. understood
20. Please wait and see _________ we will make for you to your own measure.
       A. how                B. that               C. when               D. what
21. The four policemen stood by the roadside, ____________carefully every passer-by.
       A. watched             B. watching            C. being watched        D. to watch
22. Please go back home quickly as your mother is getting very ________.
       A. worried            B. worry              C. worrying        D. to be worried
23. Have you heard the news broadcast _________ the radio this morning?
       A. in                 B. on                 C. from                 D. by
24. It __________ us several days to clear away all the rubbish.
     A. cost               B. asked              C. spent              D. took
25. He spent __________ money on food and clothes.
      A. a great many                 B. a large number of
       C. a great deal of              D. very much

It was raining heavily as I was walking up the hill towards the station ___26___ six o'clock on Saturday morning. At this early __27___there wasn't ___28___ traffic and there weren't many people in ___29___.Just as I was ___30___ the road near the top of the hill, a car came round
the corner. It was travelling fast and the driver was obviously having___31__ in controlling it. Suddenly it ___32__ a lamp-post(灯柱) and turned___33___.
    At once I ran to the car to help the driver.___34___ was a lot of blood on his face. A young woman __35___ into the station and ___36___for an ambulance(救护车) while I took care of the driver. A number of other people ___37___ around the car,___38___ there wasn't a great deal we could do. A policeman ___39___ a few minutes later and asked me a lot of questions about the ___40___.Shortly after the man came back, the ambulance arrived ___41___ high speed and ___42___ him away to the hospital.
    ___43___ Monday morning I went to the hospital to ask about the man. They told me that his injuries were not ___44___ after all and that he was rapidly ___45___ over effect of the accident.
26. A. by       B. on       C. at       D. in
27. A. hour          B. times            C. morning            D. minute
28. A. few              B. much               C. many               D. plenty
29. A. road                B. way                C. sight              D. distant
30. A. walking             B. picking            C. taking             D. crossing
31. A. nothing             B. something          C. matter             D. trouble
32. A. stuck               B. knocked            C. beat               D. hit
33. A. round               B. over               C. right              D. around
34. A. It                  B. There              C. I                  D. He
35. A. hurried             B. run                C. entered            D. reached
36. A. required            B. shouted            C. phoned            D. waited
37. A. collected           B. walked             C. showed             D. gathered
38. A. and                 B. so                 C. but                D. for
39. A. waited              B. arrived            C. got                D. reached
40. A. station             B. people             C. accident           D. injuries
41. A. at                  B. of                 C. in                 D. by
42. A. brought             B. took               C. sent               D. picked up
43. A. On                  B. In                 C. Next               D. At
44. A. serious             B. badly              C. worse              D. better
45. A. coming              B. going              C. getting            D. becoming
第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)
On April 3,1974,a tornado hit Xenia, Ohio. It came at four forty in the afternoon. Of the 26,500 people in Xenia,32 were killed. One thousand more were hurt. Twelve hundred homes were destroyed and 1,400 more houses were badly damaged(毁坏).Besides this,184 stores and other businesses were destroyed or badly damaged.
    At first, all that the people, who had lost loved ones, homes, or businesses, could do was to weep(哭泣).some wanted to leave Xenia. But in a few days, they went to work. The government sent in trucks. Hundreds of piles of stones were removed.
    The fighting spirit and the will to win took hold of everyone.Thepeople would not let Xenia die. They decided not to go away. Instead, they decided to rebuild Xenia so that it would do better than before. They made a plan for the new town.
46. Where do you think Ohio lies?
       A. In England                 B. In France
       C. In America                 D. In Canada
47. The people would not let Xenia die because they ____________.
      A. loved their government   
    B. loved their own home town and tornado
    C. wanted to leave Xenia
    D. were inspired by the will to win
48. What do you think the people made a good plan for?
    A. Rebuilding the town.              B. The new way of life.
    C. The new town destroyed.           D. The old way of life.
49. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
       A. Of the 26,500 people thirty-three were killed.
    B. 1,400 more houses were badly damaged.
    C. To rebuild a destroyed town.
    D. Twelve hundred homes were destroyed.
50. What do you think the word "tornado" in the first line means?
    A. 战争        B. 炸弹               C. 龙卷风             D. 洪水
    When a tornado destroys a house, it doesn't blow it down the way a hurricane does. It makes the house explode.
    Why does the house explode?
    The air that surrounds a house presses against it all the time. It usually has a force about fifteen pounds per square inch. The air inside the house presses out against the wall just as hard.
    When a tornado passes over a house, it suddenly takes away the air outside the house. The air inside the house still pushes out against the walls, but now there is nothing pushing back. So the walls are pushed out in an explosion.
    Pieces of the house are sucked up into the tornado and carried away. There's little left where the house once stood.
51. When a house is hit by a tornado it explodes __________.
       A. outward           B. inward          C. upward          D. downward
52. The walls of a house stay up when ________.
       A. air pushes from outside                 B. air pushes from inside
       C. there is no pressure outside          D. both A and B
53. The air pressure(压力) outside the house is usually _______.
       A. greater than the pressure inside          B. the same as the pressure inside
    C. less than the pressure inside            D. a different kind of pressure
54. The tornado destroys a house by ___________.
      A. sucking away the air outside            B. taking away the air inside
    C. making the house full of air             D. pressing the wall from outside
55. A house destroyed by a tornado would look ___________. a hurricane had hit it
    B. as if there had been a fire
    C. as if it had been stolen by a lot of thieves
    D. none of the above

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