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【学语法】英语的反意疑问句的特殊形式          【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-10-13     

祈使句后加一个反意疑问句,使祈使句变得更加委婉。肯定祈使句的反意疑问句通常用will you, won’t you, would you, can you, can’t you等来表达不同的含义。在否定的祈使句后的反意疑问句通常只用will you。
1、表示“请求”,肯定祈使句的反意疑问句用will you。如:
①Give me a hand, will you?                     ②Pass me a book, will you?
2、表示“邀请”、“劝诱”时,肯定祈使句后的反意疑问句用won’t you。如:
Have another cup of tea, won’t you?
3、表示“催促”、“不耐烦”时,肯定祈使句后的反意疑问句用can’t you。如:
Stop talking, can’t you?
4、用“Let’s…”开头的肯定祈使句表示“提议、建议、主张”,其后的反意疑问句用shall we。如:
Let’s have a try, shall we?
但是以Let us…或Let me…开头的祈使句后的反意疑问句则要用will you。如:
Let us go now, will you?
5、否定祈使句的反意疑问句只用will you。如:
Don’t take away my dictionary, will you?
以Let’s not…开头的祈使句后的反意疑问句用all right或OK。如:
①Let’s not go fishing, all right?     ②Let’s not talk about it any more, OK?
①He said he was a teacher, didn’t he?               ②John thinks the rain is ending, doesn’t he?
③You don’t mind if I go now, do you?
2、主句是I/We think(suppose, consider, believe, guess, expect, imagine, feel, am afraid, hear, say等)+宾语从句时,反意疑问句的主、谓语应与宾语从句的主、谓语相一致。如:
①I don’t think he will come, will he?                ②I heard that he was very honest, wasn’t he?
John isn’t a hard-working student, for he has been late for three times, hasn’t he?
①You must do it today, mustn’t you?               ②She must look after her sister, needn’t she?
①He must be ill, isn’t he?               ②You must have seen the film before, haven’t you?
2、如果陈述部分用了must have+P.P.(过去分词),但明示或暗示了过去的时间,其反意疑问句用过去时。如:
He must have seen him yesterday, didn’t he?
3、陈述部分含情态动词ought to,其后反意疑问句用oughtn’t或shouldn’t均可。如:
①I ought to come here, oughtn’t I?          ②You ought to go by ship, shouldn’t you?
4、陈述部分含情态动词used to,其后反意疑问句用usedn’t或didn’t均可。如:
①Tom used to live here, usedn’t he?                 ②They used to work in the shop, didn’t they?
5、陈述部分含有have/has/had to时,其后的反意疑问句用do的相应形式。如:
①You have to go, don’t you?                             ②He has to stay in bed all day, doesn’t he?
③I had to keep it well, didn’t I?
但是在陈述句中用have/has/had got to来代替have/has/had to时,反意疑问句用have的相应形式。如:
①Ann has got to see a doctor, hasn’t she?
②You haven’t got to go to school on Sunday, have you?
6、陈述部分有had better/would rather时,其后的反意疑问句用hadn’t/wouldn’t。如:
①You’d better not stay here, had you?    ②They would rather take this one, wouldn’t they?
1、陈述句部分主语是everything, something, anything, nothing时,其后的反意疑问句主语用it。如:
①Everything seems all right, doesn’t it?  ②Nothing is in the box, is it?
2、陈述部分的主语是everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody, everyone, no one, none, either, some one时,其后的反意疑问句用主语they以兼顾所指代的男、女两性。如:
①Everybody has got the new books, haven’t they?
②Anyone can do that, can’t they?                    ③No one is interested in that, are they?
One can’t be always careful, can one?
1、陈述部分含有no, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, few, little等否定或半否定意义的词时,都视为否定,故反意疑问句部分用肯定形式。如:
①Few people knew the answer, did they?        ②Little Fran hardly says such words, does he?
He is unhappy, isn’t he?
1、陈述部分主语是指示代词this, that时,其后的反意疑问句用主语it。如:
This is important, isn’t it?
2、陈述部分主语是指示代词these, those时,其后的反意疑问句用主语they。如:
Those are mine, aren’t they?
1、陈述部分是“I’m…”结构时,其后的反意疑问句用aren’t I?如:
I am a student, aren’t i?
2、陈述部分是there be或there live, there stand, there used to be等结构时,其后的反意疑问句用主语there。如:
①There is something wrong with your bike, isn’t there?
②There lived a king here many years ago, didn’t there?
①Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes, isn’t it?
②What the teacher said is true, isn’t it?
①What a clever girl, isn’t she?                  ②How beautiful the flowers are, aren’t they?
5、陈述部分由neither... nor, either... or 连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。如:
Neither you nor I am a teacher, are we? 你不是老师,我也不是,对吗?
(    )1. I don’t think that the necklace is made of diamond,________?
      A. do I      B. do you        C. isn’t it      D. is it
(    )2. His wife had the carpets and the curtains cleaned,________?
      A. hadn’t     B. had           C. didn’t she     D. did she
(   )3. It’s my son’s wedding next week, and I have to do my best for that,
      A. haven’t I   B. don’t I      C. don’t he      D. isn’t it
(    )4. Harry wouldn’t become a teacher if it hadn’t been for the holiday,
      A. would he       B. had it        C. would it   D. had he
(    )5. No one left here yesterday,________?
      A. didn’t they    B. did they   C. didn’t one   D. did one
(    )6. Birds rarely build nests in our garden,________?
      A. don’t they       B. do they       C. didn’t they  D. did they
(    )7. You must have been to the Great Wall,____________?
      A. mustn’t you    B. haven’t you  C. aren’t you   D. must you
(    )8. learning how to repair motors takes a long time,________?
      A. doesn’t it       B. don’t they C. does it         D. do they
(    )9. They must have stayed at home last night,________?
      A. mustn’t they     B. haven’t they    C. didn’t they D. must they
(    )10. I feel like going to the cinema tonight,________?
       A. don’t I              B. don’t you   C. do I              D. do you
(    )11. Let’s start out early tomorrow morning,________?
       A. shall we        B. will you        C. do you     D. can’t you
(    )12. There’s not much news in today’s newspaper,________?
       A. isn’t it             B. is it      C. isn’t there D. is there
(    )13. They need our help badly at the moment,________?
       A. needn’t they         B. need they  C. don’t they D. do they
(    )14. She is unfit for the position,________?
       A. is she          B. isn’t she       C. doesn’t she D. does she
(    )15. I wish to visit America,________?
       A. don’t I              B. can I      C. may I      D. may you
(    )16. She’s been a worker here for many years,________?
       A. isn’t she       B. is she     C. hasn’t she D. has she
(    )17. What beautiful flowers,________?
       A. aren’t they     B. are they        C. isn’t it        D. is it
(    )18. Mother used to live in a poor village,____________?
       A. used she        B. usedn’t she C. didn’t he       D. did he
(    )19. You’d better go at once,________?
       A. wouldn’t you         B. had you         C. hadn’t you D. should you
(    )20. I am very interested in Mark Twain’s novels,________?
       A. aren’t I             B. am not I        C. aren’t you D. are you
Keys:1-5 DCBAB 6-10 BBACD 11-15 ADABC 16-20 CABCA 

在反意疑问句中,简略问句的主语和谓语在人称和数方面要和前面的陈述句保持一致,但是,也有不少不一样的特殊情况,大致有25 种情况。
1. Everybody is here, aren't they/isn't he? (指人的不定代词 作主语,简略 问句一般用they, 也可用he)
2. I don't think he is a doctor, is he? (陈述句是转移否定,反意疑问句的主语和谓语必须和从句一致。)
3. Open your books, would you/won't you? (陈述句对第二人称的祈使句,简略问句可用will you? Won't you? Would you? Can you? 或can't you?)
4. Don't forget to write a letter to me, will you?(在否定祈使句中,只用will you?)
5. Let's go to the station shall we?(Let's 包括听话者,所以用shall we?)
6. Let us go for a walk, will you?/won't you?(Let us 不包括听话者,而是向听话者提出建议或要求。)
7. We must study all the subjects well, needn't we?(must在这里不表示"必须",只表示"有必要",所以不重复must, 要用need.)
8. It must be Xiao Wang, isn't it?(must be在这里表示推测,要用be 的适当形式)
9. You must have seen the film "Shaolin Brothers", haven't you?(当must+不定式的完成式表示对过去事情的推测时,用have。)
10. The boys mustn't play with fire, may they?(当must表示"禁止"时,反意问句要用may.)
11. He used to get up early, didn't he/ usedn't he?(当陈述句含有used to 时,简略问句用did,也可重复used.)
12.We usually have breakfast at seven, don't we?(当have不作"有"解而用作行为动词时,简略问句用do 适当形式)
13. You had to do it well, didn't you?(陈述部分的谓语包含have to, has to, had to时,疑问部分要用do 的适当形式。)
14. Nothing can stop us now, can't it?(陈述部分用everything, nothing作主语时,疑问部分主语用it.)
15. I am a three-good student, aren't I?(陈述部分用I am 时,疑问部分用aren't I.)
16. There is something wrong with your TV set, isn't there?(陈述部分为there+be结构,疑问部分用ther,省略主语代词。)
17. I wish to go to the cinema, may I?(当陈述句是主语结构I wish, 用以征求对方意见,简略问句用may I.)
18. Tom has been reading novels, but he didn't read this afternoon, did he?(陈述句是并列句,简略问句的主谓语应和后一个分句一致。)
19. She dislikes smoking, doesn't she?(如果陈述部分里出现表示否定意义的某些词 如never, hardly, few, little,nothing,nobody等,简略问句要用肯定式;但是, 如果谓语是通过加前缀构成的否定词 ,简略问句用否定。)
20. That China is a great socialist country is well known, isn't it?(不定式短语,动名词短语或主语从句作主语,简略问句的主语用it.)
21. This is my pen, isn't it?(陈述部分的主语this ,that,简略问句用it:陈述部分的主语these, those,简略问句的主语用they.)
22.None of it is here, is it?(在"none of…"结构中,如of 后的名词或代词是单数,后面的主语也为单数,这种情况,主要由于of 后的名词或代词为不可数名词)
23. In our class each of the students passed the exam, didn't he/they?(陈述部分如是"each of "结构作主语,若强调个别,简略问句的主语用单数代词;若强调全体,简略问句用复数代词。)
24. We ought to make a greater contribution to the world revolution, shouldn't/oughtn't we?(陈述部分含ought to 时,简略问句要用should,也可重复ought.)
25. The girl daren't go home alone, dare she?(陈述部分的谓语含有dare, need时,看它们是情态动词还是行为动词,分别重复dare, need或 用do 的适当形式。)

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