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最新英语高考考前重点词汇复习[3]          【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-17     

146. good 用法:do good to = do sb. good; it is good of/for sb. to do
Note: 在It is no good的句型中,要用动名词作句子真正的主语。如:It is no good talking to him.
147. graduate 用法:graduate from; a graduate表示毕业生。
Note: 点动词,不能表示毕业时间长短。要表示延续时可以用be away from school.
148. grass 用法:live on grass; keep off the grass   Note: 不可数名词,用复数可以表示各种不同的草。
149. ground 用法:表示室外地面或场地,与sky相对。
Note: 引申意义表示讨论的内容,如:Don’t talk about politics; it is forbidden ground.
150. grow 用法:grow up; grow wheat; grow dark
Note: 作系动词表示缓慢变化。如:He has grown taller.  作及物动词表示种植;作不及物动词表示生长。

151. guide 用法:作名词表示导游、指南;作动词表示指导、带领。
Note: 作名词时与介词to搭配,如:a guide to the museum.
152. habit用法:get/ form / into the habit of , break away from / off a habit, from / out of / by habit 出于习惯
Note: habit 是指个人的习惯;custom 是指一个社会,一个民族的风俗,还可以表示“海关,关税”
153. hair 用法:头发的总称,不可数名词;表示一根根头发的时候可数。  Note: 还可以用来表示动物的毛。
154. hand 用法:by hand; hand in hand; at hand; hand in, hand down, hand out, hand over
Note: 可以表示人手,如:The factory has employed more hands.
155. hang 用法:表示悬挂,过去式和过去分词都是hung; 表示绞刑,过去式和过去分词都是hanged.
Note: 表示悬挂的状态时,用不及物动词形式。如:My shirt is hanging on the wall.

156. happen 用法:happen to do sth. It so happened that… sth. happen to sb.
Note: 区分是碰巧还是发生,记住,人作主语是碰巧;物作主语是发生。
157. hate 用法:hate to do; hate doing
Note: 不定式表示某一次具体的情况;动名词表示习惯性动作。如:I hate walking in the rain. I hate to go out tonight.
158. have 用法:have sb. do/doing/done; have to do   Note: have to do表示客观需要;而must表示主观看法。
159. head 用法:Use your head; head of the department; head for   Note: 可以用作量词,如:a head of cattle.
160. hear用法:hear about / of / from hear sb. do sth. / doing sth. / done ; hearing 听力
Note: hear 表示结果;listen 只表示动作。Hear from 收到某人的来信。

161. heart 用法:by heart; heart and soul; lose heart   Note: 表示灰心的时候不能说lose one’s heart.
162. help 用法:can’t help doing sth.; can’t help to do sth. help to do; can’t help but do sth. , can’t but do sth.
Note: help后面的动词不定式的to可以省略。
163. home 用法:go/come home; be at home    Note: home本身可以作副词,前面不加介词。
164. hope 用法:hope for; hope to do; hope that    Note: 不能说hope sb. to do.
* hold vt.怀有,持有(见解等) No, the restaurant will hold our table. 不会 餐厅会保留我们的席位。
hold up 主持,耽搁,延误,继续下去,拿起
hold back 阻挡,忍住,保留,隐瞒 hold down 控制,镇压=put down
hold off 延误,保持距离,使"疏远"
hold on 坚持下去,停止,别挂(电话) He gave them to me to hold on to them 他给我戒指 要我自己保管
hold out 坚持到胜利,支持,维持,伸出 hold to 坚持某个看法(路线),紧紧地抓住 OK, hold to the right. 好 在右边停住。
hunt vt.追猎;追赶 vi.打猎 He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight. 早餐想吃野兔肉,头晚就须去捕捉。 hunt for 寻找 hunt out 找出来 hunt throw 翻找
165. however用法:副词,在句中作插入语,起一个连词的作用,一般有逗号与句子分开。
Note: however 加副词 / 形容词,引导一个状语从句。However hard he tries, he never succeeds.

166. hurt 用法:Me leg hurts. He was hurt.
Note: 作不及物动词时表示疼痛;作及物动词时多指情感上的伤害。
167. ill 用法:be/fall ill; speak ill of; ill manners
Note: 表示生病时是表语性形容词,不能作定语;作定语时表示不良的。
168. immediately用法:它本身是一个副词,意为“立即,马上”= at once = right away
Note: 可以引导一个时间状语从句= as soon as 。Immediately he entered, all of us stood up.
169. in用法:in a flash, in a good time, in a moment, in addition to, in aid of, in chains, in fact, in memory of
Note: in time 及时,有提前之意;最后,终于。on time 指正点,踩着时间点。In也可以作副词。
170. include 用法:including me; me included  Note: include表示部分包括;而contain表示全部包括。

171. increase 用法:increase to/by  Note: 表示自然增长时用不及物动词形式,表示人为增长时用及物动词形式。
172. insist 用法:insist that sb. should do; insist on doing sth.
Note: 当insist表示坚持要求做某事的时候,后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气;当insist表示坚持认为的时候,不用虚拟语气。如:He insisted that I should come to his office at one o’clock. He insisted that I didn’t return the money.
173. intend用法:intend to do sth. / doing sth. / that…, intend sb. to do sth./
Note: intend for (原)打算给某人;准备让某人干…。是别人干;mean to do sth. 是自己干。
174. interest 用法:be interested in; a place of interest
Note: 表示一般意义的时候不可数;表示具体的兴趣爱好可数。
175. join 用法:join in; join up; join to   Note: join表示加入一个组织;join in表示加入一种活动。

176. judge 用法:judge by; judge from   Note: 当表示由……来判断的时候,要用Judging from的形式作状语。
177. jump 用法:jump up/onto/down; jump the stream   Note: 作名词时可以表示跳远,如:long jump.
178. just 用法:just now/then; just a little boy; just struggle
Note: just now通常与过去时搭配;just通常与完成时搭配;用作形容词时意为“公正的,适当的”
179. keep 用法:keep quiet; keep doing; keep on doing; keep sb. from doing
Note: keep doing表示不间断地做某事;keep on doing表示动作是时断时续的。
keep vt.保存,保持;留住 We keep in touch with each other by Email since he left China. 他离开中国以后,我们用Email保持联系。
keep to 坚持某种习惯,遵循,靠(左右) 8. In England traffic must keep to the left.在英国,车辆必须靠左行驶。 keep back 留在后面,阻止,忍住 keep down 控制,下降,缩减开支
keep off 避开,远离,让开 keep out 使其等在外面,不让进入
keep up 保持,维持,鼓足勇气 keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事
keep sth from sb 把某事瞒着某人 keep up with 跟上
* knock vi.&vt.&n.敲,击,打 174. Why don't you knock it off? 为什么不把它关掉?
knock into sb 撞到某人身上;偶然遇到 knock sth down 降低价格,拆除,缩减开支
knock off 下班,停工,很快地写出文章 knock sb up 匆匆做饭,敲门把某人叫醒,使某人疲倦
knock at 敲(门) 6.Yhere was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.(有人敲门,那是那天晚上打扰我的第二个。) knock sb up 把某人叫醒
* know vt.知道;认识;通晓 Do you know where I've put my glasses? 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?
know about 了解,知道情况 How much do you know about the works of George Eliot? 乔治•艾略特的作品你知道多少? know of 听说,知道为什么 be know for sth 以...出名 as known to all 众所周知
180. kind 用法:a kind of; all kinds of; It is kind of you to do that.
Note: 可以用Would you be so kind as to sth.表示劳驾。

181. last 用法:last week; last for two hours
Note: the last but one表示倒数第二。作动词表示持续,后跟时间。The meeting will last two hours.
182. late 用法:be late for; come late to; late at night    Note: late作副词表示晚;而副词lately表示近来。
183. law 用法:by law; make/pass/observe/break the law   Note: 表示抽象意义时不可数;表示具体法律时可数。
184. lay 用法:lay the table; lay eggs      Note: lay的过去式及过去分词都是laid.
lay vt.放,安排,铺设,覆盖 and lay them face down. 将牌盖住。
lay aside 放在…一边,积蓄 lay down 放下,制定计划 lay emphasis on sth 强调
lay down one's life for 为...献出生命 lay out 布置;设计 lay off 解雇
 185. lead 用法:lead to; lead sb. in doing; led by , lead sb. to do sth.  Note: lead to表示导致,其中的to是一个介词。

186. learn 用法:learn from; learn that…, learn sth. by heart
Note: learned people表示博学的人;learn that表示得知。
187. leave 用法:leave for; leave sth. to; ask for leave
Note: 可以在leave后面分用词作宾语补足语,如:Please don’t leave the pot uncovered.
leave v.离开,留下
leave alone 不要管(某人),不要碰(某物)
leave behind 遗留,遗志 leave off (使)停止;中断
leave out 删掉,漏掉 leave over 剩下的,暂时不去解决的
lay in 积蓄,储蓄 36. We have to play inside because it is raining.因为天下雨,我们不得不在屋里玩。
188. lesson 用法:Lesson Two; teach sb. a lesson; draw a lesson, give sb. a lesson
Note: lesson表示所学的内容;class表示课程。
189. let 用法:let sb. do; let in/out, let alone   Note: Let’s go home, shall we? Let us go home, will you?
let vt.容许,使得,假设 Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。
let alone 不要管,不碰,更不用说 let down 放下(窗帘),失望
let off 燃放鞭炮,放掉蒸汽,放过某人 let out 放掉气,发出响声,泄露
190. lie 用法:lie in; lie to sb.
Note: 表示说谎时的过去式和过去分词都是lied; 表示躺卧、存在、位于某个地点时过去式为lay, 过去分词为lain.

191. like用法:like to do sth. / doing sth. ; feel like doing sth; look like ; nothing like; do as one likes, if you like
Note: 作动词是“喜欢”;作介词,形容词是“像”。How do you like…?你觉得…怎么样?
192. likely用法:be likely to do sth. ; It is likely that…;
Note: 作副词的时候多和most, very 连用。 We will most likely be late.
193. little 用法:little boy; little hope; a little; little by little
Note: 做形容词表示数量时只能修饰不可数名词;作副词用在句首时句子要用倒装语序。
194. live用法:live and learn, live by, live apart, live from hand to mouth, live on,
Note: live形容词,活的,与dead相对应,一般作定语;还可以表示实况直播。作表语用alive。lively活泼的,活跃的;living作定语,活着的。
195. lonely 用法:a lonely house; feel lonely
Note: lonely是以ly结尾的形容词,可以作定语也可以作表语,主要表示孤独的状态。

196. long用法:long face, long memory, for long, all day long, so long 再见。
Note: long 作为动词,意为渴望,跟不定式; long for 后面跟名词。
197. look 用法:look fine; look as if; look at/into/through/back/down upon
Note: 与see不同的是,look at主要强调看的动作,不强调看的内容。
look v.看,期待 n.外观,神色 Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then. 但你看起来还是那么漂亮。 look after 照料 61. It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。
look at 看 May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看这块表吗? look back 回顾
look in 顺便来访=drop in I don't know. You may look in the TV Guide. 我不知道,你可以看看《电视报》。 look into sth 调查,了解某事,浏览(书报) look on as 把...看作... look out 小心,当心,向外看
look around 到处看 Well ... you mind if I look around 嗯……你们不介意我到处瞧瞧
look over 审阅,翻阅 Yes, so we had better look over your specifications. 是的,所以我们最好先把您的规格说明细看一遍。look through 浏览,仔细地检查 look to 负责,留意 The more women look in their glass,the less they look to their house. 妇女照镜越多,照管家务就越少。
look up (从词典中)找出,天气转变,物价上涨,仰视 to look up 仰视 look up to sb 尊敬某人
look down on sb 轻视某人 look down upon sb 轻视某人
look forward 期待 I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. 我等著见 Harry和Michelle。
198. lose 用法:be lost; lose one’s life; lost heart
Note: be lost往往表示丢失了,而be missing强调不在现场。
199. major 用法:major part; major in   Note: an …major表示主修某专业的学生。
200. make用法:make a dash for, make a deal with, make a face, make friends
with, make …into…, make it, make out, make sense, make sure, make up, make up one’s mind, make up for, 以及用于6123结构。
Note: 该词后面的宾补不能用现在分词;当反身代词作其宾语时,宾补只能是过去分词。
make n.(产品)来源 vt.制造 It's really hard to make a decision. 挺难做决定的。
make for 有助于,向…走过去 make out 辩认出,理解,开(写)支票,假装
make up 构成 I am old enough to make up my own mind. 我已经长大了,可以自己拿主意了。
make up for 补偿 make up of 由...组成 make phone of 嘲笑,和某人开玩笑
make the best of 充分利用 make certain 弄清楚
make up one's mind 决定,下决心 make up one's minds 决心,下决心
make tea 泡茶 801. She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。
make coffee 冲咖啡 make off 逃跑,匆匆离开

201. manage 用法:manage to do; manage it    Note: manage to do表示成功地做成某事,不成功不可以用。
202. many 用法:too/so many people; as many as; a good/great many, many a
Note: 只能修饰可数名词,常用在否定及疑问句中。
203. marry 用法:A marry B; got married; marry well/young, be married to sb.
Note: marry是点动词,不能表示时间延续。如要表示结婚的时间长短可以用have been married for…
204. matter 用法:It doesn’t matter; a matter of fact ; What’s the matter?
Note: the matter在句中只能作表语,如:Can you tell me what is the matter?
205. mean 用法:mean to do sth. ; mean doing sth. ; What do you mean by…?
Note: mean to do表示打算做某事;mean doing表示意味着。

206. means 用法:by means of; by no means; every possible means, by all means, by this means
Note: means是单复同型的名词。只有加了s才能表示“方法,手段”。
207. measure 用法:measure one’s height, The tablecloth measures 18 by 20 feet. Measure one’s owrds
Note: 用作名词,意为“措施”,可数。Take measure s to do sth. / against sth.
208. meet 用法:meet sb. at the station; meet the need; meet with = come across
Note: meet可以表示有目的的去见;meet with往往表示偶遇。
209. mind 用法:mind doing; make up one’s mind to do; Do you mind…? Would you mind if I did sth. ?
Note: 回答mind的问句时,介意用yes, 不介意用no.
210. miss 用法:miss doing; miss the train; be missing
Note: miss和hit是反义词,表示没打中/打中。还可以表示想念,怀念。miss sb. / sth.

211. moment用法:at the last moment, for the moment, for a moment , not for a moment, this moment
Note: the moment (that)…引导的是时间状语从句 = as soon as
212. more 用法:more or less; the more…, the more…; more than,no more than, not more.. than
Note: 数词要放在more之前,如:one more.
213. most用法: most of all, at the most, make the most of, 可作主语宾语;加the 是最高级;a表示非常;
Note: mostly 副词,大部分,大多数,常置于表语中。
214. move 用法:move over to; be moved to tears
Note: 现在分词moving表示令人感动的;过去分词moved表示觉得感动的。
215. music 用法:dance/listen to music; a piece of music
Note: 前面不加冠词,如表示具体某人的音乐时可以加冠词。

216. must 用法:must be; must be doing; must have done; mustn’t do
Note: must表示推测时翻译成一定是,只能用在肯定句中,而mustn’t表示禁止。
217. name用法:by name, by the name of, call one’s names, in the name of, make one’s name, of the name of
Note: 用作动词,意为“命名,取名”,常用于句型7。name after, name sb. as / to be
218. nationality 用法:What’s your nationality?   Note: 回答这样的问句时要说I am Chinese.
219. necessary 用法:if necessary; it is necessary to do/that
Note: 在necessary后面的从句要用虚拟语气,即it is necessary that sb. should do的形式。
220. need 用法:need to do; needn’t do; need doing = need to be done
Note: 在疑问句、否定句中可以把need作为情态动词使用。作为实意动词时则不限句型。

221. next 用法:next to the room; next one; the next day; next door neighbor
Note: next to可以表示仅次于,如:Next to swimming I like running best. 还可以表示“几乎”。
222. no more 用法:no more books; no more than    Note: no more than表示仅仅;not more than表示不超过。
223. none 用法:none of; none is there   Note: 用于三者或三者以上;可以代替人或事物。
224. nor 用法:neither…nor…; nor do I.
Note: nor用在句首时,要使用倒装语序。Neither…nor…连接两个主语时,谓语动词要用就近原则。
225. notice 用法:notice sb. do/doing; notice that; take notice of
Note: 作名词时可以表示提前通知,如:They wanted two weeks’ notice before I left.

226. number 用法:a number of; the number of; large/small number
Note: 只能修饰可数名词,不能修饰不可数名词。
227. object 用法:作名词时表示物体、宾语、目标;作动词表示反对。 Note: 常与介词to搭配,后面接动名词。
228. occur 用法:表示发生,不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。
Note: 句型It occurred to sb. that…表示某人突然想起某事。
229. offer 用法:offer to do; offer sb. Sth , offer sth. for $ , offer $ for sth.
Note: 作名词时offer可以表示开出的价钱,如:a special offer.
230. old 用法:ten years old; how old; older; oldest   Note: 表示家庭成员长幼时要用elder和eldest.

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